Saturday, November 16, 2024

Dream Night?

One of the things that uplines commonly talk about is fulfilling your wildest dreams. They want to show IBOs and prospects "what is possible", or best-case scenario and not what is likely.  But what is possible is like showing off the winners of lotteries because the reality of the Amway business is many will lose so a few can win. A simple analysis of the 6-4-2 plan or whatever version your group uses will reveal that the lower layers of IBOs are losing money, and they lose more if they are subscribing to various tools such as voicemail, standing order, and attending functions and meetings. This is inevitable and a reality of the Amway business.

So, whose dreams are fulfilled? Based on projected income from Amway bonuses and income from selling the tools, I would have to say that only the dreams of your upline get fulfilled by your hardcore dedication to the tools system. Even someone at 1000 to 2500 PV will be losing money if they are hardcore sold out to the system. Of course, some of this might depend on where you live and how far you must travel to attend functions. But in general, many IBOs are being advised to "reinvest" any of their bonuses into tools and functions. Ironically, reinvesting into the tools is why these IBOs end up with a net loss. And of course, reinvesting your profits only benefits your upline and not yourself.

Another sad chain of events is that upline will ask for your trust. That they have your best interest at heart and want your trust. Do as they advise, and you are assured of success. Then if you do everything you are told, your upline will blame you for failure or teach you to blame yourself for a lack of effort or not doing "exactly" what they told you.  It's called plausible deniability.  Uplines as far as I know have never been accountable for advice that they pass downline. But they are quick to take credit for the limited success that is grinded out of the system. It is puzzling to see shameless apologists continue to defend and promote an opportunity where the vast majority end up with a net loss. In some cases where downline have sold out to the system, the losses can mount into tens of thousands of dollars or more over a short period of time.

Starting this month and into next month, there will be a WWDB function called Dream Night. A function where you might see slide shows of mansions, yachts, sports cars, exclusive vacations and other trappings of wealth. The diamonds may say do as we say, and you can have what we have. What goes unnoticed in all this is that the diamonds may not in fact own or have some or all of the goodies shown in the slide shows. They might not have the kind of income you think. Some may have financial difficulties, but one thing seems clear to me. That downline's dedication and tool purchases help the upline diamonds to fulfill their own dreams, but not yours.   Dream night is just a show to pimp their tools and functions systems, which fulfills upline's dreams, but not that of the rank and file hard working IBOs.

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