Friday, October 1, 2010

Amway - Amway Zealot Making Idle Threats?

Over the last year or so, there's someone, possibly an IBO (but I'm not sure) who has been occasionally leaving idle threats on Joecool's blog. He claims to know my true identity outside of my Joecool Persona and also mistakenly thinks I am also the person who goes by the handle of "Tex" and he is again sorely mistaken. Tex is a known liar and has made numerous racist statements on other blogs. Also, Joecool is from Hawaii and not from Plano Texas.

This anonymous claims to have additional information about me that he is sending to Amway and some other authorities. Here's what the anonymous coward from Canada posted a few months back. I have been documenting these "idle threats" in case the anonymous coward tries to make good on any of these idle threats. Here's the post:

Anonymous said...
"Just go and hang yourself or shoot a bullet through your empty skull. You speak like someone who quit and is bitter in life. Your posts are misleading and you want to do nothing less than kill people's dreams and hopes for a better life. You're an irresponsible man in all of your life dealings and quick at throwing the dead cat from your garden to your neighboor's. Oh, it's not me, it's you, it's him, it's them whatever. Lack of discipline and not accepting responsibility. That's why you didn't make it in Amway and for that matter in any other past or future businesses."

Anonymous said...
"How about I punch you in the face to make you stop"

There are more statements like this one but I will not publish all of them. I have reason to believe that this may be the same anonymous person who left me a threat just about two years ago. IBOFightback aka David Steadson lied when he claimed that I said Amway IBOs threatened me. I clearly said a "zealot". I never once said an IBO or anyone affiliated with Amway sent me anything threatening. IBOFightback also thinks I lied about the threats previously because he wasn't forwarded copies of what was said. IBOFightback also lied about completing an investigation that revealed all of the truth because he never contacted me about all of this. His investigation apprently consisted of reading comments on his own forum/blog. I wasn't previously able to verify the person's ID as I had just installed a site tracker and was not adept at identifying an IP address to the post. Well, this is it:

Rogers Cable ( IP address
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada


  1. ooooh this is gettin' GOOOOD!

  2. Report him to They'll shut him down.

    Contact the Scarborough Police Department and file charges. They'll track him through the IP.

    Do a search for local media and send an email to the newspaper and TV station. Some reporter will flush him out and have an interesting story. I'm sure the public will be interested in hearing what its like to be threatened by an Amway IBO and this is what they can look forward to if they're approached by an Amway zealot and have opposing views. Should be a hot topic at Amway meetings in Scarborough once it hits the media.

  3. I don't know if anonymous is an IBO or if he is just a foolish troll making trouble.

  4. I reported anon from Canada to the Rogers Cable company. Maybe he is scared shitless now so he's not posting anything on this blog. Of course if he's now shitless, that means he was full of shit before.

  5. I'm glad that you have reported me. This blog has been taken to an unacceptable level of misinformation with premeditated intent to cause damage. That is why this blog and its owner have been reported to Amway and the law enforcement agencies and are to go down. Don't expect Amway to knock at your door tomorrow, expect that to happen anytime. Keep up the good work and with the awesome vocabulary that you people are so proud of!

  6. Ah, the rat poked his head out of the hole again. What misinformation do you speak of? You have yet to point out any misinformation. Amway monitors this blog daily. I'm sure I would have been asked to remove any clear misinformation. I didn't know that posting opinions is against the law. Secondly, nobody forces you to read my blog. I guess I'm such a good author that you cannot help yourself. LOL

    Better than making fake threats, why not fly to Hawaii? We can have a wrestling match. I would challenge you to a game of wits but you'd be unarmed. LOL

  7. Anonymous from Canada. Awesome vocabulary!
    How long did it take you to put that sentence together?
    "unacceptable level of misinformation with premeditated intent to cause damage."
    I would like to know exactly what misinformation you are referring to? Are you really an IBO? If you are, why not debate what you are calling misinformation using facts rather then just throwing idle threats around?
    *** Former Canadian WWDB Lemming***

  8. Anon from Canada sure is spending a lot of time looking at this blog. Hey Anonymous from Canada, why are you doing that? I'm not forcing you to read my articles. :-)

  9. Anon from Canada is at home crapping in his pants. I think the Canadian authorities are hunting him down for making threats.

  10. Hey Anon from Canada, it's October 15, 2010. Your law enforcement must work really slowly huh?
