Thursday, May 7, 2009

Amway - Duplication Works Better In A Copy Machine!

One thing many MLMers and Amwayers in particular think, is that duplication is the key to success. Just get others to copy you, I have heard. I remember upline leaders talking all the time that anyone can "copy". Copy is all you need to know and do and you will be successful. But it is very apparent that it is not an easy thing to get followers and to get people to copy.

It's not like you drive to a local UPS store or Kinko's and use a coyp machine to make duplicates. If Amway was such a great business opportunity, you would probably see diamonds breaking in 2-5 years. The fact is that since Quixtar, and now back to Amway, the number of new diamonds has been insignificant compared to the number of IBOs that have come and gone. I believe a year or two ago, an Amway sponsored blog stated that 160 "diamond-ships" attended the Quixtar diamond club in Hawaii. Those were suppopsedly currently qualified diamonds. I'm sure not all diamonds attended, but 160 doesn't sound like much after 48 years in business.

But back to the topic. Duplication doesn't work in Amway because people either already have a bad impression of Amway or the AMOs, or new recruits register and quickly realize that the products cost too much when compared to similar products they can purchase at their local grocers or WalMart. Then you factor in the additional cost for IBOs who participate in the "system" and you have what you have. A low retention rate for IBOs, and IBOs who sign up on the hype and do little or nothing, and IBOs who want to succeed, but simply cannot because of the baggae they carry associated with the Amway name. According to Amway (formerly Quixtar), only 1 in 5 IBOs are able to sponsor another IBO.

When you sit down and really think about these facts and numbers, you can easily see that the 6-4-2 or 9-4-2 or whatever is taught today is nearly impossible, let alone finding downline who can achieve and maintain a group based on these plans.
You can much more easily duplicate Amway by writing Amway on a sheet of paper and going to a copy machine!


Anonymous said...

You know, you are a sad little man with a broke mentality. You have nothing better to do than writing inaccurate stories about Amway and how it works. You know, I am a successful IBO and I have not experienced anything you are writing about. You need to get a life and start doing something more productive with your life instead of spending half your time blogging crap about an awesome business.

Joecool said...

Would you care to point out what is inaccurate about my stories? Would you care to explain how successful you are as an IBO? How do you know I'm not very productive running this blog?

mrmaximum said...

Sigh, Anon, I guess you haven't realized this, but the more you keep posting your attacks on Joe, the more credibility you lose and the more you prove him right. The only thing you are doing with these repetitive (and pointless) posts is show prospective IBO's how redundant this business actually is. If you care like you say you do, come back with a real arguement or simply stop posting. You doing nothing else but shooting yourself in the foot.

rlaurens said...

What happened to "stick your head out of the window and look"? If I say the weather is gloomy, and you say the weather is nice, we can simply ask any observer to just look up and see for themselves.

If Joecool say one story about Amway/Quixtar and you said another, why don't you simply tell the prospect to just stick their head at Amway/Quixtar meeting and see which story is right?

Joecool certainly is not afraid to be cross-checked. So, why the bitter tone in your post?

Gina said...

Prove the business is awesome. See that's the problem, you IBO's make all kinds of claims about your so-called business but can't back it up.

Digby Green said...

Yes and all the Diamonds say the have a good passive income and have "retired" yet they are still working !

Anonymous said...

lol Im an IBO and i don tneed to back anything up. My second salary convinces me to work at it every month :-). Like everything in life, Amway is not for everybody. If you willing to work and be positive and to keep an open mind you can make alot of money. There are thousands f diamonds all over the world by the way.

Anonymous said...

The real money comes from breaking Platinums. The leadership bonuses is what makes you the money. Q12, Emerald, etc. - IBO's need to stop worring about their gain and instead worry about their downlines. By helping your downline IBO's succeed, you yourself will succeed. Joe, cool sounds like a self centered jerk, no wonder he wasn't successful. His whole business probably collapsed once his downline realized that all he cared about was himself. The bonuses that make you the big money are LEADERSHIP bonuses. Is JoeCool a Leader? Nope! It's a blessing that you quit.

Peter Shaw said...

Lol!! Anonymous is just another IBO with hopes of making it big and caught in the apparent glitters of big talk.. I really hope you do make it big, cause I definitely don't want to wish bad upon someone.. But please don't make it your permanent job.. Amway is for slick salesman, not for people like you who pretty much cant take a criticism..

Anonymous said...


If you would like a prove that Amway works and it is awesome, you got investigate yourself. If you are willing to talk, let us know and we can help you understand the awesomeness of the business.

Amway business is the best kept secret in America. Everybody has their own opinions ( which is a birth right), but those who take time to understand, make it! Check with John Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki these men endorse Amway Business openly. That should be a good hint.

However, if you need more proof, let's talk. share your contact information and let's talk. For information on us, visit out website.

Joecool said...

Just because Maxwell and Kiyosaki endorse Amway means nothing. Nost people are still losing money in Amway.

Anonymous said...


We can definitely explain you how much money we make even though it's an absolutely NO NO question for any humble person to ask. It is like asking somebody in the market place, "How much do you make?" without knowing who they are.

But, Amway is a great business to build when compared to any other business anybody would ever want to run. We can talk if you are interested to discuss the details.

Also, would you please mind explaining how are you productive running these stories which is stealing the dreams of hundreds of thousands of people around the world ?Do you know how many curses you are accumulating in your account everyday ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, but they are not working for 100 dollars. They, instead of sitting home and doing nothing, are helping more people become successful.

It needs some reading, some close look at the grand schema to understand these things. Look deep... look to learn....

Joecool said...

Amway dude, why is it a no no to ask how much someone is making if they are asking me to sign up as their downline? In real business, that is the standard. My friend sold a business a few years ago and gave the prospect copies of his business and personal tax returns.

Amway is basic math. The plan shows that only about 1 in 100 reach platinum. Factor in those who quit or do nothing and it's easy to see that only a fraction of 1% reach platinum. I was a 4000 PV eagle and I didn't have a net profit.

Since most people lose money in Amway, I'm productivee by preventing those losses. Also, as you can see, I profit from the ads on my blog.

How am I stealing dreams? Did I force you to read my blog or did you find it on google and choose to read?

Joecool said...

Helping who become successful? What new diamonds do you know of? Why are diamonds quitting and going bankrupt? Why are they working? Because they have to? Residual income is a myth.

Anonymous said...

Well Amway has changed our lives for the better. And we are now helping ppl to change their lives too...and we are all the way from Malaysia. It does not matter whether it is an MLM or whatsoever. It has such a long history and many ppl are successful because of it. If it is so easy to become a Diamond, then your Diamond pin is not worthy anymore. It requires effort and perseverance to become successful. Hey man, nothing in this world is free. You've gotta work for it. If you wanna do what you are doing now, well, continue doing it...but while you are doing this, there are a lot of people out there who get sth out of this business. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

some bullshit...

Anonymous said...

Amway has call centres where employess only search Google.

They defend Amway in all such posts with proxy names.