Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bring It On!

My good friend, aka Anonymous from Scarborough Canada has resurfaced. He is still vilifying jobs and singing the praises of Amway. Ahd he's certainly welcome to his (misguided) opinion. This particular anon has been visiting Joecool's blog for more than 3 years now. That is more than enough time to have made something out of an Amway business. So anon from Canada, why don't you once and for all prove it? Your idle threats and false income claims haven't shut down Joecool's blog.

In fact, the IBOs and Amway defenders who exaggerate income claims do more damage to Amway's reputation than any critic. Many critics are generally sharing their experience, which often includes talking about the wacko things their former upline did. What I find absolutely comical is when an Amway defender will say that a critic's experience is old, or that their LOS doesn't do that. Then bingo, like clockwork you often find some IBO on a forum talking about the very thing that was denied. For example, a creepy Amway defender, Bridgett Baron swears that her beloved WWDB is reformed and that they are different now than from a dozen years ago. Then I stumble onto a WWDB IBO blog who sees the Duncans at functions and he (the IBO) talks about buying a home in cash and that WWDBers have a 2% divorce rate compared to 60% for the rest of the world. It never fails.

So IBOs, I say bring it on. But if you bring claims, I challenge you to back them up. Where is the money you claim is there? Where are these individuals who are no longer involved with Amway but continue to live large off residual income? If they are out there, why can't anyone name a new? How come none of the crown ambassadors have exercised the option of walking away and collecting income? Why doesn't Amway advertise residual and willable income if that really was a benefit of being an IBO? Why do people have to justify high prices and allegedly better quality? Why aren't there more customers for these top grade products? Why do people have to be tricked into attending meetings? Why did some WWDB diamonds have their homes foreclosed? Why do Amway defenders make things personal by attacking the messenger instead of the message? Why is there no unbiased documented success if the system is proven?

For information seekers, I hope this message gives you an alternative viewpoint, and that you can see the questions that are shrouded in secrecy. I hope this message gives you food for thought. That your thought process will be stimulated if you are thinking about getting involved in Amway or another MLM. Until I see evidence that things are actually changing for the better, Joecool's blog will exist.


  1. There is no proof because most of the claims are false.
    The reason why IBOs defend the false claims and make statements like "I am successful" is because they are caught up in some sort of self rationalization. In their world everyone else must be wrong, a loser or a "Dream Stealer".
    One indisputable fact is that there are somewhere between 400 and 600 active Diamond and above worldwide out of over 6,000 that have qualified over 45 years; the fact is over 5,000 Diamonds and above have disappeared. If this business offered residual, willable income why would over 5000 diamonds just quit and walk away?

    On another funny Note, Amway is so desperate to get people to renew their Amway business, they are enticing them with a chance to win an Ipod

    If the business was profitable why would Amway be using gimmicks like this to get people to renew?

    ***Former WWDB Lemming***

  2. My acquired control of time and money through the Amway business is non-transferable to anyone. Magic or flu-like propagation is not the hallmark of Amway. Do you so desperately long for control of time and money through the Amway business? Earn it! My Amway money income statements will not magically transfer to your bank account or reflect your actual Amway business income. I bet that when you started with Amway you were expecting to do something, just for the sake of doing it aka 'trying' but were expecting the money roll in as promised. Sorry, it doesn't work like that! So, do you desperately long for control of time and money through the Amway business? Get to work or shut up!

  3. *Yawn* Anon from Canada, your drivel is truly getting to be a bore. I thought I said to bring it on. Not act like a court jester.

  4. I have never met a new IBO who ever got in with the idea that they could do nothing and get rich.

    It cracks me up that the defenders keep coming back to that. Is that all you have?

    The plan says 2-5 years of hard work and presto, you're done for life. If that's not' a 'get-rich-quick scheme' I don't know what is.

    I have never seen an angry anti-amway poster that said they just wanted to do nothing and get rich.

    100K Strong! is tape speak, and nothing else.

    It's amazing how the defenders are more angry than us.

  5. 100K Strong *AKA Anon from Canada,

    Your acquired control of time and money through the Amway business is non-transferable to anyone because it is NOT real.
    You live in the Make Believe World that Ambots live in.
    Prove you are successful.
    1) What was your Business Profit after Expenses Last Year
    2) What Pin level are you.
    3) What is your line of sponsorship

    I expect we will get a nonsensical answer as we usually do when we ask questions like this as they are business questions that would reveal the truth.

    ***Former WWDB Lemming***

  6. Why do you care about my success? You should first care about your own success so to have something to show for. That way, you wouldn't ask me to prove to you that Amway works. You would prove it to yourself, by yourself. Even if you care to not care, you would still prove the end result by yourself. As Henry Ford said, 'if you think that you can or that you cannot, either way you are right'. Think about it, what difference would it make to your actual account balance?

  7. This blog is not about Joecool's success. This blog is about Amway and why I believe it is not a good idea for most people to get involved. It's very simply math. The average "active" IBO earns $115 a month (Amway's numbers). The average active system IBO spends more than that on voicemail, standing order, functions and books. That means the average active system IBO is running their business at a loss.

    Also, the average active IBO earning of $115 a month includes diamonds and higher pins, thus the average joe IBO is losing quite a bit of money each month.

  8. 100K strong, you're NOT that strong, you don't scare me or joecool, and amway is a big fat JOKE of a "business". and it's pathetic weaklings like you who give the "business" a bad name to start with. all talk and NOTHING to show for it. STILL. and, as i have said a GAZILLION times, if you don't like what joecool has to say, DON'T READ IT. jeez, a SIX-YEAR-OLD can understand that better than you!!!!

  9. Who cares... :)

    1. ...girl, girls....your all pretty. Retrack your claws and remember, this is America. Everyone is at liberty to free speach....even if it is a buch of manure wrapped in silk. ...it is still manure.

  10. If you've spent any time in amway in any LOS, you can spot tape-speak a mile away.

    It is always ethereal, nonsensical, non-provable, insulting drivel. And the crowd yells, 'Freedom, flush that stinking job!' Yeah, that stinking job that is paying for this function. Wonder how their bosses would feel about them constantly dogging them.

    Me? As a business owner (of a real business), I'd fire their asses. Let amway support them.

    I'm told that as the economy has worsened, the tape-speak kingpins have toned down the constant down-on-jobs rhetoric. Gee, ya' think?

  11. Meh, who cares... :)

  12. Typical ambot doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he hets his.

    And I just love how they go on and on about how the recession hasn't affected them one teensy bit.

    Yeah, I sat for years at the feet of the kingpins as they taught us to:

    fake it till' you make it (is that possibly happening here?) We used to say when asked how much WE were making - "You wouldn't believe it!" Darn tootin' they wouldn't. We were making squat. My guess, you're still dreaming of making 100K in amway

    flush those stinking jobs! (100K!, would you really be fired up if every one of your downline quit their jobs and relied on amway?)

    everyone is just jealous of your raging success (tell me, is amway matching your taxes, contributing to your 401(k) oops, my bad, amway doesn't offer a 401(k), give you paid vacations?, pay for your health insurance?, sick days, perhaps? ANY of the above? paid maternity leave?

    No, and you get to track all of your many expenses, catagorize them, and present them to your accountant.

    A Schedule C would shut us up. Care to present one?

    Revenue is no indicator of income. But the pipers on stage know most people don't know the difference so they throw around the word 'income.' It's incoming all righty, along with the expenses.

  13. No Response from 100K Strong! If we ask a legitimate question we only get Tape Speak or a response that a 2 year old is capable of giving. 100K Strong. If you are a real successful business person you would reply with facts about your business,instead you reply with nonsense because you are just another phony Ambot. I would be embarrassed if I was you.

    ***Former WWDB Lemming***

  14. he is. he's just not man enough to admit it. gee, what a shock, no?
