Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amway - WWDB Is The Best LOS? Not!

When I was an IBO, I was in WWDB. I remember many questionable things that were said and taught by some of the upline leaders. I heard that Amway saves marriages, that diamonds pay cash for everything, including homes. I heard that NOBODY made a red cent off of the tools systems. Quit your job if you can't get time off for a function. Okay to sink yourself into debt if you are using the money for buying more tools.

Many of the things said and taught by these WWDB leaders were either lies or very unethical in my opinion. Well, as a wise man once said, a house built on sand will not survive the test of time. I have been out of Amway for over ten years and have done much with my life since then. But time has exposed the apparent hypocrisy and falsehoods told by some WWDB leaders.

Diamonds in bankrupcty, diamonds failing to pay their mortgages (homes paid in cash?), diamonds quitting, diamonds divorcing, revisionist history. I believe as more time passes, more hypocrisy will be exposed. Now an Amway apologist might claim that a diamond's divorce or home foreclosure is nobody's business. While that might be true, I do not believe it applies when you stand on stage and/or sell tapes/cds proclaiming that Amway saves marriages, or that you pay off your homes in cash, unlike "broke" people who need mortgages.

Here's a small sampling of links, exposing the utter hypocrisy of these leaders:


  1. I do not know what to say. We are at a loss for words.

    1. yeah no kidding..
      Go Quittters!!!
      by the way Fat guy with nothing good to say, get a life and grow up, who do you think your influencing anyways? your not bringing anyone down, anyone looking for something on this site has already hit bottom. get counsel.

    2. here try this page ..

    3. Hey Shaun, try this one:

    4. That's so interesting considering you mentioned your ex wife...I suppose you know no one at your job, which I venture to guess you are still working at, who has been divorced or had financial difficulties. Also, it's humourous that someone is alright paying for the newest CD on Itunes for $12 that does nothing for them except give them a little something to groove to, or pay $10,000 on tuition in which the case the University (which is a business by the way) takes massive profit, but they grumble and groan about a $2.50 CD that could change their life.
      I stayed in Mr. Quitter and agreed with things I heard and ignored the things I didn't, which is how life works, and I had replaced my $30+/hour job after 2 1/2 years at 22 years old. Mentorship also saved my marriage, and I'm sorry it didn't, or you didn't allow it, to help with yours.

      Do me a favour people who "researched" using this blog.
      Check out Better Business Bureau for World Wide in Spokane. For me, I saw this negative crap on google, and I was not about to judge my success on others failures with World Wide, just as I was not about to go to the gym, see an overweight person eating an iced cream sitting on the machine and go, "my god! the gym doesn't work! Im quitting after one sit up!!!" Really? If that's how you treated your job you'd be fired.

    5. by the way i think its a joke this needs approval

    6. Hi Nikkie,

      I do know some people with financial trouble and with marriage issues. The difference is that some Amway leaders claim that Amway saves marriages and helps finances, which is a lie. By the way, the BBB rates companies on how they manage customer complaints and has nothing to do with Amway as a business or WWDB as a training system.

  2. I was involved in WWDB very briefly in the early 90s', mainly at the insistence of my ex-wife. I quickly quit the organization & consider it one of my best decisions! I'm proud that I followed my gut instinct, stood up to the mind games & high pressure tactics & told 'em to shove it...The liberating feeling was incredible & totally validated my decision flush that turd of an organization...

    To all who are still involved in such an unprofitable business venture, good luck getting "free!"

  3. you all suck ass. Amway and WWDB are the best thing to come around in a while and just because someone said that it saves marriages might just be trying to get you in. it might or might not save it. take a look at Brad Duncan, he is amazing. him and his wife love the heck out of each other and he has more than one home and is not in forclosure. QUIT MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS. YOU ARE JUST QUITERS.

  4. hey smut, how about taking a cold shower and laying off the kool-aid? you're really making an idiot of yourself like all the other scamway sickos. and for the record, I AM PROUD TO BE A QUITTER OF THE CULT THAT IS AMWAY! YES, I SAID IT. SO SUE ME!!!

    1. hilarious, fat guy with the stain on your shirt.. get a life.
      haven't you got anything better to do than lie to people? for all it's worth to anyone reading this 'your gonna find what your looking for' if you want to find bad stuff about anything there are idiots that will "sucker" you into not thinking for a change just like this poor sap. be a quitter, be proud!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ha Ha wow some things work for ppl some things dont wether or not you get into the business there are all kinds of great things Amway & WWDB provide. as a coment to leadership it really depends on who you get into business with there are all kinds of crooks in everything you do, you cant blame Amway or WWDB for not having success solely its your team, mentours our blatnley yourself to blame if you cant make something so simpple work for yourself. Im very sorry to here of your expierience or intake of the business who ever sponserd you obviously didnt understand what they were doing or how to go about things, most ppl rush into it & fail. Rome wasnt built in a day & nither is an empire that YOU create for yourself. You can only truly rely on yourself & listen to others, but you dont have to do or listen to everything anyone says in the end everythin is soley your decission. as to the comments about saving marragis & paying cash for stuff for one, its up to you & your partner if your willing to change & become better people & work together to work out the differences that have become inbetween you... if your not willing to make a cumitment to change what will Change? & how can you expect other ppl to help you if you your self are not making sacrifecis. i no my organization teaches to live within your means not going into debt is the whole goal. im working with 6 couples combiend together they have payed off over 630,000 dollars in debt & are finatially free. It makes me sad hearing stories such as these but if your in a better place than before then all the power to ya... ps dont mind my million of spelling errors :) but if it makes you feel better you can make fun of me =P

  6. i'd still make fun of you even if your spelling was perfect, just 'cause i enjoy taking jabs at you silly kool-aid-drinking ambot schmucks. =P

    GOD i love my life!

    **proud Amway hater**

    1. Hey looser how is going down there at your jawb.

  7. i'm proud to be in AMWAY & WWDB!!! with the system in amway and the mentership in wwdb im debt free financial independent. DO NOT KEEP A JOB IN MY LIFE ANYMORE!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS???
    now i save money live below my means so i can buy my dream car and home. who is a quiter will be a quiter for his rest of his life. TOO BAD FOR YA BUDDY. thats okay 98% of the people in this world are losers and only 2% are winners.

    1. go easy on the guy.. he was probably not raised well. Have pity, you can afford to. see ya on some beach somewhere expensive where he'll never be!! peace!

    2. maybe you'll both drown? =)

    3. You're right it does work for those 2% that are willing to subject themselves to brainwashing and become able to manipulate the system. The problem lies in the consciousness. Are you willing to accept the fallacy of an infinite theory? Knowing full well that I could take advantage of a system at the expense of those beyond my awareness would undermine my self-worth. It's a paradox I am unwilling to partake in.

    4. If I am brainwashed and get to be rich why not look at rappers celebrities they all got involved in there record deals and acting careers but their rich and hey if you quit just means you have no belief or faith some people don't retire in this business for 15 years cus they never gave up but still worth it because u beat the average retirement age so I leave with this you are entitled to your own opinions and will do or say what you want so this whole blog or whatever is a waste of time

    5. Who's retired? Why are all the diamonds still working?

  8. Try to tell that to the bbb and the hundreds of major corporations that stand by amway and wwdb.... Let them know they missed something that u just so happen to have discovered ..... They may need to hire u in place of their top paid attorneys that are trained to look into these things ... Haha fool

    1. The BBB does not stand by Amway and it's against Amway rules to say that.

  9. If you actually did the reading, all the articles come from one web site. They have a one-sided view and I wouldn't trust it, even if I didn't know better. The first article is an advertisement for Eniva--it's not even about Amway/WWDB. They advertise their company to be the "55th fastest growing company in America".. Amway is placed #1 in world-leading sales of vitamins in that class. Yes, there was a lawsuit but there are lawsuits in all successful businesses. If you believe in these articles then you probably don't believe in yourself, and you probably don't talk to your sponsor either. Make fun of success stories if you like--that just shows you don't understand what it takes to be successful. I would suggest you talk to your sponsor (or potential sponsor), because your skepticism may cost you a life you didn't know you can have. They have a magnificent business model, and I see it's working for many people right now. Try telling the 20-year-olds who are retiring this year they are full of crap. They will wonder why you are wasting your time being skeptical instead of doing something else.

  10. The mentorship and friendship I've gained since being a part of this organization saved my life. Money aside, I feel very lucky for that. Don't take my word for it, investigate this for yourself! I don't mean by reading blogs like you're doing now. Go right to the source and get the information you need in order to form a valid opinion. I wish you all the best.

    1. suck it...

      **proud Amway hater**

    2. Lmao! You sound so ignorant, there always seems to be haters where ever you go. In all aspects of life. But really, grow up and please grow your mind.

  11. quite comparing the 90's to the 21st century buddy if i gave you a car from the 90s would you drive it or would you take the car from 2012 amway 20 yrs ago is so far gone in the dust . if you seen the partner stores and products in amway no you would shit yourself and run your head into a wall for ever leaving it . im 26 yrs young and have retired my wife from work and dont have a payment other than gas and power and groceries so ya how does that make ya feel. i must of missed something in this business were does it suck again? and compared to what does it suck ?

    1. suck? how about....THIS? *finger*


      **proud Amway hater**

    2. World Wide has saved my marriage because of the great people I'm on business with who have 40+ years of marriage and believe in something greater then themselves.. Proof is in the pudding not losers who have nothing better to do because they have lost the game of life.

    3. Is worldwide there to teach you to succeed in Amway or is it a marriage counseling business?

  12. although their are people in WWDB that havent gotten divorced and have had trouble with house payments you have to remember they are just people and are not owned and controled by the business. the reason they have those problems is manly because the did talk about the decisions with their upline

  13. You know what is funny, you have all these people that bash amway and WWDB and what they say and try to teach, but you have to realize, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. If you won the lottery I can guarantee you would blow it all and be right back where you started. Why? Because you don't think long term! No human does! They see "I have money now, time to spend!" There are tons of successful people in the business, not even saying the diamonds at all, lower level people are making a comfortable living doing this and all they do is teach other people to do the same. So all I can say to you "Amway haters" out there is, suck it up, you don't like this business plan, you don't like what they want to teach (btw I have NEVER heard, cant go to a function? quit your job!) then it's not for you, stop whining and complaining and putting down a good thing simply because YOU COULDN'T HANDLE IT!

    1. both of you can go fuck yourselves. :)

      **proud Amway hater**

  14. Amway Scamway!!
    Your all BRAINWASHED!!!

    1. Really so how is down at your jawb?

  15. I am part of worldwide dream builders and i have not heard any of these negative comments such as quit your job or any of that crap. what i have heard is lots of encouragement and yes my upline and as busy as they are take time out to personally speak to me someone they just met. I'm not encouraged to leave my child with a sitter or spend money i dont have. a lot of my training has been if you cant do it for free or minimum cost then dont do it ( as far as generating sales or leads) our mentors/upline are incredible people who really care, they are full of life and wisdom and in a crowd you cant tell them apart from the low income or middle income. Overall this is not a get rich scheme, it takes money to make money in everything and dont forget TIME AND ENERGY.

  16. Anon, you are probably new. Once you have downline and start to actually build a business, you will begin to hear different things and your mentors will expect more out of you, including buying more and more tools.

    1. you never went past 4000pv man, and only eagle?? why don't you just drive halfway to work and see where that gets ya?

    2. Why would I keep on when I wasn't making a profit at 4000 and had eagle parameters. Would you keep driving to work if you didn't get paid?

    3. If you had a 4000 business with eagle parameters and weren't profitable that means your downline was most (or all) of your pv and that you weren't putting in the effort. Sorry it didn't work for you but it sounds like you didnt work for it.

    4. Fuck you. You weren't in my shoes.

  17. joe and amway hater, i salute you. keep up the fight!

  18. i dont know how you never made profit off of 4000pv when i made a profit off of 38 pv lol you haters are funny lol and kinda stupid but thats why were have a process to go through to weed out the stupid

    1. sorry but the stupid one here is you. oops, nevermind, NOT sorry i said that. later tater, looks like i'm due back on planet earth!

  19. "Heller, Ma name is feller, and A'm an Amaholic"

  20. I like the analogy of mentorship group being the same as those in AA. Its just a group of people that have the same mindset that you can go to and get the drive to continue what you believe is going to benefit you. But not everyone has the same beliefs and you should only take in what helps you.

  21. This is hilarious. Keep being successful dream builders. Notice how the people hating on this program can't even afford a domain name. Geocities and blogspot is good publicity guys keep it up.
