Thursday, July 9, 2009

Amway - What Are Eagle Parameters?

A frequent site visitor has asked numerous times and has doubted that there is such a thing as "Eagle" parameters. Now I don't know if WWDB still has this program, but I believe they do as I have seen some newbie IBOs mention that they are striving for Eagle. While Eagle may look like a "winner's club" of sorts to IBOs, I believe that the Eagles are basically the big money makers for the lines of sponsorship, which is probably why this program was created. Here are the general details:

Signed Counsel Sheet to Upline Diamond
300 PV personal use/retail for couples, 200 PV personal use/retail for singles
6-5-3 (PB/SO/MF) - Explained below
6 legs at 100 PV or higher
5 legs on standing order
3 legs attending major functions

Amquix info has more information:

This is the Eagle program. Since most IBOs are not able to sponsor a single downline, you can see that Eagle is probably a fairly exclusive club. But if you look at the cost of 300 or 200 PV ($900 or $600), most families wouldbe hard pressed to move that much personal volume. Of course you can sell product, but my upline did not emphasize selling, but more 100% personal use.

In addition to the PV, you have 5 legs on standing order and 3 legs traveling to major functions (I'm from Hawaii). The Eagle program made a lot of money for upline, but not necessarily for the IBO who held the Eagle parameters. It is possible to be an Eagle and not be at 2500 PV. However, a structure like this without the tools would be profitable, IMO.

FYI - IBOS and newbies, do the math and see for yourself.


  1. Yeppers, I heard that. Where I'm from in Canada, Eagle was the same with the exception of 150 points single and 300 points a couple. retail sales where strongly encouraged where I was from which did help people on the team. I can't rememeber what Double eagle or ultimate eagle was, but I do know that BWW had a pamphlet made on the subject.

    This was done in the name of building proper structre. Now in light of all this information, I really have to wonder!!

  2. ha, ha, can anyone spell sucker, ha ha, no really I am laughing that hard.

    Now who in thier right mind is going to allow that for more than 3 months none the less even afford it? If you never stopped you, your bank account eventually would. seriously some of the things I read about Idiots that do this I have to almost think they needed that experience in life to mentally mature from it.
    Unless you were a real good motivator and could get people to do anything thats the only way you would see success. Now there is nothing wrong with it, it is a great plan, It probably works too, but if you cannot perform at that level ( and I dont mean $$) then you are going to sink losing everything in the process.

  3. "Now who in thier right mind is going to allow that for more than 3 months none the less even afford it? If you never stopped you, your bank account eventually would. seriously some of the things I read about Idiots that do this I have to almost think they needed that experience in life to mentally mature from it.
    Unless you were a real good motivator and could get people to do anything thats the only way you would see success. Now there is nothing wrong with it, it is a great plan, It probably works too, but if you cannot perform at that level ( and I dont mean $$) then you are going to sink losing everything in the process."

    And now you see the issue with most AMOs Levi. And how is a brand new IBO suppsed to know this, that this is simply a way to rook them? They have a new opportnity which they know nothing about but are gunned up about it and their only 'lifeline' to success says this is the road to travel, what choice do they have if they want to be successful? You know better because of the choices you made, but the vast majority of IBO's do not, or will not, or will be pressued into it from upline.

    This isn't a case of blaming the people who don't know better, blame the people who do, but manipulate anyway, right?

  4. And now I see? Ha, I have been saying this from the start.
    It is not a way to rook them. They give every new Ibo the opportunity to perform at thier level. there is a cost for this, mental and monetary. A few will get into the network and get it moving without much problem, Some will struggle with it for a bit and then start seeing the success of their efforts, and the majority will be swept away. It is statistical because most uplines teach bringing the opportunity to 100 people and statisticly how many will want what the opportunity brings? most of them will, all with varying levels of ability to perform at the level required to become a diamond. Really IBo's should be taking interviews to determine whether or not a potential IBO has the qualities to perform the task required to reach success. In my plan for success the requirement bar is set very low but also with that there is no rah rah hype and intensity. there is only careful observation to the laws of mathmatics. Duplicating the simplicity of the numbers in order to achieve our results.

  5. Duplication works great on paper. But the duplication theory falls apart when the rubber hits the road.

  6. So Joecool your story is a fake as much as you're a fake. You were never at 4000 PV with a poorly structured downline. That's not possible because you just said it. Duplication works great on paper but it falls apart when the rubber hits the road. SO you were only 100 PV, you couldn't duplicate that to 200 and beyond. 4000 PV? Liar!

  7. I was at 4000 with 12 personally sponsored downline. If you even bothered to read my story, I didn't quit only because of financial reasons. There was much more to my story.

  8. You guys are really funny. this business changed my life and helped me for the better. cant meet a more positive group and people who are there for you. some of the things you've stated are fucked up and you had a shitty upline if they forced you to buy products and cds. thats why people dont like it. and i would have been in the same boat your in but no one is forcing me to buy cds or products, they teach you not to be broke and buy stuff you can't afford but buy the stuff your already buying from wal-mart. soap, Toilet paper, toothpaste. and you make money and dont have to spend hours in wal mart. thats a simple concept and im growing very well and teaching people how to save money, and time. wish you all well in the job world and hope you have fun working untill your 65+ :)

  9. it takes me no more than 20 minutes to shop at walmart because i know exactly what i want and know how to manage my shopping time. and for the record, i plan to work until i take my last breath. nice try!

  10. At the risk of being alienated, I have been doing this for about 4 to 5 months. I understand both sides of the story. The majority of the negative can be attibuted to a bad upline training people the wrong way. My upline, whom I knew months before Amway, helped me buy a custom made engagement and took his time to teach me about diamonds and the jewelry industry in general. He is now my mentor in Amway.
    He has taught me and my 4 downline nothing but financially responsible things. He doesn't force books and tapes on us. He does recommend reading but doesn't say where to get the books and instead leaves it to us. He doesn't want us doing anything in the beginning other than learn and try some products at home (laundry detergent and little things). He has taught me not to spend money but rather redirect things from supermarket and Costco to my Amways b/c the point is to make money and not spend it. He is up front and lays it out that if he helps me make money he makes money but he has never said anything suspicious, and I'm a huge skeptic about everything.
    In 4 months all I did was learn how to use laundry detergent and cleaning products properly, calculate the cost effectiveness myself using measuring cups and math, and if I believed in them then tell people I know.
    Just doing that for 3 months I made a $400 profit. Now that's not much at all but it does show the plan works. It will take time to be successful but the business definitely has a way of rooting out people that can't handle alot of learning, a little work, some research, and learn to have people skills (of which I had none until I started reading about the human mind).
    Take all the reviews, both good and bad, with a grain of salt. Just learn about the products and don't go blindly on pure faith and you may notice the products work better than the store, both in theory and in function.

  11. that's the problem, jose. it should only be about the products. this is supposed to be BUSINESS for crying out loud, not rehab!

  12. Hi Anon,
    Sorry for the late late post. I forgot I posted this. In any event yet it is true some people don't teach product. The only thing I can say is if someone is going to be duped to consuming 100% of the products and teach people to do the same, the new IBO's should really make a judgment call and realize that's not fiscally smart.

    Yes most people don't see that and I for one don't understand why they can't but hey that's just me. Since I know some people may not be able to see this and since I know I can, I do my best to try to help the world and teach them the right way. My parents raised me to help people and to never take advantage of them. I for one will not sell my integrity for a buck.

  13. A business that focuses on product will/can be successful short term, someone will always come out with better product. If you want long term success let systems be your product, sell systems, only then will you have long term results. -E-myth Michael Gerber. Glad I fell in with some system engineers that understand this!
    All successful people understand this. You will never hear a successful person say other wise in any field. Only broke (broke for time and/or money) people disagree.
    Ray Croc did not focus on his hamburgers or french fries, He perfected his system, and sold it!
