Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Happy thanksgiving from Joecool!  

It's nice to sit back and enjoy the company of family and friends.  I remember when I was an Amway IBO, I would always be thinking and scheming about how to get the next person to see the plan, or who would be open to hearing about Amway.  There was really no relaxing or just enjoying myself because there's no rest in Amway.

Now I can look back and see how silly and ridiculous I was, although I snapped out of it in less than a year.  And frankly, I would have snapped out of it sooner if I hadn't had some early success, going 4000 PV in about 6 months.  But even with that limited success and the excitement that goes with it, I still had this nagging feeling that something wasn't right about what was going on.   I guess a part of me saw these huge conventions and I knew that there was a lot of money to be made in these conventions and other functions.  But upline (at the time) lied right to our faces and said there was no profit made on tools and functions.  They said any profits made went to make our functions cheaper.  I thought that was odd because no functions were ever cheaper.

It wasn't until I had left Amway and the internet made it easy to find and receive information.  I started to research and found how big a scam the Amway tools and functions were.  All the upline lies were unraveled and after participation in some Amway forums, I started Joecool's blog.  My first blog was popular but it ended because the host shut down and I had no way to archive the information.  I started on blogger in 2009 and I have gotten several million site visitors since.  I haven't quit yet after all these years because I know that this blog has been useful to many people who found the information or confirmation they were seeking about Amway and the tool systems.

Although Amway defenders have attacked me in the past, even to the point where one "ibofightback" was called a cyber bully for attacking me with lies.  I pressed on because I knew that the information is helpful to many and in order to keep the blog relevant, I needed to post material every so often.  The real issues in Amway remain mostly the same, even though I've been out for many years now.  I did notice that Amway venues seem to be moving to smaller locations so I assume (at least in Hawaii). that the Amway business is shrinking if the function venues are smaller.  

Anway, to the blog readers, have a Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed holiday season! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amway Diamonds get wealthy by ripping off their down-line. That's it, in a nutshell.