One of the things that was emphasized in my days as an IBO was to trust your upline. They said they had my best interests at heart and that they would never intentionally lead me astray as they wanted my success. At the time I believed them but looking back, I see that it was a charade and the upline really wanted their own success at my expense. For many groups, I believe this is still true although some upline leaders may have backed off just a bit since the heyday of the AMOs, which was the mid to late 90's.
Upline's profits from tools are spoken about today, although I believe most IBOs do not know exactly how they can qualify, nor do they know how much they would receive when they qualify. Back when I was an IBO, uplines stood on stage and proclaimed that NOBODY made a profit from the sale of tools. None of these leaders were ever made to account for their lies and with some revisionist history, the whole episode was covered up.Some groups also teach submission and faith in the upline. Some will say there is no need to reinvent the wheel, simply copy or duplicate your upline and you will be successful That makes me wonder why so many tools and functions are needed. Also, I find it odd that someone who has my best interest at heart and truly cared about my success, get compensated for every action he/she takes to "help" my business. Voicemail, standing orders, books and functions are all profit centers for some upline leaders and therefore, just about any meeting or material designed to help an IBO puts money in the pockets of upline. Some upline even went so far as to say you should check upline before purchasing a new car, or even before having children.
Despite the request for trust and faith in upline, I find it odd that uplines never take responsibility for the outcome of an IBO's fortunes. Many IBOs work hard and earnestly do all the recommended steps of CORE, only to fail. These IBOs are told they did not work hard enough or did not follow the steps properly. Uplines, as far as I know, have never taken responsibility for their downlines. They only take credit for downline success, but not failures.
I find a huge conflict of interest for an upline to profit from any help that he provides to downline, and then to tell downlines that training materials are vital to their business. I also see a problem when these same uplines take no responsibility when an IBO does the work but does not profit. Ironically, it is often the cost of the training materials that prevents the IBO from making a net profit. Now not all uplines are like this, but I am hopeful that some of the red flags mentioned here can be an alert for IBOs and information seekers.
You can't trust your Amway up-line because there is an intellectual disconnect between some of the various things they tell you.
ReplyDeleteThey always say that the business is "very simple." All you have to do is sell (and buy for yourself) a certain monthly quota of products. In addition, you need to recruit a down-line of new IBO's underneath you, and have them do the same thing.
But when you try to do this and it doesn't work, then they say "You didn't do it properly," or "You didn't study the learning tools hard enough," or "You didn't go to every function to pick up every single little new tip that might be available there."
In other words, the business is NOT simple. In fact it's so complex that you need to buy an endless supply of CDs and books every month, and go to endless weekly meetings and out-of-state conventions to find out the "secrets" of success in Amway. Rather than just learning the business from a few basic lessons, you're expected to spend money on a non-stop educational merry-go-round that lasts for years and years.
There's also the bullshit that your up-line gives you about "loving you," and "being your best friend," and "always wanting to support you." But when you start seriously questioning the entire racket, and finally quit, you are shunned and ostracized and treated like dirt.
Your Amway up-line is always lying to you.