Friday, October 4, 2013

The "Fruit" On Your Upline's Tree?

I had a good chuckle recently when some Amway apologists spoke about looking at the "fruit on the tree". One commentator said his parents were broke and he looked to his diamond since the diamond apparently had fruit on the tree. I thought about this concept and I agree, that perhaps we should look at fruit on the tree.

IBOs and Amway prospects, please ask your upline platinum or diamond to show you the fruit on their tree. Ask them to see their (business) financial statements. Or ask to see their 1099 form from Amway to verify their Amway earnings. This is not a personal question, but a standard business question. This is actually a common practice in real business. When a friend of mine sold his business a few years back, he made three year's worth of income tax returns to show prospective buyers. He showed his personal and business taxes.

As far as I know, not one single bigger pin has ever shown their business financials. In fact, if it made certain bigger pins look good, why wouldn't they want to "show their fruit". They certainly don't mind showing off diamond rings, fancy clothes, sports cars and the like. What many IBOs don't understand is that fancy cars and other toys is no evidence of fruit on the tree.

It has been discussed that some diamonds may rent cars or fancy homes and try to imply that they own these items. Some diamonds, possibly many diamonds in the past have lied or embellished the truth about paying for everything in cash, including their homes and cars. They also at times, have given the audience the impression that these luxuries are all purchased with Amway income, and we know that many diamonds have probably had supplemental income from the systems, or other business ventures outside of Amway.

We also know that some diamonds are in debt, but simply try to portray an excessive lifestyle. (See Ruth Carter's Book: Amway Motivational Organizations, Behind the Smoke and Mirrors). Some diamonds may have a substantial income, but it doesn't mean they are financially free and able to live a jetset lifestyle that many portray. It is an illusion, possibly to be able to attract new prospects into the business.

So yes, let us actually see the fruit on the tree. Is there any fruit?


  1. I think there are only a handfull of people making money from amway. Thats why you dont see any financials. Or more important nobody ever retires , not even the big pins. Now you also need to remember the few peeople making money have groups of thousands of people and those making big money have hundreds of thousands in their group.

  2. Yes, nobody ever seems to "retire", not even the biggest pins. Recently, even two crown ambassadors died, not having "walked away" from the Amway business.

  3. I see on another site a number of wwdb diamonds putting their homes for sale. Does this indicate this group is dwindling. Also i see only one new diamond in that group since 8 years.

  4. Yes, it seems WWDB has little or no fruit these days. I wonder if they still use that line about fruit on the tree?

  5. Why won't a diamond show you their income statements? As you've stated, not all diamonds make big bucks. I propose another reason. It's possible that a significant portion of their income is cash under the table and won't be on their income statement (you know, the envelope stuffed full of cash after speaking at a rally). I'd guess that even the successful diamonds manage to show a modest income on their income statements.

  6. Good for you guys.. Stay broke that's what you are good at. Work hard in any business and success comes along the way. You first need to believe in yourself if you are capable enough to see a bigger picture.. Don't worry about who made what. You get a golden opportunity to earn a business under $200 and have an option to build it big and stupid guys like you who don't have the courage to face the world and prove that you can do something better for yourself and your family, you take privilege in hiding behind in your living rooms and write blogs.. For God's sake stop this BS and let people with vision and mission go forward and do what they could do. many people get discouraged and they believe what you looser say is true and drop their dreams and continue to die slowly in their cubicles for the next 40 years.. Why should anyone show you their financial statements.. Do you show your personal stuff to others? if someone offers to help you, teach you, coach you and walk with you thru ups and downs and help you to become successful, what is wrong in that? You did not have the courage to stay long enough to see the results.. All i could call you is Loosers, quitters.. You believe in lottery tickets and want to win millions of dollars one day without doing any hard work.. SHAME ON YOU ALL..

    1. And if you believe your upline, then you believe liars and scammers.
