Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Amway - IBOs Are In Denial?

One thing that appears to be common amongst IBOs is how IBOs are in denial. They truly believe that their uplines are working in their best interest and that upline wants their success. I don't believe that to be true. If uplines were truly making a fortune from Amway, why would an downline IBO have to pay for practically every bit of help they get from upline leaders?

To show the plan, you would need to pay to attend an open meeting, and pay for your guests, even if they do not register as a result of the presentation. You pay for voicemail to communikate with your upline and downlines. You pay for standing orders and you may end up paying twice if you were in attendance at the function when the standing order was recorded. You pay for books and other materials as well.

What's more, many IBOs turn their heads when ugly facts rear their heads. For example, some IBOs deny that a prominent triple diamond was involved in bankruptcy proceedings. They continue to edify and pay for financial advice from someone who could not even manage his own finances. They believe that Amway saves marriages even when the leaders who speak this may be getting divorced. It's like upline simply revises history and downlines buy it without question. Many IBOs do not even see it as a problem that some upline boldy lied and said there were no profits from tools in the past. I find this odd because tool profits are still shrouded in secrecy and downline simply believe that they will eventually get a cut, even without a written compensation plan and agreement.

I believe too many IBOs are simply in denial. They give upline their trust and upline abuses it. IBOs are told they are successful for attending a function even when they might be losing money month after month. They may be told that the Amway business is not about money but about making friends. They may be told that they are nicer people because of their participation in Amway. What too many IBOs do not see is that they are in denial about their business. Most IBOs are losing money, a little at a time, perhaps $100 or $150 a month. For the hardcore, maybe more. But they are taught to ignore these simple facts and deny that there is a problem.

It is my hope that exposure of some of these tactics will be beneficial to information seekers and perhaps new IBOs who have not yet been fully indoctrinated. I encourage people to ask tough questions, demand answers and use due diligence when checking out this oppportunity. The fact is that very few people every make a profit and people should know this before getting involved. Don't deny the obvious.


Anonymous said...

you dont even know what u r talkin about if u choose to buy the tools u can no 1 has a gun to your head okay. 2 if u would like to promote the business system better and change ur thought pocess books are a good way of doin that and befor u talk bad about the amway global bww system u should try it out

Joecool said...

I do know what I am talking about. While leaders say tools are optional, they will tell you that success is also optional. It's a defacto requirement. A new IBO doesn't know better and is likely to trust the upline leaders. BWW? What a joke. Any new diamonds in the US emerge from BWW or any other LOS for that matter?

Anonymous said...

sucess is optional joe cool...if u have bills 2 pay u will choose to get up and go to work thats a option u make. If there is a proven system to help u become sucessful why not learn it and duplicate it and then its being done by others who have learned it think of it as monkey see monkey do very simple ? and what do u even know about a diamond , bww or bein a IBO? you sound like someone who QUIT the business because theres no possible way to fail at it.

Joecool said...

You are in denial anonymous. What is proven about the system? It has only proven that it does not work. There are very few new diamonds in the US. The only growth is in foreign countries where not everyone knows about the scam just yet.

Anonymous said...

so i us read ur brief profile and it says u were 4000 pv then wat happened huh....how many legs did u have to produce 4000pv and how many years did u do the business? were u showing the plpan evrydaii?

Joecool said...

I had 12 frontline. I was an eagle. But there was no money at 4000 PV and eagle. So why keep working so hard for nothing? Only upline profited from my efforts. That's how Amway works for most. You do the work and upline gets paid.

Anonymous said...

u build ur down line so u can make income and u have 2 be at 7500pv locked in 2 start makin a decent income..depth then width...u ask y depth because the deeper the taproot the more stable it is...theres no way of losin unless ur losin focus

Joecool said...

Anonymous, how can you keep building downline when IBOs keep on quitting? Most IBOs cannot even sponsor one downline and those who can, have trouble when their downlines start quitting. Plsu when people aren't making money, it's hard to convince them to keep trying.

Anonymous said...

that why u build depth in one leg and when ready to start the 2nd leg u begin by how u were tought and and teach others to do the same but u teach them wat u learned and wat u do each month to continue bringin in the income.

Joecool said...

Right, so you sponsor one in depth and then the frontline IBO quits because they aren't making money. Then you are back at square one with no profit.

Anonymous said...

not really...if the system is done right and tou have ur upline diamond with u they create momentum for evry 1 n who ever quits the business loses a spot in a big chance

Joecool said...

How come there are so few who can ever do the system right? It's because the system doesn't work, all it does is take money out of the pockets of IBOs.

Anonymous said...

so u can say u didnt make no money at all? u were prlly goin crazy wit products and how many ppl u had in ur group wen u reached 4000pv?

Anonymous said...

Atleast as far as I know BWW is one system that has been breaking diamonds year after year. Almost all of these new diamonds in BWW are orginally from India who moved to US in 80's and 90's. The only non-indian diamonds belonged to Larry Winters and John crowe team who split up later from BWW. The other non-indian i can think of is vinnie and Dana pappalardo.

The success of the indian team is mainly because they are very loyal, and the association/upline sort of become like a family away from family. Most importantly the Indian group under the gala banner do not hesitate to buy pins. The new diamonds might not have a big group in US but they will qualify somehow, almost always have one or two international legs and almost never requalify. Some of the recent diamonds who never requalified Ramesh and Ramaa santhanakrishnan, Ajay and Alka Ohri, Srinivas and Sheela Vemu, Nanda and Sangeetha Sringari. Many of the other Indian diamonds probably qualified twice and not again.

Anonymous said...

because u put to much money in at first and think u noe wat ur doin and those who cant get it right r doin it different now how many ibos at 4000pv again?

Anonymous said...

The business works, I just hit 1000pv and got a check from amway, not my upline for $340. Some personal use, a few famly/friend clients, and a couple new ibo's. $340 tell me how many people you know that 340 wouldnt change their life, thats not even counting retail. The best part about this business is that anyone can get involved, the worst part is also that anyone can get involved. If you associate with people who believe in helping you become successful you will. The BBB gives amway a A+ rating. Let me know how many business' recieve that rating. Also for those who think its a pyramid you have no idea. A pyramid is your job you currently work at. you are the ground level employee, you have a manager, he has a supervisor, and that person has a boss/owner. sound familiar, perfect pyramid. only difference is at your job, the guy above you doesnt want you to pass him, or train you better than him because you would eventually replace him. In amway, your upline encourages you to pass him. Dont hate the business or talk down about it because you quit like the majority of our nation in anything they do. You are in the typical american rut, running up CC's taking loans out that you will never repay, and causing this recession we are in. Amway grew 21% the last 2 years. multi billion $ business, Cash. Privately held. We dont need bailouts. Maybe you should rethink getting your business going again, and finding a dream that you want to work for. Good luck with the current 40/40 (hours/week, 40 years) plan that doesnt work anymore.

Next time you write an article, write it about how your a quiter and how you are teaching your kids the same.

Joecool said...

Anonymous, Amway's rating with the BBB says nothing about whether Amway is a good oppportunity or not. Good for you that you hit 1000 PV. How much do you spend on tools? What happens when your downline start to quit because they lose money?

Joecool said...

That's my point also. There are zero or few new diamonds in the US. The US is shrinking. The growth is in foreign countries where the people are unfamiliar with the Amway scam.

I had about 30 IBOs in the group when I hit 4000 but I still did not make money because of the tools expenses. Just as your 1000 PV profits gets eaten up by tools.

Anonymous said...

Joecool how about you start to bloody focus on what works for you ok? This blog doesn't work for you, you don't make money with it. Second, this blog doesn't help anyone, it just infuses negative left and right. I do hope you have a life and don't just sit there moaning about why you quit and why everyone in the world quits. We're not interested in quitters. Quitters never set the right example to success. So stop with this circus and move on, for your own good and that of others, thanks.

Anonymous said...

wat tools man? all u need to be spendin on monthly is gettin ur pv up

Joecool said...

Anonymous, it's not about quitting. It's about why people quit. They quit because the business does not deliver what was promoted. People lose money instead of making money. People were lied to and/or deceived about the business. Look in the mirror before you place judgetment on others.

Anonymous said...

You're right Joecool, people quit because the business does not deliver what was promoted. Here's how it works; some people sign up, get fired up because it sounds too good to be true and next, they sit on their ass taking it easy and casually. One month, two months, one year goes by and then they suddenly ask you why they don't make any money. You tell them the hard truth and then they become defensive and angry. Next they quit and have to tell their story. So yeah, definitely...

Joecool said...

And some people sign up, buy all the tools, work their asses off, sacrifice their family time, and still never make a dime. And then upline tells this IBO that it is personal failure and the lack of sucess is their own fault.

mrmaximum said...

“You tell them the hard truth and then they become defensive and angry.”

And what is the hard truth, pray tell? What truth out there do you speak about that IBO’s have to do to make the business work? I can imagine that it may be hard for some to hear, but as Joe stated, it wouldn’t be hard for others though. If there was a truth out there, then while some would ignore it and not be able to accept it, there would still be many people who would embrace and then run with it. (I.e. think of the overweight person who “doesn’t have any time to work out” and then the fit single parent with kids, a career, and a house to clean who somehow manages it get it all done.) Your position is a very simple one, there are people who quit, yes, but there are those who do not and make it happen. The ones who quit don’t want to admit it since it would be a bad reflection on them; they would have no excuse compared to the numerous people making it work.

Quick question, where are the successful IBO’s? Where are the ones making it work? If critics where so upset about the business and what quitting Amway actually means, wouldn’t it stand to reason that there would be an overwhelming amount of IBO’s who where successful in Amway to remove any excuses we may ever dream up? Okay, what respect does society have for college graduates? Plenty, it requires ambition as the studies can be difficult and long, the cost can be high, and sometimes finding the program you wish for means quite the upheaval in your life. If one encountered a college drop out, one may consider them a quitter, but then, College isn’t easy we may give them a break. How about a high school dropout, what then? Are they considered the same as College dropout? Well, high school is free, the hours are set, and there are many high schools in most neighborhoods. If you drop out of high school, it’s pretty well assumed that your ambition level is pretty low.

Probably why a lot of high school dropouts want to hide their past, look at the large amount of people who do receive their high school diplomas, the lack of such a qualification states more about the person, right? As I said before, where is the huge deluge of successful IBO’s? Shouldn’t even quitters and Critics find a score of IBO’s who are either about to get it done, ARE getting it done, or ALREADY got it done? Where are they? When something works, we will always have those who quit, those who don’t perform correctly, the average Joes, those who are above average, and those who are superstars, Amway doesn’t seem to follow this trend, hmmm wonder why?

In other words, it shouldn’t take an Emerald or above to make me hide my head that I quit Amway, a solid Platinum or even a 4,000 pin should easily illuminate my ‘lack’ of ambition if the business worked. I don’t know about anyone else, but what would mean more to me than any of Ron Puryear’s houses, or Bill Britt’s stables, or even Dexter Yager’s lifestyle would be a growing group of Platinums, all making money with their downlines doing the same thing. THAT would be worth its weight in gold and I’m sure would shut up every critic out there.

However this simple thing cannot be delivered, and all the facts which Joe or any other critic has stated points to it. The only thing the Amway system contributes too, is the ever growing stable of critics.

Anonymous said...

I belong to Durso Team..Charlie Durso is an Excecutive Diamond. Charlie is a down to earth Real life breathing person, who personally contributes to my Tap root. I have been in the business 5 months and will be hitting 4000 this coming month. I will be hitting 7500 in less than 4 months. There are other Diamonds outside of India as you have negatively mentioned there being no Diamonds breaking in US...Sorry buddy you are wrong. There are three Diamonds from the same county. In a Queens open there were 18 platinums alone 6 emeralds 3 under 30yrs of age.
A founders Platinum at 29yrs being awarded 150,000 dollars in bounus alone at PA summer 2010 conference. Want more proof..get off your lazy but and do some work Joe Cool. When I started I immediately did not want any cds. my upline Founders Platinum Steve Henriquez..who is also an exceptional hard working person said not a problem and supported me all the way. He gave me a few Cd tools that helped me get focused and positive..I hope you don't quit everything you owe it to yourself to look at it again you deserve it Joe cool..but you have to remain focused. Up to now I have probably spen 38$ on Cds and have generated an average of 250 in bonus and 200 in retail..oh yea I am using that to go to Summer conference and bringing my downline that should be at 17 deep. Will be starting my second leg at 5000- 6000 pv and going Emerald 100,000 plus per yr check it out it is real if you believe you are worth it.
Goning 7500 in 4. 20,000 bonus Nov 2012

Anonymous said...

Friends, what ever discussed here is correct.. Only uplines will make money. The tools will tell you how to become a upline. Later you teach your downline to become upline... it is a common sense business. Many people know Amway Business, we know how to make money from Amway. As simple as that.

Anonymous said...


I am a new IBO and doing some research before putting lots of effort and money to do this business. I have been to one of the conference and found that there were many people who says that how they made money but where are the facts.

Would like to see some of people's honest $ incomes and expenses on the tools.

Thanks Joe Cool for putting it in front and thanks to all the participant who are directly or indirectly giving an idea about the realness and fakeness of the snr uplines (as the truth comes out when the ppl write things anonymously).

Anonymous but honest opinions will help all the new IBO's.

God bless,

Anonymous said...

look if your saying that amway is a waste of money, then thats your opinion. its a people helping people business, i for myself rather buy tools and cds than go out to the bar and spend on one night wati would spend on one month in amway simply said. . . the real scam is walmart and these big corporations where everything is made in china and we are supporting them not ths US

Joecool said...

You're the on in denial. The fact is that more than 99% of IBOs lose money. How is that a good thing?

Anonymous said...

The only time you lose money is when you start out, and it is not necessarily losing money, its the same thing as if you were to open any business, you need a capital and you need to invest, profits won't fall out of the sky. I am a little over 4000pv and i am making around $500-$600 and I am only putting $250 worth of pv per month, buying stuff that i normally would buy at costco or any supermarket, it looks like a hell of a deal to me, and working fine.

Anonymous said...

Listen Joecool, the one thing i hate to do is brag, and i don't want to give a bad image to the rest of the hard working IBOs. But the truth is this, I am rich and you are broke, it is that simple. Now for the rest of the people who think Amway is a scam, etc. I will not try to convince you otherwise, you want to learn how to be successful you ask someone who has done it and is successful. You take advice from negative people like Joecool, and you will be broke. In these critical times financially it is ok for anyone to be skeptical about having to invest money because you can be scammed, etc. I understand that, but at least take a look at the damn thing, Its like not going to see a movie you think sounds great because somebody told you it sucks. Different people, different views, different opinions.

Joecool said...

Yadda yadda yadda. You're rich and I'm broke.

I'm sure you are willing to come forth and prove this? *crickets chirping*

Anonymous said...

WOW, It's amazing how easily someone living in mediocrity can just set a blog and rant and rave. Listen, I am an amway IBO and have been for a couple of years. I am also an employee, and I have also opened my own grocery store. As an employee you trade hours for dollars. The time you put in the time you get paid for. You get paid on whatever your boss thinks your time is worth to him, you have no say so, you just try to bargain for the best price. Time away from family?? I would say so.

Second, I've spent thousands of dollars opening my own grocery store. $350,000 to be exact. As in any business, investments have to be made. NO business will ever give you profitability before you make the proper investments. Now, my store is closed, I had it for two years, and did not make a dime back. Why? Because I had not generated enough income to offset the investment. This is typical of ANY business that ever starts off may it be McDonalds which cost $1.4 million to start, or any other already successful franchise that minimal you will spend $150,000 just to buy the name. It's like buying a pack of koolaid at $1.00. You make it and sell a cup at $0.25. Well you have to sell 4 just to break even, then you profit every cup after that.
If you only sell 3 then you are $0.25 in the hole, then you set up a blog on why koolaid sucks and koolaid stands are a scam and you will lose your shirt trying it.

Now, as an Amway IBO I spend $59 to reregister each year. Well, our government requires that you are registered legally to collect taxes if you own any that's ANY business. And for that price its a steal. My business licenses for the grocery store were twice that much and no support from anyone like I get from the corporation.
Second, tools and conferences? Ok, you go get a college education, pay thousands of dollars (including books), and if you want a lucrative career (i.e. doctor, lawyer, psychologist) it's easily six figures at least. My wife works with many. They come out of college, no guaranteed job, and $100,000 in debt from the get go. Most "professionals" start with $35,000 to $45,000 a year if they are lucky and in a very good area. Now, you have to live off of that, perhaps raise a family, and repay your loans.
So, if I have to buy a book on success or listen to a CD from someone who has become successful then it is worth it. Every successful person even those NOT associated with Amway will do so. From my own experience, I have grown as a person because of the information I have heard. It's not all money, success books and principals also help you become a better person and I have.

Anonymous said...

OH, Joecool didn't mention, because you are legally a business owner through amway you can write alllllll these expenses off in your taxes. Just some little tax benefits that business owners have that employees don't. This business is no different from any other. You HAVE to work at it and Joecool if you truly went 4000 then I don't doubt you worked, but if you ran 24 miles in a marathon and even though it hurt, then you run the other 2.

SO, lets break it down. Per Joecool's own admission there are Diamonds and Emeralds breaking not only in the US but internationally. So that alone proves that the business works.
Second, per his own admission again, some of his people quit. Well, thats nothing you or Amway can control. People are people and will quit anything. Losing weight, school, marriage, bills, etc. Why should this be any different. Yes they promote this and that, but it's only those that put forth the effort and no matter what obstacles get in their way, they keep going. Life happens and will always get in the way no matter what you are doing. You can't tell me you haven't had difficulties in life before or after your amway experience.
And lastly,
you were a 4000 and NOT? profitable. That tells me
you did not maintain proper differential between you and your downline for you to be profitable. This means your downline was being more profitable than you if he was close to you in PV bracket or he was also 4000PV, and that is exactly how it should be. You may have sponsored 12 but lets be truthful, they were not all active and doing everything that was recommended. Even Jesus had someone quit on him. If you went 4000 it was in 1 leg and they have the right to get paid on work they did. This is probably why you avoided answering the question twice.

Fact of the matter is you were the IBO that sticks around as long as possible hoping to find someone that will explode and hopefully you'll make a lot of money. Well it doesn't work that way. He who does the work gets paid. And after you stuck it out, listened to the cd's(maybe), read books (maybe), and maybe (that's a strong maybe) followed the guidance of your growing upline were broken hearted so now you want to try so hard to prove to anyone else that this doesn't work and that doesn't work and it's a scam and so on and so forth. Let me tell you I am no diamond but I do get paid on the effort I put forth and that is fair. So when I put more effort I get paid more.

Sorry it didn't work for you, sorry people that you thought were a shoe in quit on you, but that doesn't give you a right to try and destroy everyones hopes who may perhaps stick it out and look for the positive instead of being fed nothing but negative. They all have the right to hear the truth, but your blog is full of holes both from the pro perspective and the con.

If anyone who is looking at this blog to think about doing or not doing the business, I encourage you to do some real research. Nothing in this blog is credible. It is all hearsay and opinions and are not worth the electricity you are spending to read these.

Joecool said...

How appropriate that you post this on IBOs are in denial.

With a less than 1% success rate, IBOs certainly are in denial about success.

Joecool said...

Diamonds are breaking in the US? Really? Can you name ten new diamonds from the last several years? I bet there are more diamonds who quit or left Amway than there are new ones. The reason there was no profit at 4000 is because my awesome upline expected us to spend all the bonus back into tools.

Yes, prospects should do their research because all the Amway success stories are all hearsay and there's no bonafide proof that Amway and the systems work.

Anonymous said...

you all sound like a bunch of pansies..be quiet who cares what people do with their money and their life?

Anonymous said...

anon, you have officially made a royal douchebag of yourself. dangit, i just peed my pants laughing at this!

**proud Amway hater**

Anonymous said...

Amway blows monkey nuts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Roger and Roxanne Holt(2011), Toby and Mia Ayers(2010), Garry and Tammy Newell (2008) Terry and Laurie Taylor(2007), Campbell and Diane Haigh (2006) Matt nad Alana Grotewold (2006), Greg and Jaquie Francis(2005)Gary and Nancy Ayers(2004), Jake and Jackie Baker(2003).

Hmmm... No new Diamonds in the USA?

Leadership Team Development has been breaking Diamonds for a while buddy. Get your facts straight.

LTD 250K strong.

Joecool said...

Yes, just what I have been saying less than 1% success. Your LTD diamonds = 8 in 8 years. Tens of thousands trying. I bet some of those diamonds no longer qualify either.

Anonymous said...

If BWW collected $10,000 one time fee for 5 years for all the tools they would provide for the next 5 years, (like how McDonalds charges franchise fee of $1.2 million dollars) then I am sure you would not have been complaining.

I am 1500 PV guy with 4-5 good retail customers. Even with 4 Standing Order tapes and a book + Open meetings I don't cross $100 a month. I make a lot more money in retail sales and my PV check just at 1500 PV.

And I constantly use everything I learn from the CDs and the books. That's what they are for. An investment.

I invested $35,000 in my MS in Computer Science from a good university and I still continue to attend technical seminars to keep up with the latest technologies at my job.

I spend $250 for train tickets, $100 laundry to wear clean shirts to work, $1500 every year on learning new technology in my domain. All this to be the best in my job and to add value to my company. Should I complain about that too?

Joecool said...

You're not a real business owner if you spend less than $100 a month on tools. Why aren't you buying toold for your downlines and prospects? Don't you attend functions?

1500 PV with 4-5 customers? That means you are making money off the backs of your downline and not from a customer base. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

7.50 for a CD dude. 12.99 for a book. $100 for a function(once in 3 months) = That's still less than $100 a month, Mr. Average Joe.. :)

Yeah. I have 6 active down lines. And of course that's how the plan works and that's how the world works. People making money off others. That's the definition of any business. You make profits and profits come from other people's money. I would highly recommend you understand how the 6-4-2 works with a proper profitability.

I am still laughing on how you were 4000PV with a peanut brain. You have/had amazing uplines dude. I am sure they went through a lot of pain with you in the down line. OMG - What an awesome business! I hear that your downline went silver last month and made $2200 check while you were blogging away to glory. You're an EPIC FAIL dude.

I am just curious on how you went 4000PV ? Eagle , Chicken , vulture ?

Ha ha ha !!!!! Good that you quit..

Joecool said...

How much is your voicemail and website fees? You buy one cd a month? What do you do? Listen to the same one every day? What about open meetings and the local monthly function?

I call BS on you and your story.

Anonymous said...

Get a real JOB. Stop being SUCKERS.

Anonymous said...

Joe Cool is as real as it gets. I did it for one month and was traveling more than 100 miles each time I had to go to a meeting. It was rididculous and I was under false pretenses that I was getting into a "make-up business". Bunch of liars. Tell me how the kool-aid tastes.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to spend $$$ on tools. I have a great upline who lends me her CDs. She has 100s. She wants me to get better cause it makes her business better this business is 80% the group you are in. And filtering out the "quitters" be honest with them from the beginning it's not easy money at first!

Joecool said...

Anon, if you have downline, you will then have to buy your own tools so you can loan them to your downline.

Diamond2014 said...

Dude its a business like any other. Some people fail and some people succeed.Its a great opportunity in my opinion, im 20 yrs old and im a platinum. Look at it as a business, if you open a store or any business you put so much money down and then work hard to make it succeed and profit. You can't think as an employee, a business mindset is by investing, working and then you profit heavy.

Unfortunately depending what team your a part of and the person who is the upline, some great people can have terrible experiences. I love my team and where we are heading. My family is involved, my cousin is a silver double eagle going platinum and we all started just like everyone else.

Joecool said...

No, it's not like any other business. In Amway, 99% or more of IBOs trying to make money end up with nothing or a loss. A platinum is about the break even point so nothing to write home about. If you are on the system, you might still be losing money as a platinum.

Anonymous said...

hope non of you moaning b's ever own a standard business cause then you won't even have time to blog and moan so best thing is for you to just keep doing a job as I need wanders to mow my lawns

Anonymous said...

Joecool you're in denial. I've seen this work. And if you think it doesn't work well then you must have gotten the information from an outside source like yourself. When you're educated about something you tend to be more able to talk about the details of things well I think you're most likely uneducated about this simple concept. Don't judge things before you get the details. I can attest to this business otherwise. It works and there is tons of proof that you haven't found. AND to the person who wrote this, if you really want to get your point across you should learn to edit what you're writing. It is information like this that people should not believe in because of the simple errors. Information cannot be too factual when errors are present.

Anonymous said...

False. Those who are willing to go the extra mile will receive the benefits in the long run. You have to weed out the no's to find the yes and the more you get through all the no's the closer you get to a yes.

Anonymous said...

been drinking? =P

Anonymous said...

Joe Cool,
You seem like a very negitive person. always thinking about people Quiting and no one making money. Even when CLEARLY people are making Money in this business.

And Tools are amazing! I could never build this business with out them, Just like When you go to school you have to PAY for your BOOKS for class and crap you wont use. Same concept but it just depends on You aka the person going to school or building this busniess.

This busniess is not Get rich quick and No one is garentee they will be successful. But Hey when was the last time some show you how to make a Six figure income?
without being an Athlet or VP in a Company. Just Like College you get a Degree But NO JOB!! Talk about SCAM!

Joecool said...

So prove that you made money in Amway or shut up.

Joecool said...

BTW, I know some people make money in Amway but it's about as common as lottery winners. When you want to prove that you made money, let me know. I'll be waiting.

Ananya said...

If you are not building the business, whatever you say is just your opinion. If you have decided not to build the business anymore, what you say can be construed as acrimonious and lacking objectivity. And if you are enthusiastic and excited about the Amway business, you are dismissed as brainwashed and your point-of-view is definitely not to be considered.

Everyone who writes here has the objective to illuminate the "facts" for the prospective IBO. But who can be really objective. Is objectivity even possible?

Amway is a business and has been one since it was founded on 1959. However, if you dig into the reasons for its founding you'll get to see the real motives of its founders.

Amway produces excellent products. One can use them and prove that for themselves. These products may not be cheap but they are cost-effective and competitively priced. If the corporation had not chosen the multi-level, network marketing route as the only way to market its products, they could well be a very successful international consumer products company. But to the corporation's credit and integrity, it chose to remain what it is, a company which provides opportunity for anyone who wishes to start and develop their own business without a large outlay of capital, or without giving up their primary source of income and in their spare time during evenings and week ends, at their discretion. It is their business and they get to decide.

The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan lays down how an IBO will get compensated for creating volume.

The business is as simple as finding out if people are looking for an opportunity, and if they are to teach they by your own example how to create volume for the products available in their Amway business, and keeping on repeating this over and over.

The problem is not about the Amway corporation or its Sales and Marketing Plan. The challenge usually starts with the individual and gets compounded because the business is all about people and one's success is dependent upon one's ability to deal with them effectively.

Tools may not be needed for a particular individual, but since the business is not about any one particular individual and is about duplicating simple things over and over, they become essential to build unity of practice over large groups and geographical areas.

any business has overheads and this business is no exception. however, the overhead expenses here are optional, you will be loaned materials if you can't afford them, and being a self-funding business, you can create the necessary finances to be able to afford them if you desire to.

it is all upto the individual.

if one is looking for an opportunity, in my opinion there is no better business than the amway business to check out. but one needs to check it out with an open mind and a open heart.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is a documentary about Amway aka "QuickStar" by Dateline NBC. please go check it out and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, dateline nbc was forced to pull that video from their website because it was not creditable. And that video was over 5 years ago. Some BSM organizations in the past have done people wrong, and amway is currently settling a lawsuit with some of those IBOs and have stripped all of the leaders of their businesses because of illegal practices. It is a great opportunity if you're apart of a growing team and organization. Tools are optional, no one forces you to purchase anything. I have a buddy who went ruby in the business with just his amway registration....no tools. It does work if you want to work it, but it does take work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am 3 wide, 4 in depth i been in since feb i just start platnium quil. I did the work i showed people how to make an income the system works LTD works

Anonymous said...

BECAUSE PEOPLE DO NOT TAKE THE ACTION AND DONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! you said you where 4000PV, why didnt you teach someone to do the SAME THING? you would have been a platnium! you gave up 2 soon

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 1000pv i was making 725, sell Creme lux it does wonders

Anonymous said...

Bro people will quit, people quit in life everyday dont worry about other people worry about yourself and try to uplift someone.

Anonymous said...

maybe you shouldnt have bought so many tools, learn to manage your money? come on man be smart!

Anonymous said...

It didnt deliver what was promise because you didnt teach them how to make money obviously. IT WAS YOUR FAULT!

Anonymous said...

2012 2 new diamonds broke. 24 new emeralds 47 new platniums 67 new rubys STFU

Anonymous said...

meetings are 5$ you can write that off as taxes, also I use my Uplines LTD account and listen to his CDS, called learning how to improvise

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

97% of business owners fail in the first 10 years most business owners in the first 5-15 years dont make a profit.
75% of college students are in debt of 50,000 or more that takes 30+ years to pay off. Some don't even get jobs in the field the major in. Bro i can chump you all day!

Anonymous said...


Joecool said...

You can chump yourself all day. Your 97% is made up. Post a source next time before opening your yapper.

Joecool said...

Big deal. Those new pins also have tens of thousands or more downline losing money.

Joecool said...

And you believe Amway is free enterprise? LOL

Anonymous said...

That's what's cool about the opportunity, it naturally weeds people like joe out of the system.

Joecool said...

That's because I was smart enough to get out. What's your story?

alm said...

Comon' it was joecools fault...I hope you understand this someday. Even if you go diamond, you will realize that no matter how much you help someone they will do whatever they want to do and whatever they feel motivated to do. I was in the business for 5 years and still technically am. I showed the plan probably 5 times a week and went out to contact everyday, was on every leadership program, bought tons of extra tools and samples to invest in our team and our business. The last year that we did it we spent an incredible amount of money which I won't say BC Amway is a great business and I wouldn't be who I am today without it. It is good for everything except for making money for the majority of people. We helped the people we sponsored more than they probably wanted to be helped, yes you could say I gave up, but at the end of the day it was a good decision for us. Its not for everyone...and he does have a point that the up line are there to make money off of you. Its a business and that's okay,but they make you to believe otherwise. I left all of my drinking friends for those in the business and now they don't talk to me at all. I cried myself to sleep for weeks...I thought they were bigger than that.

Anonymous said...

So you were smart enough to get out, but too dumb get started?

Anonymous said...

Alright alright, now that I spent an hour reading everyone's post and have gained more and more strength to actually go build this thing, I have a few things to say first.

First of all. Thank You Joe Cool. You are cool Joe. I saw your cool because you have a success principle not many people have and I can respect that. This principle is standing up for what you believe in no matter if you are standing alone.

on the other hand, I don't believe that I can enlighten you any more than anyone else has on this blog so I will give you my opinion as you and countless others have given theirs. I am an active Independent Business Owner affiliated with Amway and LTD. I was exposed to the business opportunity with Amway back when it was Quixtar Canada! Since then, (2007) right before it changed back to Amway Global, I have learned a lot about life, relationships, economics, politics, etc. I must give some credit to Amway's system for this increase in knowledge. Yes i could have gotten the information from schools and library etc. However I was exposed to the system through LTD back then and I started buying the products, trying it, talking to people and I got to 600 pv within a year or so.

Not fast growth like the person who went 4000 in 4 months. I applaud that by the way. This business opportunity is a simple one. You find money by doing the things you do every day and doing it through Amway, they pay you for it.

whether i got back 1 cent or $200. the principle is simple. I made something from spending my hard earned money. I got back a little even if i gave a lot. I am grateful for this concept because out there aside from Amway, i don't get back anything from anything or anyone.

I spent a lot of time checking out blogs like these, watching the videos on YouTube, researching thisbiznow, etc. I have been to conferences and seminars and info sessions the whole bit. I know the diamonds are reaping a reward, but shouldn't they?

i never understood what being a compassionate capitalist was until i got in Amway. i practiced capitalism, i always worked to get paid, i always were competitive, i always enjoyed being rewarded for my efforts. i also knew that there was more out there for me than i was exposed to until i got in Amway.

to be cont'd

Anonymous said...

Alright Alright, I am here now to officially comment. I spend an hour reading this thing, and its time to share my thoughts. First and foremost, thank you Joe Cool for your thoughts, you are a cool dude and why i say that is because you have what it takes to be successful. You have an opinion and you stand on that opinion, that takes guts, determination and you can be successful in anything you do so congrats.

Secondly, I am an IBO registered with Amway and affiliated with LTD. I am proud to say that because i was exposed to the business years ago when it was still quixtar. I went as much as 700pv and the check back then wasn't as profitable at that level as it is today so codooes to Amway for changing and growing. The company itself is there to have people get involved at a low cost and risk and earn money from the spending they do already that's the first concept. the second concept is to introduce it to like minded people. you did that as you went 4000, my question is why didn't you fight a little longer til you get to platinum and then look at the check you got and re-evaluate whether you were spending more or less than you made? why work so hard to 4000 and quit there. maybe Amway wasn't for you. might still not be but that's up to you. I left the business years ago and went through some crap and came back stronger than every. I learned a lot from my affiliation. I learned about capitalism and the economy. I learned about myself and those around me. I found a way that i can truly live as an entrepreneur without having a store to run like my dad does, or having to pay taxes on property with lights and shelf and all that stuff to run my business. Amway was the right choice for me and i have seen others like tihitian noni, acn, prepaid legal, global wealth trade etc. way i see it is Amway has been around over 50 years, how do i know they will make 50? I don't, but i know Amway will make 100. because they have made 50 already and they are the 28th largest privately held corporation in NORTH AMERICA! That says something...

my point is this my friend. we all have our opinions, and i believe Amway works. I believe there are choices we make that makes or breaks our future goals and keeps us in peril. Amway doesn't claim that you will make millions. as a matter of fact it states in claims that only 40 ish % of Canadian IBO's were considered active, and it states that the average income for Canadians is $230 ish. So people do make something from Amway. Do not confuse Amway with the training systems that provide support tools like LTD. Yes they do sell tapes, yes they do sell tickets to a conference, yes they do make a profit from it but shouldn't they?

cont'd next!

Anonymous said...

Cont'd now!

if you have something of value you want to share wouldn't you prefer to make 1 cent from it that nothing especially when you worked your but off to get that information. you wouldn't just give it freely every time.

we all want to make money that's the truth. but others want to make a difference underneath the skin, in the spiritual world. Books and Cd's cost money to be warehoused, to be transported, to be recorded, to be produced etc. so why wouldn't i want to pay for them. i can keep them and they are good to have.

many people spend $200-$300 or more on video games making Sony and all these companies rich. whats 50 compared to that when that 50 investment teaches you how to make that 50 into 500, or 5000. what does PlayStation teach us, Xbox, or Wii...

in life its all about priorities, we make choices and those choices reflect how we live our life. I'm a proud Amway IBO affiliated with LTD and I know that my day will come. til then i work hard, spread the business information and whoever wants to be with me they will and who ever doesn't they wont. My focus will be on Ribbon gift cards and sales to corporations in Toronto etc.

I will register business owners too and they will be successful you know why, because I believe in myself and I believe in people, even you Joe Cool i believe in you. so find what your here to do in this life, live it, love it and help as many people get where they want to go so you can get there with them.

Peace and God Bless you all.

For Amway diamonds and other pins visit http://www.achievemagazine.com/ hit on achievement and you can see the pin levels of different people.

Anonymous said...

oh shut up!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So how is your 99percent not made up?

Joecool said...

How many IBOs are in the 6-4-2 plan? 79 IBOs in a platinum group. All 79 moved 100 PV.

We know that "most" IBO's don't do anything. Even Amway excluded 53% of IBOs when they calculated the average income. Thus a typical platinum group would have
150 or more IBOs and one platinum. That's about 1/3 of 1%.

Anonymous said...

A man I know who is a diamond in Amway described the day he was introduced to "The Plan" as being the "best day of my life, even better than the day I was married or even the births of my kids". He waqs serious. That is scary to me that any organization would have so much influence that it would cause him to think that. Wouldn't the day you were baptized be the best day of your like, if you were a Christian?

Anonymous said...

He's too dumb to wake up ;-)

Anonymous said...

You say you love your team, what team are you on?

Anonymous said...

I think you're right Joe, it doesn't work for everyone... but then again, neither does college... or real estate... or professional sports... or being an insurance agent... or being a salesman... or owning/operating a small business... or anything else that requires substantial effort and investment on in the beginning and middle to reap a reward in the end. I'm not hear to argue with you. You say IBOs are in denial, and that's fine. I'm interested in knowing what you propose IBO's do instead?

Should they go back to school and rack up student loan debt (the higher education system requires payment of classes/seminars and books, too, crazy huh?)? Do you suggest that they open their own small business (this would require a large monetary investment with a risk of failure as well... I think some folks even have to attend seminars/conferences to keep up with their industry aaaaan buy licenses - shameful, I know... sucks just as much as Amway, huh!!)?

Joe, it seems you feel this is your calling. I won't step on your dream. Everyone is entitled to pursue their dream. If you really want to be effective in pulling IBOs away from AMWAY, BWW, WWDB, LTD, etc. you should propose a surefire way that these gullible people can stop pursuing the impossible dream and start working on something that is sure to provide them with the training, education, support, positive environment and income that Amway didn't provide.

I'm excited to hear your proposal, as I'm sure there are many Amway IBOs don't see any other way to accomplish their dreams, and will also be glad to hear your advice regarding their options.

Best regards!!

Joecool said...

People fail in many endeavors. But it's hard to find one where so many fail as in Amway.

It's not about me pulling people away from Amway. If they want to join, then I say go for it. After all, some people do make money in Amway.

But people should know that their chances of making money is so tiny that they may as well invest in the lottery. Also, that uplines might lie and have them divert money into the pockets of the upline diamonds. If they know that and join, more power to them. At least they go in fully informed.

Just about any option you choose, education, a job, a business. is a better option than working an Amway business.

Staying home and watching TV will usually be more lucrative than Amway.

Anonymous said...

Know your products, be agressive. Raise your belief. I have made more than my upline, because I sale the products that are most profitable, just like any other business. Keep in mind, this is not a jopb. You are buliding a business.

Anonymous said...

They make you feel really bad if you don't buy the tools. The tools are great for personal growth but it's not gonna make you successful.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I stumbled on this exactly but I was one of Charlie Durso's victims about 15 or so years ago. I was sold the dream. I invested a great deal of time, energy, and money so that I could fulfill this dream. What I got in return was nothing more than an education. AMWAY or the American Way Corporation, has many success stories but it also has far too many failures. They prey on you. They know how to manipulate you and they get you to drink the cool aide. I went to the meetings and listened to the speakers and they are professional motivators…and scam artists. Yes I said it. Scam artists. Emphasis on ARTIST. Take a real close look at the diamonds and double diamonds around the country who are out of the business now. Check into their finances and see how many are bankrupt. Check to see how many marriages fell apart because of AMWAY. I have to tell you, the kicker for me was when I traveled down to one of the big seminars down south and listened to all of the hype and then it hit me. I was in a CULT. Holy shit they had me hook line and sinker. Then the Christian singers came out and I was completely blown away. OH BOY, what did i get myself into. I have one thing to say to you people who still believe. Get out while you still have your dignity. Mark my words…you won't be successful in AMWAY. Either start your own "real" business or work hard for someone else. My best move was to get out and become the man I am today. I worked hard in the legitimate business world and became a very successful man. I have solidified myself in my industry and it provides me with all the freedom I need in this world and I don't have to sell anyone on a pipe dream. I have led many people down the AMWAY road and I regret everything I have ever done while I was under the "spell". I guess this is sort of a confession and an apology to anyone mislead or hurt.

You will figure it out sooner or later. I just think its better to find out sooner.

Anonymous said...

There are many positive and negative reviews about Amway.But my take on amway is its pretty good opprtunity which helps a person to build business in spare time and encourages you to work hard for few years so that you may be free rest of your life......It sounds too good to be true.........They are very ethical hardworking uplines.....There may be some exceptions.......All said,there is something which is reality and theory.......You may be successful in amway soldily but with expense of 15 to 20 years of constantly building the business deligently in current scenario......When you hit a top level,its not a gaurantee that you take as granted..........You may fall back to square one when your downlines doesnot see result..........Bottomline is there is no exchange with HARDWORK in real life......Amway is no exception,just because it offers eternal success for breif hardwork,doesnot exactly seem to be the case in reality.......I dont want to badmouth about amway.......But please try it out on your own terms and go from there.....Gud Luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi JoeCool, long time no hear! Although I totally agree with what you're stating in principle, I'm going to make a slight correction to your comment - call it nitpicking if you will :-) Over the years the Amway/Quixtar System has proven that it DOES work, but only for about one one-hundredth of one percent of the people who join. This fact is supported by the closed pyramidal buying system that the business teaches of selling to others who want to make money themselves with the same opportunity that you the upline were presented with, where everybody is chasing the same sales dollars which makes it mathematically impossible for more than a handful of people to make it - relatively speaking of course. Amway/Quixtar, and all of multi-level marketing in general, is really nothing more than a long term game of chance, similar to the lottery. The only difference being that the lottery you at least know within a few hours or a few days - right after the drawing is done - whether you're a winner or - 99.99% of the time - you're a loser. With the lottery you just walk down to the local 7-11 or bodega, purchase your ticket and then at least you're done; without having to pay the thousands of dollars in support material and attending seminars & conferences, and wasting tremendous amounts of time, effort & energy trying to convince others to build the business so that you can collect a percentage of what they make for yourself.

Joecool said...

Good comment! I agree!

Anonymous said...

So learning how to be better at sales doesn't make a salesperson more successful? Being more positive and motivated doesn't make people more successful? Having the ability to leverage your time and train 10 people for the cost of 5 mins of your time and $7 doesn't help make someone more successful? Huh. Really?

So I suppose you think then that personal growth is necessary for success? Huh. Really.

I guess you think everyone starts our like Donald Trump, Zig Zigglar, and Steve Jobs all rolled into one, so why would they need any tools to help them? Huh. Really.

More non-business people, talking about business, like they know something.

Joecool said...

Leverage what? Most people who sign up do nothing. Out of the rest, most will quit within a year and most won't be able to sponsor anyone. You'll be spinning your wheels for nothing.

Anonymous said...

he just did--that's why he started the blog. get back on planet earth.

Anonymous said...

Jobs Is A Scheme , What so wrong about amway . So many people have done the business , and succeded its simply because the person didnt work the business hard as they suppose to thats why they wasnt so successful and i personally dont put education down but we spending more on books and education in college then in amway why cant you write about how the education system and how it take thousands of dollars and have the people that studied for a certain topic dont even get a job based on what there studied field in college . Amway is not a scheme , and if it was i dont think " schemes " would give me a check for the products i have brought from them .

Joecool said...

Yes, some people succeed in Amway, but tens of millions lost money. In a job, you are guaranteed to make money. A larger percentage of people lose money investing in an Amway education than the college system and it is a documented fact that college grads earn more than non college grads.

Anonymous said...

Amway has produced the 2nd most millionaires in the US. The first is Microsoft and they did it through shareholders. Joecool you need to stop letting other people clutter your brain and learn the #1 success principle: making a decision. You made a provisional decision and you talked yourself out of it and quit. Now your an Amway hater and your bloggin about something you quit years ago. Your really cool now Joe.

Joecool said...

I doubt you will but I double dog dare you to come back here and prove your claim that Amway has produced more millionaires than any company other that Microsoft. That is a huge lie. The Amway owners are billionaires but there's no evidence that Amway has produced any millionaires. Go ahead and prove it. I doubt you'll return to prove it. Just another myth perpetuated by an Amway drone.

Joecool said...

I might agree that some diamonds became millionaires selling standing oredrs, voicemail, book of the month and function tickets.

Anonymous said...

To all the Amway people. Shouldn't you be out contacting or STP instead of arguing over a blog?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a bad experience with someone in Amway, but don't blame the company for the actions of a person. The system works. I have a great upline, I truly feel like they have my interest in mind. Over the years I have grown more confident and have learned to talk to people. The money is just a bonus. This is really the only system you can outearn your upline, it's just about how good you can build your business.

Joecool said...

Since most people do nothing, outearning your upline is no big deal.

Former IBO said...

Dear Anonymous....
I was once an Amway Platinum. I actually qualified to help one of the above named "NEW" diamonds qualify. My husband and I were their 6th leg over.
Although I loved the business for 7 years, I got a chance to see what goes on behind closed doors, and it isn't pretty.
I think there are some AMAZING people who give their lives and finances to their business and to their uplines, when it's NOT in their best interest.

After we were told to do whatever we had to to get the job done, we found ourselves purchasing THOUSANDS of points, charging credit cards up, and borrowing from family and friends because LTD was depending on us, and if we didn't do it there would be no new diamonds that year.
We found ourselves after qualifying Platinum, with no team left, people hurt, and an upline who proceeded to be celebrated and sent to Peter Island while we licked our wounds, claimed bankruptcy and had ruined MANY friendships because we begged people to buy products repeatedly. The month after we were new Platinums we were actually negative 300PV, because products had been returned. No team or PV left to show for any of it.
I know for a fact that there are MANY LTD Diamonds who aren't even qualifying anymore, but that's not talked about.
If you knew the actual family dynamic and story behind Gary and Nancy Ayers, and Toby and Mia Ayers, it would make you so sad.
Long story short is this. I think Amway can be a good business model. I also think it can mess people up if not handled correctly.
Bottom line is you should really know the whole story before you get in peoples faces with what you think are facts.

Joecool said...

Thank you for your comments and it certainly shines a new light on someone who just shows up and drops names of alleged new pins such as diamonds and emeralds.

Anonymous said...

Amway is a multi-billion dollar sales corporation. An opportunity like no other to become very successful in business and earn great income. Of course not everyone succeeds but that happens in every company and in any job. You have to work hard and never quit. I have to pay money for things in my job so why wouldn't you have to pay money for books, tools and meetings. Leaders make money off of Books and CD's because they are giving information necessary for success. Tony Robbins and other national motivational speakers earn money for giving seminars that people pay money to attend and not every one who attends is ever successful in any business. Why? Because it takes effort and action along with applying the principles that you learn from tools, books, meetings, CD's. Bottom line : you can be successful in Amway just like you can be successful owning a McDonalds but most do not have the million dollars to open a McDonalds so Amway is a better opportunity. And people fail at both!

Joecool said...

Yes, but in Amway, the vast majority fail but in McDonald's, the vast majority make money and are successful. That's why they can charge a million dollars for a franchise.

Unknown said...

System works if you have a trust worthy team and upline. My team liked watching #wolfOfWallstreet i had 3 chances to hit 4k ..but i didnt trust them. Later i find out i was right. I loved doing the business but i dont know what to do now.

Anonymous said...

Sys works i loved it had 3 chances to go 4k didnt trust my team and i later find out i was right...they liked to watch #WolfOfWallStreet #dunowhat2doNow

Unknown said...

I watched my upline make $1500-2000 every month while he was at 4000pv until he moved to 7500 and was making $3000-4000...it all depends on your width and correct structure. Without proper structure you could be 7500 and get paid little to nothing. You must have outside structure in order to get paid off of your biggest legs. It's really not that hard to do, people just don't realize this so they quit because they aren't

Unknown said...

"Amway scam"? I'm not in Amway but i so hate when people call these businesses a scam only because they didn't succeed in it! Just because you're a failure and it didn't work for you don't mean you gotta bad mouth the company and ruin it for other open minded people smh

Unknown said...

losers are always trying to persuade other people not to do something...just because you're a failure don't mean everyone else is

Joecool said...

Who's persuading anyone here? This is a blog where you come here on your own and read the material. Anyone can decide whether to join Amway or not.

Of course, a not a single loser like yourself has ever proven that they've made a dime of profit from Amway.

Anonymous said...

I've made money in the business and I put into as I choose. I've bought/read some of the books that interest me and they did help with my business and within my personal life. I would get help from my upline when I needed but at the end of the day it's my business and I'll attend what meetings I want and I'll buy what books I want and it's been a profitable business as I actually love the products offered my Amway.

Anonymous said...

amway is stupid and your a idiot if you "work" for them. get a real job and a life!

Anonymous said...

Amway is a job. You go from one job to another. You need to go to functions, meetings, team meetings, sell products, recruit, go out and make contacts. All this to HOPEFULLY become successful at the business. If you want to read books, get it from the library for FREE. You want to buy an item, get it cheaper online or at Walmart. You want to have a side business, create a business that will give you passive income - there are plenty of opportunities for doing that with technology. You do not need groupies and travel in packs. They work just as hard as anyone else with a job and get frustrated just as much as well. Don't let the videos and speeches fool you. They have to work, else their money could run dry.

Guap said...

Your are a liar haha. 4000pv at 12 legs you'd be making $2000-2500 a month because of your width. Your nothing more than a loser who probably had no more than 1 or 2 sign ups with low self image to the point that you had to make a website to get confirmation and approval from random anonymous people.
How dare you even spread lies like you do. You say you had 12 legs, someone with your mindset and they way you speak would never have that type of structure. No-one would follow you. Furthermore let's break down the math, 4000pv=12000bv or roughly $12k in business for the month across 12 legs doing 333pv would mean they receive 6% cash back while you receive 21% of the business volume. After you pay out your legs differential you keep 15% and 15% of 12k is $1800 not including your personal circle, fast track bonuses and other bonuses you may have qualified for.

Joecool said...

It's easy to make up hypothetical guesses about my business structure and call me a liar. My bonus was in the rage of $1000 to $1250 a month, even at 12 wide because like most IBOs, I had 2 strong legs that most of the volume ran through, thus those two legs received larger bonuses and some of my IBOs personally sponsored only had a few downline and a few never sponsored any downline.

It's comical how you come in here making accusations against me while I see IBOs saying they just joined and they're making $5000 a month other far more questionable claims than my personal experience.

Since you can't refute my experience with actual facts or concrete evidence, you have no choice but to make a personal attack against me because my blog is obviously hitting your sore spot somewhere. But don't worry, people like you are a dime a dozen. :)

Guap said...

It's cute that you claimed 250-300 a month income now you change your story because of my reply. Why didn't you approve my comment? Mr Joeloser?

Joecool said...

Where did I ever claim that my income was $250 to $300 a month as a 4000? Now you are lying. Of course feel free to post evidence to support your claim.

You call me a loser but you'll notice that I posted your comment and I also responded.

You calling me names shows more about yourself and other IBOs than it does about anyone else.

Keep attending those functions and keep losing money! You're sure to achieve your financial dreams that way right?

Joecool said...

Guap (LOL), you prove the point of my article. Amway IBOs are in denial. ROFL

Anonymous said...

Joe, this "Guap" character is a total asshole.

He comes here in a rage, screaming that you are a liar and a loser. But he can't come up with a single rational argument in favor of the Amway racket, or any rebuttal of your analysis of the scam.

The man is just an over-emotional freak.

Guap said...

Looks like I got under your skin, Joelittleman. I can tell the kind of boy you are (I am implying boy because your not a man). You are the left wing leaning low self image Democrat. You probably loved Obama and was "with her". Your a loser, Trump is my president and amway is the best direct selling company out there. Maybe I'm a little rude but that's the Italian in me, I like to be honest and point out losers that bring other people down and put you in your place. With or without your negative blog we will keep on winning and you can keep whining, haha!

Joecool said...

I guess "Guap" was lying about not being an IBO. Not that I'm surprised. Funny how wrong you are about me being a left wing democrat but I guess being wrong is something you are good at. I noticed you are now trying to change the subject after I schooled you in exposing the errors in your previous comments.

I'm not sure what you consider whining, but there's no whining going on. My blog chugs along as Amway sales keep going lower and lower. Over a 25% decrease since 2014. Is that what you consider "winning"? Maybe massively lower sales is "winning" to Amway IBOs. LOL

Thanks for posting. Your kinds of posts keep me entertained. LOL

Anonymous said...

To "Guap" --

Here's a hot flash for you: I'm Italian, I voted for Trump, and I hate liberal Democrats.

And guess what? You're STILL AN ASSHOLE.

My advice to you is to get out of Amway as soon as you can. You're going to go broke if you don't.

Anonymous said...

I’m curious how Amway has treated you these past few years?

Anonymous said...

Joe cool, your structure was garbage. That's why you didn't make money. Anyonmous who broke down the math is correct. Moreover, you stated people quit faster than they are getting it. That means you learned only one step to the business: getting them in. You personally never figured out how to keep them in. I'll tell you right now, add value to their lives, and everyone would have stayed. But it sounds like you didn't cultivate a relationship with them deep enough to earn their loyalty. Screw money
Screw pv. You were looking at it from a selfish perspective and I think that effected your buismess. Should have did it for others, not yourself. If you weew doing it for others, you wouldn't have quit.

Joecool said...

I had eagle parameters so you are wrong. And anyway, I had profits but at upline's advice, I put all my profit back into the tool system. That's the real reason why I had no net profits. Nice try, but try again.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 12:33 PM --

You write "Should have did it for others, not yourself."

Where did you go to school? In some Third-World shit-hole? You can't even put together a correct English sentence.

Regardless of your grammar, the real question is this: What kind of business says "screw money," or "work to help others"? Are you running a business, or a charity event?

But why bother talking to you? You're just the typical brainwashed Amway asshole.

Cool Hand Luke said...

I urge anybody that is reading this NOT to be persuaded with all this negative talk. One thing I know for sure is that Amway is NOT a scheme. Why do I say that and how can I say that? Because I checked it out myself and this blog is really not being truthful. The guy writing this blog has his points and he wants to tell his story. But it really isn’t doing Amway justice because he’s bitter about his experience. He could be right about his experience and he wants to voice it. Now my experience has been the complete opposite. And I went into this whole thing with an open mind. It could of went either way, I had no idea. What I truly saw and encountered was the best thing I have ever seen. It’s not for everyone. I owned three businesses for over 15 years and this is by far the easiest. You have to WANT to do the work required and you have to put money into your business just like I did when I started my other businesses. That’s the way it is. Plain and simple. Does it work. Of course it does. And far less money to start and run, and far less headaches. The people I have on my team are pretty damn awesome. Some of the BEST people I have ever met in my life. They truly will go completely out of their way to help me grow my business. Nobody ever helped me grow my other businesses. The way you do this and succeed is to find the right team. And the New York/New Jersey team is one of the best. Not sure what team the guy that wrote this blog was on but that’s how you do it. And there are soo many huge things left out of this blog. This blog talks about Amway but what you need to be patched into is the BWW System of leadership which is not the same as Amway. Anyone can join Amway. That’s why this blog is misleading to people that are reading this to find out if they should join Amway and if it’s a scheme. Buy the products to replace the products you already buy. Now give the opportunity to other people to do the same and in return Amway gives you money. And Amway will give you a lot of money but it all comes in due time. Joe should of spoke to someone about structuring his business different. He was close.
Now what is not mentioned anywhere in this whole blog is the life coaching and personal development which is offered by most BWW groups. This is truly an awesome benefit and was left out. I know the NY/New Jersey team does budget counceling, credit repair counceling, investment counceling, relationship counceling and its ALL FREE!!! And it’s the best of the best! And I take advantage of all of it. My entire group is going to be retired in five years. It’s already happening. I’ve seen it with my two eyes. If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t even be writing this. It works if you do the work. It doesn’t work if you don’t do the work. My team will not even invite you to be part of the team if you don’t do the work. So what’s the secret? Find a team that’s actually been successful, do what they say, stay the course and your success in this business will be inevitable. Buy the books, borrow the books, but the cd’s, barrow the cd’s, whatever. In Joe’s case he said he spent a lot on the tools and he wasn’t making money. There are ways around that and he should of gotten better advise. If your self motivated and your looking for something that has everything you need to be successful wrapped up in a nice package including the best personal mentorship around, then this is it. If your not self motivated and your looking for the get rich quick with no work than this is not it.

Joecool said...

Sorry, Amway is a scam. Amway's own disclosures confirm it. Less than 50% of Amway's IBOs are "active". And out of those who are active, their average income is about $200 a month and that includes the diamonds and "rich" Amway people.

Mt team was WWDB, which is an offshoot of BWW. BWW and WWDB are scams. The leaders make big money off the audios and functions even if you lose your shirt following their advice.

Luke says: ""My entire group is going to be retired in five years."" Not a single person in my nearly 20 years of blogging about Amway has anyone ever said that and returned later to show me that they retired because of their Amway business. Not a single one.

Not to mention not a single IBO has shown me anyone who built an Amway business then "walked away" into retirement on Amway residual income.

Anonymous said...

To "Cool Hand Luke" --

A genuine business is NOT about "life coaching" or "personal development" or "relationship counseling"! It's not about meeting "awesome people"! Where do you get these stupid ideas?

You say you made a lot of money in Amway. Oh yeah? Well how about telling us EXACTLY how much you made, and over how long a time period?

I'll wait here for your answer.

Anonymous said...

Sound of crickets chirping.

I guess "Cool Hand Luke" is afraid to answer.

Anonymous said...

80/20 Rule rearing it's ugly head?

Obviously something was a miss, perhaps you wanted to be in the 20 and found out that you belong in the 80? I don't know... just guessing.

I see that you hate Amway and MLM/Network Marketing, but seriously, I still think it has massive meaning in your life, could I be correct?

IMAGINE - someone who walked away from an opportunity and has been blogging about that fact for almost 20 years, perhaps Amway is more important to you than you think.

If you walked away completely and focused 20 years on something else, instead of the fact that Amway wasn't your trip to the promise land what exactly do you suppose you could do?

I don't claim to know anymore than you, as my network marketing business is only at the 1000 level, but I would imagine that if you hate Amway so much, why spend almost 20 years of your life (and precious time) complaining about it? Your profile claims that you don't want IBO's to quit, you just want them to ask tough questions, I can't agree with that assessment of your mission.

If it truly was you would go get sponsored, ask the questions of the upline yourself and blog the answers you discover. My best guess is that if you did the work for 20 years instead of complaining about your experience for 20 years you would be more than profitable... but that is assuming your actually doing the work.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong.
What do I know?

20 years is a HUGE TIME INVESTMENT, ask anyone.
-Jennifer Dawley

Joecool said...

Jennifer, I consider this blog sort of a hobby ans a public service. It's very clear that the vast majority of amway people make nothing or lose money. Some people lose a lot of money. The amway business doesn't create wealth. It just transfers funds from the rank and file masses to the diamonds in the form of purchases - product and tools and functions. How can a business be sustainable when the vast majority of people lose money? Amway relies on constant replacement of downline. If not for that "churn", even diamonds would eventually drop out and some have.

You are at 1000 PV. Not too bad but you are likely to find out soon how hard it is to even maintain that, let alone building your group more. Not a single IBO like yourself has ever debated me and returned later to proudly announce that they have gone platinum or higher.

Anonymous said...

To Jennifer Dawley --

Ex-alcoholics sometimes spend years working to warn other persons of the dangers of alcoholism.

Ex-drug addicts sometimes spend years working to warn other persons of the dangers of drugs.

Ex-cons sometimes spend years working to warn young kids of the dangers of a life of crime.

Anyone who was once involved in something corrupt or evil or soul-destroying, and who has escaped it, will often feel a responsibility to help others avoid his mistakes and tragedies. There is nothing at all wrong with that, honey. It is an act of selfless charity and kindness.

Face facts, will you, Jennifer? Ninety-nine percent (yes, that's Amway's own figure!) don't make a bloody dime in the Amway racket. Many are tricked into staying in the scam for years on end, wasting their time and their energy on sending money up-line.

When Joe Cool, or Anna Banana, or Dr. Doe, or David Brear, or anyone else runs a successful blog to warn people about the financial cesspool that Amway is, they ARE NOT MAKING A PROFIT! They are simply doing their best to warn other persons about something vicious and evil. These blogs are an act of humanitarian love. If there are Crown Ambassadorships in heaven, Joe Cool will get one, for his courage and selflessness in running this blog. He has saved thousands of people from utter ruin and bankruptcy.

You seriously suggest that Joe Cool get himself sponsored again in Amway, ask his questions of up-line, and then blog the answers here?

Are you kidding us, Jennifer?

Joe Cool was in Amway for years -- he knows everything about the racket. And if you were reading the anti-Amway blogs regularly, you'd know that you NEVER get a straight answer from your Amway up-line. In fact, you are ordered never to question them at all! So what the hell kind of answers do think Joe Cool would get if he were to go sign up again in Amway for another trip?

Yes, you are indeed entirely wrong.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous...

Despite what Joe Cool, Anna Banana, Dr. Doe, David Brear, Robert FitzPatrick or anyone else who runs a part time blog explaining how they failed at mlm will tell you, the failure rate in network marketing and direct sales isn’t any more than any other home business opportunity. Obviously Joe Cool is trying to discourage people from joining the industry so they don't lose the money he was losing at 4000 (with eagle parameters), but he is assuming the entire mlm industry is negative or bad based solely on his experience with his personal upline. Amway is a company, it did nothing to you, it can't, it's not a person. Perhaps you focus your blog on the line of sponsorship you were in and call them out - personally, as they are the ones who kept insisting you buy more tools. Network Marketing or mlm is far bigger than 1 company, Amway is just one of the oldest and the largest... sorry but it's still growing.

Now back to failing in an industry (as mlm is an industry not a person, or a group of people selling you on buying more tools). The truth is that Amway and mlm has a failure rate similar to many other home based business opportunities. In fact many people give up selling on eBay, freelancing their skills, blogging, and more. What differentiates success from failure in any home business is commitment to never quit. That means learning to overcome rejection, avoiding mistakes, and staying the course towards success.

Also you could try saying No to your sponsor or upline, I don't buy things under pressure, peer pressure exists everywhere; no it doesn't end in school, it continues. So ignore the banter back and forth, ignore Jennifer, ignore Joe, ignore opinions - learn to say no.

Eddie Murphy once said - The best advice I can give, is never follow anyone's advice, just do your thing.

Sorry Joe, Jennifer, and Anonymous - I am not trying to be a jerk, I am just saying that we don't have to pay for the "System", and I wouldn't if I wasn't getting results. But point that out for the people involved, not the company, or companies rather... they didn't coerce or sell you into buying anything.

-A gal building a herbal life powered network marketing business without tools

Joecool said...

"A gal building Herbalife", Herbalife is as big a scam as Amway in my opinion. The disclosures from Herbalife and Amway show that it's a miserable business opportunity.

The vast majority of people never make a cent of profit and if they are participating in functions or for Herbalife, extravaganzas, they will be losing money. It's nearly assured if you participate in the training.

And that's because Herbalife and Amway big shots run the real business, which is selling training while using Herbalife and Amway as the store front. That much is very clear if you look beyond the hype and fake dreams that these folks peddle.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 2:59 PM --

All MLMs, including Amway, are specifically designed to be failure-traps for the vast majority of members. Only a tiny percentage of persons succeed in these MLM ventures. The profits made by that tiny percentage come from the unrewarded work of the vast down-line that stretches out below them, and from endless fees.

This is totally different from the failure of an ordinary business of the type that you mention. These standard business ventures are not designed to trap someone into sending an endless flow of cash up-line. They might fail because of bad luck, or cash-flow problems, or mismanagement, or fluctuating markets, or any number of unpredictable factors.

But MLM rackets DELIBERATELY USE FAILURE as a means of enriching a small coterie of up-line persons. An Amway IBO spends endlessly for tools and products and functions and all the rest of the nonsense that his up-line forces on him, and he gets no profit at all. Meanwhile, his up-line gets rich, and does everything in his power to keep the poor IBO hanging on with talk about "hope" and "success" and "never quitting." Don't you see the difference? MLMs depend on blind hopes and endless networking. A genuine business depends on the quality of its products, and the satisfaction of its regular customers.

Why aren't Amway products (or whatever else is pushed by any MLM) simply sold to the general public in a brick-and-mortar store? If these products are any good at all, why can't they just compete for market share in the normal way?

I'll tell you why they can't be sold that way. MLMs are designed not to sell products, but to make money by convincing people to sign up and then keep on signing up others, for the sole purpose of collecting fees from those who are recruited. That isn't a "business." It's a racket.

So don't try to compare the chance failure of a regular business with the orchestrated and planned failure of an MLM. Amway and all of the MLMs that follow its pattern were designed right from the beginning to circumvent market competition by focusing on the recruitment of an endless pyramid of salesmen who are duped into thinking that they have an independent business of their own, when in fact all they are are fee-payers.

De Vos and Van Andel began with the Nutrilite racket back in the late 1940s. They then formed their soap company (Amway) in 1959. They never had the slightest concern with products, but only with the recruitment of IBOs. Their entire procedure was to enrich themselves by getting other persons to work for them purely on speculation -- that is, on the dream that they too might convince others to believe in the scheme also. As for the "products" -- well, they are nothing but window-dressing.

Anonymous said...

Do you know the difference between a Ponzi Scheme and a Legitimate Network Marketing Company Joe Cool?

Every business in the world is multi-tiered, every single business in the world. The difference is that they don’t give you a chance to own any of it, they hire you and they duplicate through you as employees. The Network Marketing Industry gives you skin in the game, it’s the only shot you have to build your own company from the ground up without investing hundred and thousands or millions of dollars.

Look I understand, during your years in Amway obviously you weren’t educated. You are naïve, you are ignorant, I don’t blame you for creating this blog or whatever… but you need to understand that your blog carries a lot of weight, and to blog about the negative experience you had to justify your opinion that Amway isn’t a legitimate company or business opportunity, when Amway is perfectly rated by the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, and Donna Bradstreet; not cool… Joe Cool. You know that millionaires and billionaires positively rant and rave about the network marketing industry.

I don’t know if you know, but our President was a spokesperson for a Network Marketing Company, Warren Buffet bought one back in the early 2000’s, the wealthiest people in the world have their hands in Network Marketing and employees judge it from a distance because they don’t understand the industry. Even with your many years of experience in Amway I don’t think you got it aka understood it. Based on the many posts I’ve read it seems to me that your teams focus was on tools, recruiting, and products, and not mentorship and leadership.

Joe Cool – Did you personally earn or actually qualify for Mentorship, or Time to be properly coached?

The last thing I will ask is this, since you left the industry and started this blog how would you rate your quality of life? On a scale of 1 to 10? My best guess is that you’re going to say 7 to 10, because you don’t want your readers to know that since you left the industry your financial situation isn’t that much better… perhaps you’re not buying tools, the products, the hotel fees, or the gas to develop a Network Marketing Business, and you must be saving lots of money (you constantly point to the dollars you spend on the System), however… I don’t imagine that your living the lifestyle you really want either.

Not to call a spade a spade, but your still Blogging about your negative experience in a business you are clearly not qualified for. I pity you Joe Cool, because I honestly can’t think of any other way for an average joe such as yourself to earn whatever your Dream or lifestyle you envisioned when you originally joined Amway.

In fact, I don’t think you have ever written about what you truly wanted to accomplish in Amway on this Blog, it’s always about the money that you never earned. Getting back to you being unqualified, I am just taking a shot in the dark here, I could be way off base, and I hope that I am. You never had a Dream did you

Also Joe Cool is a character from Peanuts, aka Snoopy to be exact, and I don’t think it’s a fitting handle for you. No offense. Snoopy is much cooler than you are.

Joecool said...

Basically, network marketing companies are ponzi schemes that appear legitimate only because there is a product involved. And you are wrong. Any publicly traded company gives you a chance to own a portion of it through stock options. Note that Amway is not publicly traded and technically, it doesn't matter because as a IBO, you are not Amway. You are basically an independent contractor who works for Amway on a commission only basis.

Frankly you are better off just shopping and using a cash back credit card because then you don't have business expenses or a minimum purchase requirement like Amway, to receive a rebate.

You probably never read my profile. I was an up and coming Amway IBO. I was at 4000 pv and got special "mentoring" and got to spend time with the upline diamond. The problem was that I never made a net profit at 4000 despite having the correct parameters as advised by upline. So I started asking questions. And when leadership could only tell me to follow blindly and the money would be there, I decided to get out.

You do know that dreams are irrelevant right? How many people achieve their dreams because of Amway? Maybe the owners of Amway and a few diamonds. But the vast majority get further away from achieving their dreams because Amway sucks their money away. I would even bet that you have a net loss from Amway as we speak.

Warren Buffet bought a network marketing company. Nice. Do you know that owning a company and being a distributor are different things? Owning a network marketing company where your sales force works for free is a great deal.

You are just a sad and delusional new IBO who won't be around long after your net business losses start to build up. LOL

Anonymous said...

you people are in such deep hilarious denial. It’s a pyramid scheme and one of the most incredibly developed one. Of course any concern anyone has with the fact that functionally no one makes money through Amway has a perfect squared away answer- when a scam has been around this long they get incredibly good at making it appear to not be a scam

Anonymous said...

Oh man... here we go again, year after year after year justifying why most people fail as if such failures are a good thing yet for those few who make it as if their success is a bad thing because they did something criminal simply because they succeeded in Amway.