Thursday, March 4, 2010

Amway - Critics vs. Defenders

Ever since the "tools scam" in Amway was exposed by the internet and further confirmed by Dateline and previously by 60 Minutes in expose's, there has been a sort of "internet war" between Amway critics and defenders. The defender's mantra is almost always "we don't do that", which I find ironic, because often, these same defenders admit they are from the more abusive of the lines of sponsorship. While I admit there may be some "rogue" IBOs who focus on selling product, they are the rare exception and not the rule. Most IBOs belong to an LOS who sells tools such as cds, voicemail, seminars/function and other support materials. In the past, uplines lied and denied that they made any tools profits. Now that the lie has been exposed, the IBOs seemingly have just forgotten about this and gave upline a free pass while uplines continue to display a lack of transparency about the tools business.

I will also acknowledge that Amway may have tried to make some changes to clean up some of the abuse, but at the same time, many of the changes appear to be cosmetic and meaningful changes are not apparent. Take accreditation for example, what did it truly accomplish? Not much in my opinion.

The most hard core defenders of Amway act like internet trolls at times, setting up alerts and dropping uninvited into conversations whenever the word Amway comes up. The weaker defenders of Amway will drop into a conversation and will disappear in a flash once they get schooled by the facts. One good example was someone denying that diamonds spoke about buying homes in cash. When other commentators confirmed hearing this claim, the AMway defender tucked tail and ran. The more elusive defenders of Amway will try to get a critic to defend an extreme postion, or will try to say that critics paint too broad of a picture. For example, when you say upline, why refer to all upline. A valid point, but when making a defense, these same defenders will paint all of the upline as "rosy" by saying things like "we" don't do that, implying that not a single person in the LOS does that, which is almost always false.

But the most important thing that information seekers should note is that Amway defenders have something to gain by defending Amway. Amway defenders may have something to gain and may even lie and cheat to make Amway look good. Some diamonds in the past even made ridiculous claims just to sell their "perfect" water product. Amway critics have nothing to gain. Some of us do this only because there are many injustices placed upon the masses of downline, and not only did the upline get away with past offenses, many of them continue their practice of bilking their downline for personal benefits.

Those are the differences between Amway critics and defenders.


  1. Look dude, how many times do I have to come here and tell you to quit bashing on Amway?
    You failed so just admit your a failure. People don't succeed because they quit. Then then get bitter over the failure and start blogs to justify there failure so they feel better. Why don't you go play on the freeway and do us all a favor?

  2. Joe, you're providing a good service with your blog. I hope your readers pay attention to how damaging it is to be associated with Amway, and some dangerous AMO's, and get out before too much financial and emotional damage is inflicted upon them.

    Anonymous, if you've got something to say, be proud of who you are and what you do, state your position rationally, and be prepared to back it up with true facts so we can get the other side of the story. Why don't you go our and show some plans instead of hanging out at blogs that cause you so much distress? What would your upline Platinum have to say about all the energy you expend on a negative?

  3. If you read the 'about me' section of the blog you will see that Joe has essentially admitted that he 'failed'. He failed to earn a profit while running what most people in Amway would consider a thriving organization. That fact that he achieved that level shows that he put significant effort into his businees. The fact that he was not making money shows a flaw in the system. So, you can stop asking him to admit failure because he has already done that. I am interested in learning if any of the IBOs who started their businesses during the Quixtar days have achieved the wealth advertised in the plan and by existing diamonds. My perception is that there have not been a lot of new millionaires created in the last 10 years, if any. Maybe I am wrong. It has been a long since we participated but have some hard working friends who have not achieved the passive income they desire despite tireless work over the past 8 years.

  4. Ann, thanks for the comments. @nd anonymous, I did work very hard. I was out practically every single nite doing some kind of business activity. I drove the miles, I did the core steps. I kept my end of the bargain. But the business did not bring in the kind of income that upline advertised. I kept my end of the bargain and the business did not.

    So why is quitting a bad thing? I see it as a wise business decision. If you spent a million dollars to open a McDonald's franchise, and you did everything right but you lost money. Not only would you quit, you would probably sue the McDonalds corporation for your losses.

  5. Joecool aka Stephen Nakamura, why do you keep on writing the same BULLSHIT articles for YEARS that revolve around negativity and failure? How long will go on like this, another 50 years of your miserable life? Seriously, you should seek counseling and admit yourself to a mental institution.

  6. Who is Stephen Nakamura? How can I keep writing the same articles for years? Can you see that my blog was started in 2009?

    Maybe IBOs should check themselves into mental institutions, you know what they say, insanity is doing the same old shit but expecting different results.

  7. I like Joecool's articles.

    IBO's are still getting brainwashed in the year 2010 just as though it was 1995. Lots of proof of this all over the internet.

    You're the same as a 1995 IBO anon, because you don't make any money at Amway, you just talk big.

  8. Funny Joecool how 2006 doesn't ring you a bell. Does this now?

    My previous host did not upkeep maintenance on their blog section so I created a new one...

    That's exactly why. You are running bogus blogs and this one isn't any different than your old

    not to mention that back then you were known as Joecool18. Yes, the same BULLSHIT articles from the same BULLSHIT man. Happy now? Your mama must be very proud!

  9. Yes, I can see that your blog was started in 2009, because 2009 - 2006 = 3/3 = 1, so it was just one year therefore how can I, oh mighty Joe, imply that you, the incumbent, has been writing the same articles for years (3) since in the end, the math still works to 1 when you divide an integer by itself!!! WOW!

  10. Wow, are you jealous about me running a blog? Why don't you go start your own?

  11. Again, joecool is doing the right thing - to prevent people like you from victimizing more unfortunate people in the world! As joecool said, why don't you just go out to recruit instead of reading his blogs that bother you so much?

  12. Actually, what Joecool did was to help exponentially fuel my victimization rampage. Thank you Joecool, God bless you!

  13. and you've just fueled my rampage against YOU, scamway sicko!
