I was up watching a rerun of the original version of the movie "Die Hard" starring Bruce Willis. The story is about some foreign terrorists who take over a building on Christmas eve. They hold hostages and make demands as if they were involved in some political scheme or perhaps playing martyrs. They had made various demands such as the release of certain terrorists as a condition for releasing the hostages. During the process, John McClain (Bruce Willis) discovers that these alleged terrorists were simply thieves trying to steal hundreds of millions of dollars. It sort of inspired me to come up with this new blog post.
The diamonds, in my opinion, put on these elaborate functions and flashy displays of wealth as a way to recruit and retain IBOs. They love the adulation and the love coming from the downline. They faithful downline treat the diamonds as deities, and they believe everything the diamond says because they truly want to believe it. That you can build a financial empire working in your spare time at your own pace. People at functions tear up because they want the alleged financial freedom. They want to quit their jobs while barrels of money flows in. This is the flashy side of the business that they use to pitch their wares upon unsuspecting prospects and downline.
But in the end, it seems as though as the movie, the diamonds are just common thieves. Like conmen, their faithful downline believes what they upline says. They refer to them commonly as mentors, and leaders who only want their success. But what is the reality? The reality is that the advice given is typically self-serving. Are you struggling to build your Amway business? Buy more cds/audios and attend more functions. So, the solution for a failing business is to spend even more resources on non-income producing materials? How does that solve the problem for the IBO? How does that make things better? It is a fact that uplines profit handsomely from the sale of tools and functions because these materials have a higher profit margin that Amway products, and they keep all the profits. There is no kickback to the rank-and-file IBOs.
I have read accounts and had personal discussion with former higher up pins where the diamonds do not care about the downline. The IBOs are expendable as far as they are concerned. They are simply the source of their revenue. Of course, they are happy to toss up and coming IBOs crumbs in order to keep them motivated. They only care about selling more and more tools, because there is a great likelihood that the "diamond" lifestyle is primarily from the sale of tools and functions and not necessarily income from Amway. Part of the reason for this is because there might be diamonds who once achieve diamond but are no longer qualified as a diamond. However, once someone achieves the diamond level, they continue to hold the pin and may continue to make an income from tools and functions even if they might actually be a low-level IBO carrying high ranking pin. Once a diamond, always a diamond, I guess. Thus, all the glitz and glamor is just a show that rank and file IBOs pay for, even though it does little to nothing for their Amway businesses. Just another non income producing activity, which is what upline sells a lot of.
In the end, the diamonds, if you see through the facade, are basically just conmen. Or if you will, are just common thieves, in my opinion. If you look at the results from the masses or downline, the results are so poor that any success can be compared to that of winning a lottery. A few winners, who win on the backs of masses of losers. Happy New Year!
Amway Diamonds are certainly thieves, in the sense that they take money under false pretenses from unsuspecting victims. Just as a pickpocket will lift your wallet without you knowing it, so also will an Amway Diamond steal money from down-line IBOs by lying to him about the actual chances of getting rich in the Amway racket.
ReplyDeleteIf you're stupid enough to think that attending an idiotic "function" will improve your chances of selling Amway products to the general public, or that listening to a lot of hyped-up CDs every day will help you to develop a down-line, then you are a perfect victim for thievery by Diamonds or other big pins.