Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Amway - Amway's Caped Crusaders!

I have been blogging for a number of years now and over the years, I have encountered a number of Amway defenders. One of them resorted to sending me a threatening email, and some of them have been trying to find my identity, I suppose as a way of harrassing me. What I have found in nearly every case is that the "fired up" IBO will criticize for a while,, and then completely disappear. I presume that the luster of the Amway business fades and more than likely these folks end up quitting, and thus quit blogging.

But as I stated elsewhere, other big companies such as WalMart has critics. But Amway is the only business I know of where their salesforce independently defend the company by attacking and criticizing their critics. What's even more astounding to me is that many if not most of these "caped crusaders" don't even earn a net profit from Amway, yet they fiercely defend their beloved opportunity.

I have yet to see an IBO Amway defender be able to describe or reasonably explain, how they have earned a net profit from the business. I know that some people make a nice living from the Amway opportunity, but that is the exception, not the rule. I would guess that most IBOs, even dedicated ones end up with a net loss if they are fully subscribed to the teaching system of cds, books, voicemail and functions.

Lastly, many of these IBOs have misguided criticism. If you carefully read through Joecool's blog, you will notice that most of my articles do not focus on Amway the corporation, but the AMOs, or the companies that promote and sell the tools to the IBOs. I believe the upline diamond leaders are in a position of conflict of interest in selling these tools, and basically screw over their downline in some cases, especially when the advocate for IBOs to have their families skip meals so buy more cds, or to dekay paying bills or the mortgage to attend a function, or to qui a job to attend a seminar.

It is these abuses, which apparently still go on today, which is what I am against. And while these abuses continue, so does Joecool.


  1. I love your concurrent alias. Just as effective! So is the technique, par excellence! You say that you personally know of people who make a nice living from the Amway aopportunity. Parallel to this statement, you state that "It's pretty easy to see that the business does not work, even for most of those who actually work it" as per your Amway Works? rhetorical question in The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity blog which also belongs to you, incidentally under your current alias! My question to you is; can truth prevail by self contradiction and if not what is truth?

  2. Lucifer from Canada, you are not fooling anyone. Why don't you prove that you are making a profit or are you just a kool aid drinking defender or Amway?

  3. LOL LOL


  4. I am not from Canada. Canada is one of my destinations.
    Why should I prove an unbeliever to be living in faith when he denies himself as such that would be absurd?

  5. You're from Canada and your internet provider is Rogers Cable.

  6. Canada is one of my destinations. Apparently, mortal man is in such state of misery and hopelessness that he has a hard time to understand even a simple and true statement. Ephesians 2:1

  7. I am willing to share with you because you are empty and thristy.

  8. Anonymous cowards should not call anyone empty and thirsty.

  9. The Son of God did call man empty and thirsty. Do you not thirst after truth?

  10. Yes, the truth is that nearly all IBOs lose money and the losses can be staggering if they are on the system.

  11. What about the minority, Steve?

  12. Who is Steve? So what is a small handful of IBOs make a lot of money. They do it at the expense of their downline. Diamonds have fancy cars because some IBO sacrifices his family's needs to buy tools. How is that a good thing?

  13. Steve is he who asked of himself. How do you measure success, Steve?

  14. Has destiny measured you instead?

  15. Anonymous from Canada, if you have nothing to contribute, I will start disallowing your comments on this blog.

  16. Why, I have the whole world on my side. All these years did contribute to what we have today. If you are indeed an appointed son of God, how many souls did you save from eternal damnation instead of destroying people's hopes and dreams?

  17. Yes, you have the world. The world rejected Jesus.

    And sorry but my blog is not about religion.

  18. What is God's view on those who promote false dreams, hopes and aspirations in order to profit?

    Nothing worse than a religious fanatic who knows nothing of religion other than a few Bible quotes. The real key is in properly understanding and interpreting those verses...but alas, the fanatic will never see.

  19. Gina, you seem like a sharp person. Great spirit of observation. Let us ask you this question; have you been in person with these specific people that you mention? Not some general people who fit being false preachers.

  20. Lew,

    As far as destroying people's hopes and dreams, Bernie Madoff has nothing on many diamonds who profited through deception.

    Most people lose money at Amway.

    What is your level, and how long you been in?

  21. Does your personal experience justify enough the absoluteness of the cause?

  22. Yes Lucifer, I have had the great misfortune of being in the presence of a couple who promoted false hopes and dreams disguised as a religious couple doing God's work. They rent luxury cars and tell people that they purchased them with cash they made with Amway. They rent their home, yet tell people they purchased it in cash they made in Amway. They claim they have zero debt yet carry large credit card balances. And worse of all they have convinced a young couple with a little boy and another on the way that they should continue to spend every cent they make because one day they could be as successful as they are...sickening.

  23. Perhaps they are. Perhaps we are too quick to misjudge unless we find ourselves in the same shoes.

  24. Lucifer, you should learn what the statements you write actually mean. How can one possibly misjudge people who lie to make themselves seem successful? And how could one possibly understand if they suddenly find themselves in the same shoes? You make no sense. People don't generally come to an understanding of liars unless there is some kind of serious mental issues at play....seems as though you are saying that it is OK to lie to people about your success if you are struggling and if it may help your business. I would hope not....very dishonest for someone who is supposedly religious.

  25. Gina, these kinds of folks are called prosperity preachers. Seems that many - a - diamond does this.
