I find it ironic that many Amway diamonds will put down jobs as if you should be embarrassed to have one. They talk about employees being slaves who have to worship an alarm clock and a boss. That your life is so miserable in a job, and you will end up broke at the end of your career after working for 30-40 years. They get people to despise their jobs and their boss and offer the Amway opportunity as a viable solution. Join Amway, 2-5 years of effort and then your job becomes optional, or so they say.
Ironically, the Amway opportunity is basically a job. You sell products and you sell the opportunity to others. That is the key to success according to many LOS's. The flaw is that too many IBOs get fooled into thinking they need to be their own best customer. As an IBO, you are Amway's customer. Anything you purchase results in a profit for Amway, but not necessarily for your business. Have you ever heard of a car salesman buying a new car each month to earn a commission? Or a vacuum cleaner salesman buys a new vacuum each month to increase volume? These concepts sound ridiculous, yet most IBOs run most of their own volume. Some IBOs don't have any customers and end up buying their PV bonus.While some will argue that they are independent business owners, these nice folks are more like commissioned salespeople with no fringe benefits from Amway. Amway has minimal advertising for their products; thus, volume moves person to person, and mainly word of mouth. In my opinion, the least efficient means of getting goods to the consumer. When you factor in that the Amway goods are not really cheaper than a retailer like Walmart, you can see why some groups focus on self-consumption, because there is no market demand for many of these goods and services, The demand is artificial because the IBOs themselves consume most of the Amway goods and services.
The really damaging aspect of all this is the upline leaders who tout their system of cds, functions, books and voicemail as the key to success. While these materials may have some value, it doesn't equate to success in Amway, and in most cases, the cost of these materials are the reason why so many IBOs end up with a net loss, instead of the extra cash they are seeking. Part of the reason why these materials do not work is because you are dealing with a very inefficient delivery system, coupled with uncompetitive prices (in many cases) and a bad reputation. If the opportunity were "all that", people would be seeking IBOs to sign up instead of IBOs having to lie or trick people into attending recruitment meetings.
Unsuspecting people think the Amway opportunity is a business, but it is more like a job than you think. It is my hope that this article will get you to think about it.
Yes, of course Amway is a job just like any other occupation. If you do something regularly in the hope of financial gain, that is by definition a job.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is this: the Amway job very rarely pays off. Amway's official literature admits that 99% of Amway IBOs do not make any profit at all in the scheme. At least in a traditional job you are getting a salary every week that you can plan on. As an Amway IBO, all you will get for your efforts is a measly small refund every month for your outlay of hundreds of dollars.
The job of your Amway subsystem (WWG, URA, BWW, Network, Team, etc.) is to to trick you into believing that you are going to get rich eventually, as long as you keep this ruinous pattern going forever. They do this with speeches, CDs, required meetings, self-help books, and endless hype and hoopla at those stupid "functions."
Your up-line and your Platinum and Diamond are the ones who will get rich in Amway, not you. The only thing you'll get from the Amway business is to get fucked.