Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Amway - 100 PV, An Artificial Defacto Quota?

Most LOS groups that I know of, use 100 PV as the benchmark when promoting the Amway business. Many groups also teach that you simply "change" your shopping habits and you can easily reach 100 PV. This teaching creates an artificial demand for Amway products and I believe that Amway sales would take a huge dip if not for this teaching. I also am of the opinion that for this reason, Amway had/has done little to reign in LOS abuses of downline.

100 PV is roughly equal to about $270 to $300 worth of products. Of course your cost may vary, depending on whether you purchase a lot of CORE Amway products such as laundry detergent, and nutrilte vitamins. For many people, the 100 PV benchmark is seen as the minimum for a business building IBO. The problem for many is that Amway products are no competitively priced, thus it is a hard sell. If I can buy the same or a similar product elsewhere for a fraction of the price, I will. And most consumers feel the same way.

It is why some LOS groups adopted the "buy from yourself and get others to do the same" philosophy. Since most people do not like selling, and because of the high prices of Amway products, simply telling prospects to buy from yourself made the concept palatable. The problem with buy from yourself is that it reaches the borders of being illegal, in my opinion. That is because in a buy from youself environment, the only way for an IBO to make a profit, is to recruit downline to benefit from the volume rebates. That is because there is no outside customers to bring in cash from outside the circle of IBOs.

What makes this issue even worse is when you have LOS groups such as WWDB creating an even greater problem with programs such as eagle. If 100 PV is an inflated demand for Amway products, incentive programs such as eagle make it worse. How can a single person reasonably be expected to move 200 to 300 PV when most of it is personal consumption? The upline leaders use these programs as an incentive for downline IBOs, but in turn, they benefit financially by having more downline volume, as well as potentially enhanced tools sales by dedicated downline IBOs.

I challenge any IBO or prospect to take a close look at your Amway purchases. Are you truly just changing your shopping habits and achieving 100 PV or are you buying things to give away, or buying things that accumulate somewhere? Unless IBOs are selling half of their purchases, they are probably overbuying Amway products. I believe it is simply because of upline teaching which creates a defacto 100 PV quota and an artificial demand for Amway products. I challenge you to examine this closely and make your own conclusions.


  1. I use appx. 150-200 pv products monthly..not being stored anywhere..just being used during living.. of that I get a 3-6% bonus..why is that so hard to understand?

    1. So you spend $450 to $600 on household goods a month? Really? You could probably get the same or similar stuff from Walmart for half the price.

    2. Were you ever really in the business yourself or are you just saying this stuff

    3. I use about 200pv on myself every month. Yes im pretty sure i can buy the same kind of products for a little bit cheaper at walmart, but your not seing the point. Im at the 25% level so i get 25% back on my purchases at the end of the month. So if i spent $600 i get about 150 back so its as though i spent only 450. Please doing this consistantly and teaching others to do the same with make me wealthy.... So i think paying a little more at first and not going to walmart is well worth it.

    4. Don't worry... anyone who doesn't see the point here must be living life better and saving sooooo much money shopping at Walmart.

    5. Hey if I don't use my Amway debit card for anything at all, will they start to charge it a fee, or if I don't get 100 PV points every month will they charge me?

    6. You'll have to look at the terms and conditions of the credit card.

  2. people need to be educated to understang quality over quantity

  3. I just do not understand how you can justify $600 spent to earn a $150 bonus check thus minumizing $450 spent every single month on toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, hair conditioner, dish soap, laundry soap, and fruit and veggies 2Go (in a plastic tube). BS !!! oh yea you'll probably retort about the few other products they offer in the vitamin and diet areana. 450 * 12 months = $5,400. Thats alot of bull and no food include in you household buget. No way baby.

  4. YES. After some budgeting, I learned that I was pi**ing money away on little stupid stuff here and there. Candy bar at the store. Soda pop from a vending machine. Lattes from Starbucks. $50-100 bucks in makeup from Walgreens a month, just impulse stuff. After having my sponsor help me rebudget, I actually started spending less and limited myself to 100-150 PV per month. Not to mention that the quality of products ended up better. Instead of buying fancy salon hair products, I saved half and bought it from Amway. Instead of $4-6 at Starbucks every day,I made my own Americanos at home every morning with $44 every 3 months versus $250 at Starbucks. Instead of candy bars, I ordered the Nutrilite Sports bars and started watching what I was eating. Instead of rice-a-roni from the grocery store, I ordered the prepackaged brown rice from Amway store. Instead of $2 sodas from vending machine, I bought the Blue Sky sguar free sodas from Amway. Instead of cheap makeup from Walgreens that made me break out, I bought the mineral makeup from Artistry. OVerall, I saved well over $500 a month shopping for myself thru my Amway portal and thus curbed my impulse shopping habit. Also, ever since I started Double X, I don't have allergies any more. I used to lose my voice to laryngitis 2-3 times a year. Haven't lost it since I started ordering Amway products. Just saying, if you have half a brain, you'd figure out how to make it work... then get a mere 6 people on your team doing the same, and your order is pretty much free.

    And just because it doesn't work for YOU... doesn't mean it won't work for anyone else. Not everyone thinks Marilyn Monroe was sexy... doesn't mean she is not.

    1. she's DEAD, you peabrain!

    2. hahaha someone got a little upset

    3. it's funny to see how ya'll rather complain about spending approx. $600 to get back something and not complain about spending even $50 in Walmart honestly to get back grounded rice and sand as your daily vitamins or to get back food that is injected with multiple chemicals or basically the placebo effect on life.... lol it's amazing... i honestly would rather "change my buying habits" to one that is cleaner and greener than slowly but surely poisoning myself with those mainstream crappy products from WalMart and krogers and whatever other grocery store... but hey not everyone is SMART enough to see the benefit of spending $600 and getting back $150 instead they're closed minded and that's the type of people we make customers... it's simple you can either go to work and go shop and put your time and money into someone elses life or you get on board with this opportunity and put time and money into yourself! ;)

  5. You spend $600 on Amway, you don't get back $150 unless you're at 25%. More likely you'll get back $20. And your $600 in Amway will get you about $200 worth of products. In WalMart, your $600 gets you $600 worth of products.

  6. The amount you get back depends on the amount of education you receive. You can be a wealthy 25% and make $3,000 back on that $600 investment you make buying Amway products or you can be a regular 25% only making $150 on that $600 investment. Depends on the organization and your practice of the business.

    1. The amount of education makes no difference. What you need is downline to exploit so you can move more volume.

    2. Joecool...thanks for the opportunity you gave those guys to explain me the business!! I got it! Amazing deal!!

  7. Comparing shopping at Walmart to shopping for yourself through Amway (with the potential to make a business out of it that can replace your income at your job) is like comparing taking a course in knitting for the fun of it versus going to college to get a degree in Medicine so you can become a doctor for a living. I bet if Costco decided to go MLM where you make a kickback from all the shopping your referrals did, you'd hop on that like flies on fresh poop.

    Those of you that are indulging in this mindset... please do not go into business for yourself. Stay average and broke. And keep shopping at Walmart and help the Waltons buy another jet.

  8. Comparing Amway to WalMart is silly because Amway has no chance. WalMart shooters who use cash back credit cards make more money than most Amway IBOs who build a business.

  9. Joe, notice what a typical Amway jerk Anonymous at 1:04 PM is. He believes that if you aren't in Amway, you are "average and broke."

    This is quintessential Amway-Speak. Anyone who isn't ordering overpriced crap from the Amway portal must be a loser.
