Monday, September 28, 2015

Financial Freedom Via Amway?

Financial Freedom! That was one of the major battle cries when I was recruited for the Amway business. You gain control of time and money by creating residual or passive income. That is true financial freedom. You wake up at noon, no job, and just do whatever you please, whenever you please. I remember the speaker saying that broke/unemployed people also had freedom, but it was different because they were broke and could not afford to go golfing or do other activities that required money on a regular basis.

I am assuming that this is still the case for many IBOs. Of course, upline leaders may toss in a disclaimer that you don't get rich quick as an IBO, but the pitch apparently still contains the financial freedom and residual income theme, based on my experiences with IBOs. IBOs still think they will be rich. Also, 2-5 years sounds like "get rich quick" to me.

But hey, financial freedom would be a great thing, don't get me wrong. Who wouldn't want to be 35 years old with enough cash to never have to work again? I mean I could spend some time imagining how fun that would be. It would also be fun to imagine what you would do with all the cash if you hit the powerball lottery as well. But for the starry eyed IBOs, I simply have a few questions for you to ponder. A few realistic questions that you should be asking yourself. The answers to these questions will tell you a lot.

1. Who in your group or upline truly has achieved financial freedom? Have you seen their financials or simply a display of wealth such as mansions and fancy cars? Mansions and fancy cars could just be a massive pile of debt. Not too long ago, there apparently were diamonds who had their homes foreclosed, and a triple diamond who was in bankruptcy proceedings. Find out if anyone in your group/upline has actually achieved the success that they are using to recruit you. Also, if they are financially free, why do they work at function after function? Traveling and speaking might not be a traditional job, but it is still work, nonetheless.

2. Even if you find someone who is retired and golfing everyday because of Amway residual income, ask yourself what the likelihood is that you will be able to achieve the same results. If diamonds are still working, what chance do you have of success if you are new or experienced in Amway, and have few or no downline. More than likely, your chance of winning the lottery will be greater than your chance of achieving a significant residual income from your Amway business. Also, I don't know of any Amway retirees who built their business once and walked away with any significant residual income from Amway. Do you?


  1. Consider the three "bigs" of Amway: Charlie Marsh, Bill Britt, and Dexter Yager (the first two dead, the last still going strong). They NEVER stopped working! Even though they were worth millions, they plugged on in Amway like demented beavers.

    Why so? Well, if they hadn't, their down-lines would have dried up for lack of hyped-up enthusiasm, and for a lack of new recruits. And their steady source of unearned income would have been reduced to a trickle. And since Bill Britt was a complete moron when it came to rational investments (he lost twenty million dollars in con-games, according to his wife's divorce complaint), he needed that Amway cash flow.

    Nobody "retires" in Amway. You don't retire from a religion and an addiction.

    1. You're right. Big diamonds do not retire. They work until they die. I believe it's because you NEED to keep working in order to earn the cash from functions and cds. And that's where the real money is.

  2. So, Joe, I have a relative that brags about being an "Amway Millionaire", yet they rent their home, buy used cars, complain sometimes about certain expenses. Nothing wrong with being cost-conscious, regardless of you financial status. But some other family members and myself think we're being bamboozled with some of this "success" as exaggeration because they still have to attend functions, seem evasive on some level of Amway tiers they are in. How can we really verify if they are "Diamond" or above? We just have a concern for their well- being and want to know the truth- assure them we don't care if they're "Amway" failures - just don't want them to have to continue to live a lie and get out of this brainwashing cult. How do we actually verify their "Diamond" status???

  3. Very true. You can get rich. But if you stop it falls apart

    1. Note that these "rich" guys all joined Amway a long long time ago.

  4. ya my upine went emerald a long time ago and actually took 8 years off the business completely. but now him and his wife are working jobs again and building the business. thats pretty impressive for amway and about the best ive heard from anyone actually not working their amway business.

  5. ya my upine went emerald a long time ago and actually took 8 years off the business completely. but now him and his wife are working jobs again and building the business. thats pretty impressive for amway and about the best ive heard from anyone actually not working their amway business.

    1. They're working jobs because they went broke?
