Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Amway Success Is Undeniable?

Success is subjective. Someone making ten dollars might be considered successful, for others, nothing less than a barrel of cash will suffice. One other important point is that there are undoubtably some very successful people in Amway. I am sure that some Amway diamonds are quite well off and enjoy some of the finer things in life. But the reality is that these successes are very very rare and many of these success apparently are not sustainable as many people are led to believe.

But the bigger issue in the Amway opportunity is where the success comes from. Sure, many people want to "go diamond" and live in luxury while barrels of cash roll in. But what is unknown to many, is that the few who enjoy the lifestyle and trappings do so at the expense of their downline. The downline move the volume and the downline purchases the system materials, both of which is profitable for the upline. Because Amway products, admittedly are not commonly sold to people who are not IBOs, then anyone can conclude that upline success comes from the pockets of the downline. Most downline would be better off writing a check for $100 each month to their upline and not participating in the business or buying products at all.

This in itself would not be such an issue if the system actually churned out new successes frequently AND if the downline were not led to believe that the system is the key to their success. But less than one half of one percent of IBOs ever reach platinum and out of those who do, only a tiny fraction of one percent ever attain the diamond level. But the business has tens of millions of people who tried and could never achieve what was promoted. Lack of effort may be a factor, but when that many people try and fail, it's evident that the system is flawed as well.

To summarize, it is possible for someone to achieve a level of success in Amway, but it is so difficult and so rare that IBOs probably have a better chance of winning the lottery or being struck by lightning than they do of achieving a significant level in the Amway business. Some people are successful, but it is usually at the expense of their downline. The catch is that uplines will teach their faithful downline IBOs that attending a function or buying a standing order is success, regardless of whether an IBO is earning a profit. So many IBOs think they're successful but they are simply fooling themselves with the help of their upline.

Success is undeniable, but sadly for the vast majority of IBOs, it is also unattainable, at least in the Amway opportunity.


quixtarisacult said...

Is there such a thing as the "Amway Opportunity"? How can buying their shit-load of tools and a monthly allotment of extortionately priced crap make one believe that they are anything but a sucker in Amway's game of greed? Amway turns out con men who get conned themselves. How can intelligent people think they can climb to the top of the Amway Pyramid Scheme of greed. The kingpins operate a monopoly on the tools, while the foolish pony up for the extortionately priced goods and mostly consume their own inventories. Success comes not by joining a pyramid scheme, but by starting one. Got any ideas? The magic fruit drink idea has been taken.

Merry Christmas. Best wishes to you and yours. quixtarisacult

Joecool said...

Merry Christmas to you too! You are right though, the diamonds simply mislead and lie about an easy road to riches being paved by the tools. The reality is that only the diamonds ride the road to riches by the tools. Not the masses of downlines.

Anonymous said...

Not many diamonds either.

Joecool said...

WWDB in North America has fewer diamonds now than 15 years ago. Where did they go? They're not walking beaches with residual income either.

Anonymous said...

I think there are only a handful of NA diamonds who get to the annual conference of diamonds who qualified for 20 consecutive years. All the rest are broke.

quixtarisacult said...

Many of these con-men (women) have gone on to scam others under other banners (like Monavie or Xango). Maybe it is harder to deceive the gullible in the computer age? The bad truths can more easily be discovered (Google, Bing, Yahoo). Obviously, those who do make their money from tools and functions have worked hard to monopolize that cash cow. It has steadily become a closed syndicate at the top of the Amway racket. I truly wonder why the FTC has signaled out Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing as (of all things) a pyramid scheme, while making no mention of the ongoing Amway scheme? Nearly all of these MLM cons have fashioned their schemes after the Amway play-book.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me the mlm industry is growing even faster despite our information sharing age.

Joecool said...

Yes, I beieve it's because people are desperate for a quick buck or for a way to get thenselves out of debt and MLM recruiters know this and can sell it.

Anonymous said...

Want to make money in Amway...Sponsor minorities! LOL..it's actually true. They are the fastest ones to Diamond. The reason... usually minorities have a tight community that they belong to and they trust each other more. Therefore when one gets in, a lot of them get in. Fastest person I know to reach Diamond.. a Korean couple from NY and they barely spoke English, took them less than 2 years. I'm sure they didn't read more books than anyone else or listen to more CD's than anyone else. So that stuff's not the secret!!! What they did was they where good people who belonged to an existing "community" and tapped into that community. Check out there team, 99% Asian only. So...if you want to do it the hard way, then go ahead and learn some people skills and go contacting. Hint: If I where you, I'd contact minorities. If for some reason you still disagree with me..then attend the annual Diamond club events, 90% of the Diamonds are minorities. Amway's not a scam. It's legit! Nice group of people, great intentions, but too many "smoke and mirrors" I know they're not trying to be misleading...I know they're taught to speak positively all the time...I know you're not suppose to teach a 2 year old about the birds and bees yet (i.e. new ibo's don't need to know Diamond level teachings) but the general public's not going to understand their strategy and when they do, they feel mislead and deceived.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of truth in what the above poster said about the minorities. I was just online today looking at the 2011, 2012 Achieve magazine and at least 95% of the new pins of every level were either Hispanic/Latino or oriental.

My wife and I got in the "business" 20 years ago and have been out for almost 10 years. We never made it to even 1000 PV in all that time, but it wasn't for lack of trying (my upline Emerald told me several times that I was too stubborn to quit). Most of the people who were Platinum when we got in the business are still in the business today. One couple made it to Ruby, but he's still working his printing business. The rest are still "Platinum" as far as I know, and none of them are "free".

The majority of the Diamonds and Emeralds we looked up to in the early 90's are gone, mostly as a result of the Team of Destiny scandal in the early 2000's. Our upline Platinums and Emeralds are still there, but I doubt they've even officially qualified in many years (as they always said, "Once a Platinum is this organization, always a Platinum.").