Sunday, September 24, 2023

Total BS?

 Amway supporters keep claiming that Amway has changed and that things are different today. But I keep seeing posts like the one I will attach and you have to wonder. This was posted on July 14, 2011.  It's dated but the humor factor makes it worth a read:

Tim on July 14th, 2011
I think that some facts that are in support of Amway should be recognised:

* They are one of the largest debt free companies in the world.

* They have made more millionaires than almost any other company.

* The books provide are all written by established business owners and entrepreneurs, most of who have made their money in traditional businesses, why wouldn’t read a book about success written by a successful person? It’s like reading a book about law, written by a lawyer?

* The company has been audited and analysed thousands of times because good for nothing people who just want to sit around and complain rather than get off their fat arses and do something with their lives try and knock a perfectly legitimate business model because they don’t have what it takes to succeed, and the company is still one of the largest in the world.

* Amway has been around for more than 50 years? How long do scams last, honestly?

So take these facts into account before you try and criticize a way of making money that has helped millions of people achieve their goals,.


Joe's commentary: It sure looks like the same old same old that upline leaders have been teaching for years now. This sounds like something you might have heard 12 years ago. Those who claim things are different must just see the world through rose colored glasses or something.  It's humorous when you know the truth and see this happening.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe, it's amazing. Now another 12 years have passed since this post appeared, and Amway is still pushing those absurd lies.

It would be interesting to find out what happened to Tim. I wonder if he has become a millionaire yet.