Sunday, January 12, 2025

Is Amway Needed?

 Many prospects join Amway after seeing a hyped up presentation. These presentations are crafted to make people uncomfortable with their current situations and/or jobs. Some dream building is done where prospects are given thought provoking messages such as what would you do with an extra $40,000 a year for example. On the surface, it seems to make sense, and it seems plausible. The problem usually occurs when IBOs get out in the world and try to build the business.   The thing with Amway is that is always sounds good on the surface and on paper, it seems to make perfect sense, until you sort through the half truths and misinformation that the speakers/presenters often dish out.  For example, in Amway, the worse you can do it make money or save money.   They forget to mention the "overhead" that upline creates via the tools and functions.

But in the big picture, is Amway itself needed? I mean you buy products and if you move a certain amount of volume, you get a performance bonus. The goal of many is to sponsor six (6) platinum legs and become a diamond. Some diamonds in the past spoke about how you could technically bury Amway products in your backyard, as long as you did your 100 PV. I guess in a strange way that is true.
But the PV is just the defacto compulsory part of the Amway plan to keep upline in the money.  Afterall, the 30%+ bonus that Amway issues for volume mostly goes to upline while rank and file IBOs get 3%.
In my opinion, the Amway business itself is irrelevant. The Amway business exists to legitimize the motivational businesses of many LOS's such as WWDB, BWW, N21, for example. The motivational business in itself is a huge business. However, the content of much of the material cannot be sold to the general public as evidenced by caseloads of these tools being sold for pennies on the dollar on Ebay. The tools only serve to enrich the upline leaders who own the tools business off the backs of the Amway IBOs. Do the math. It costs very little to produce tapes and/or cds, seminars are big money makers. Check and see how much it costs to rent a convention center or arena. You could probably find one where $20 to $25 per person would more than cover the cost. Also, there is little evidence that the tools are effective, despite what upline leaders or Amway apologists may claim.

There are also groups who have left Amway for other MLM businesses, which also suggests that Amway is a sidebar in the real business for these upline leaders. But still, Amway or another MLM is needed because LOS's cannot simply sell CDs and functions without some kind of product to pimp. Thus, together with Amway, upline leaders and Amway handsomely profit together. Upline teaches 100 PV, and that tools are vital to your Amway success. But in the big picture, Amway is not relevant. Think about this seriously for a minute. Next time a function or standing order if promoted, I urge prospects and current IBOs to digest this post and to think about this.

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