Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Visit An Amway Diamond?

Some blog visitors have in the past, and recently, advised me to go and visit with a diamond or a platinum. That spending time with someone in the business would give me a different perspective. I'm not sure what my visitors thought I would accomplish by doing this. As an IBO, I spent countless hours with my upline platinum and on many occasions, my upline diamond. My honest opnion is that they were just average everyday people who made their living in a different manner than most. Their homes weren't fancier, they didn't drive special cars, they didn't have the kind of material wealth that's often portrayed in functions and meetings. and that's fine.

What I would challenge prospects and IBOs to do is just that. Ask to spend time with your upline platinum and/or diamond. You are likely to find ordinary people with ordinary lives outside of the business. So many people think that the upline platinums and higher live in the lap of luxury and it's not true, unless they are living beyond their means. I do believe that many upline leaders do live beyond their means. It is because showing off material wealth is a vital part in attracting and retaining IBOs. You show them material wealth and get people to dream about achieving the same thing in order to sign them up for Amway and the associated tools and training business. Sadly, the vast majority who register and attempt to build an empire will end up quitting, and most of them, especially the ones who attended the functions will end up with a net loss, even if they put in extraordinary amounts of time and effort. Sure, some people may eventually achieve higher levels in the business but they are the exception and not the rule.

In normal and in real business, one way to prove your results is to open your books and show your financial details. Your upline of course, will tell you that it is none of your business, but if you are being asked to invest your time and money into a business opportunity, you have every right to demand this information. If your prospective sponsor refuses to supply this information, it should be a red flag that they have something to hies. It seems that many IBOs emebllish their income claims or try to change the discussion. They may even produce a photo copy of an upline's bonus check, but that proves nothing. What prospects and IBOs should demand is a profit and loss statement. It would give an idea of what expenses someone can expect as an IBO and what kind of income can be expected at various levels.

Joecool has no reason to visit a diamond. But I would certainly say that IBOs and prospects should do so. You might be surprised to find that a diamond is not "all that" when you see them up close and personal.


  1. Even if they gave you a profit and loss statement, how would you know it is legitimate?

  2. Because Amway is essentially a scam and a rip-off, you can never be sure whether what you are being told or shown is legitimate or not.

    The entire emotional drive behind Amway is a desperate need to maintain good publicity and public image. That's the reason for the "Never say negative!" policy, and the "Avoid stinking thinking! mantra. Amway is allergic to criticism, questioning, or even the calm rationality of critical thought. Looking at Amway and its "Plan" with the cold eye of reason is something they cannot understand or tolerate.

    So, anything that comes out of an Ambot's mouth is very likely a lie or an exaggeration or a distortion. These people lie on principle.

  3. Different teams build their structure differently. Not all Diamonds make the same money. Amway is like the NFL, there's a lot of different teams...some are championship winning teams and some don't know what they're doing. From the sounds of it, your former team had no idea that they were doing it wrong and leaving money on the table. To help you put it in team...Platinums make 6 figures, emeralds make a solid $500K and are retired, and diamonds are self-made millionaires. And to put it in an even bigger perspective, there's only about 800 people and out of those, 2 are diamonds, 3 are emeralds (and are in their 20's 30's), and a LOT are platinums.

    So by suggesting to go visit a diamond...I would say find a diamond who is actually doing it right.

  4. Gladly. First off though, prove to me that platinums are making 100K and emeralds make 500K. Heck I've never even seen any evidence that a single diamond was a millionaire.

    Your story reeks of BS. You're saying a group of 800 is supporting 2 diamonds, 3 emeralds and a lot of platinums? Do the math. Each diamond making a million, each emerald making 500K and at least 12 or more platinums making 100K is about 5 million dollars. It costs those 800 people more than $10,000 each in order to generate 5 million in Amway bonuses, and that's assuming the 800 downline never receive a dime.

    Explain to me how that is "doing it right"?

  5. Joe, the Anonymous commentator at 7:54 AM is lying through is teeth.

    The math simply doesn't support his claims. Also, notice that he never mentions the name of his "team." I wonder why. Is it because he KNOWS that he's lying, and is afraid that if he gives a name he'll get in deep trouble with his up-line?

    It's amazing how these Amway jerks lie and lie and lie.

  6. I have been to an Amway diamonds house... there was nothing on the walls. 30 inch tv, old couch... folding chairs. very tiny and run down... 100000 a year my fucking ass.
