Saturday, April 6, 2024

Humorous Comment?

 A comment left on the blog. My commentary is below:

Anonymous wrote:
So let me ask you this, all the time you people spend bashing amway or whatever you want to call it what has it accomplished for you?? Yes I am in Amway. Yes I am an IBO. Do I consider my self an ambot or some other term you people like to call it? nope. If you people got into amway became IBO's were lazy and didn't build your business your own way than I pity you all. You are suckers. You chose to go an spend your money on motivational CD's and Tapes. You chose to follow the poor advise of you got form your upline or you were just plain lazy and couldn't sell, so you quit and decided to place the blame elsewhere besides yourself. I don't see how people think the products are over priced. I find the Vitamins to be less expensive and of better quality then stuff I'd find in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe and other such stores. The Cleaning products work great and are much less expensive than the likes of Lysol, 409, Tide, Gain, Pine sol etc etc. The Energy drinks are also pretty damn good vs the likes of sugar loaded crap like Red bull, Monster and other such drinks. So again I say too you what is there to bash? You suck selling easy to market items that is your fault not the business model fault. I don't go to meetings, I don't listen to CD's. When my upline says I should go to a convention or do something I don't want to do I simply say "NO, I'm doing fine with out it" I get my checks every month and I am doing just fine. My business is growing and I couldn't be happier. This whole planet has a problem at placing blame on others instead of living up to your own inequities. Most people can't hack it as IBO's cause they get sucked into the "GET RICH QUICK" idea and forget it's a BUSINESS that you need to invest TIME and ENERGY for it to grow!! Go open a brick and mortar store tomorrow and tell me how you do your first week, month, year. It is just really sad how all I hear is "amway is a scam!" well so is corporate America and 90% of business in general nobody seems to have a problem with Wall Street or the Financial institutions that scamed ohh what 150+ BILLION from the tax payers? wake up people! stop being sheep! think for yourself and stop blaming everyone else for your own stupid mistakes!

Joe's Commentary: Where am I "bashing" Amway"? For the record, I do this as a public service and sort of as a hobby.  Since most people lose money chasing the dream as promoted by Amway diamonds, not doing anything is usually financially beneficial for most people.  Therefore, how can Amway be treated as a good business opportunity if this is the case?

The cleaning products are not necessarily better or cheaper than others.  The energy drinks such as red bull and monster come in sugar free varieties so they're not all full of sugar. And they are cheaper than XS drinks.  Unbiased product comparisons typically come out in favor of Amway's competitors.  I haven't seen any unbiased reviews where Amway wins when factoring in price and value.

Notice how the commentator says his business is growing but does not mention a profit. LOL The comment then calls corporate America a scam. So what if it is? It doesn't take Amway off the hook does it?  I got a few good laughs so thanks for the comment.

p.s.  Notice the grammar?


Anonymous said...

I bet the person who

Anonymous said...

"I don't go to meetings, I don't listen to CDs. When my upline says I should go to a convention or do something I don't want to do I simply say 'No, I'm doing fine without it.'"

The above is a COMPLETE LIE.

Nobody who's an IBO in any Amway subsystem could take that attitude without being disowned by his up-line, and shunned by everyone else in the racket.

Anonymous said...

This jerk wants us to believe that he's making money selling Amway products to the general public. If he claims that, then he's got a longer nose than Pinocchio.

The entire problem with Amway is that practically no one in the business makes any money doing that! It's all self-consumption of the monthly PV order of products that one must make to get a refund check. An IBO would have to sell thousands of dollars worth of Amway crap to retail customers in order to make a living that way. And Amway makes that next to impossible by restricting advertising.

The guy claims that he's not an "ambot." OK, fine. He's an Am-LIAR.

kwaaikat said...

@ Anonymous April 8, 2024 at 9:40 PM

Correct!! Nobody makes money administering sales of monthly groceries in a work from home business. Neither an Amway distributor nor for that matter any business peddling monthly consumables. We are no longer in the 1800's. With hypermarkets and other stores, not to mention directly online, these products are easier to buy than ever, at greater variety, colorful packaging, and paper thin margins, with no commitments and nobody to harass you if you buy less soap this month than last month.

Selling soap and vitamins to people whom you know is not the business of the 21st century, whatever Kiyosaki (who collaborated with Amway to sell his book) claims. If anything, purchases of the basics are becoming ever more anonymous.

We know that because the numbers don't add up. If you get 20% commissions and a customer buys $300 on average, you'd still need 88 customers every month to just match average salary (88 x 300 = 26 500, 20% of 26500 = $5,300 - avg US Salary). 88 customers average per month does not sound like a lot, but those are customers you need to find first, and retain, in a business where you're not allowed to advertise. That is assuming a whopping 20% commission (someone more familiar unpacking PV and BV is welcome to comment) and zero overheads.

And we know that for another reason too, because nobody ever peddles the products specifically. I've been targeted about 4 times to join to scheme, never once was I approached to simply try the products. Even after saying no thanks to the business opportunity, in a very friendly manner, nobody encouraged me to try the products. I was never going to join, but who knows, if a friend or ex colleague (whom all the prospectors were) said try this instead of your regular shower product, I most probably would have bought at least that. But they didn't. It seems nobody gets approached to buy.

People who say they make a business selling these products lie. As if we need even more proof, consider that even people who quit Amway (which are the vast majority that join) stop using the products when they quit, almost without exception. For some funny reason, the exact moment the business is not for them, the products also loose their appeal. If that wasn't the case, if only 10% kept on buying products after they quit since 1958, Amway products would have been in most shelves in most homes all over the world by now.

The guy who posted that to Joecool, can save his promotional praises to prospective customers. If the products are better than what can be found on the shelves, and worth the price, they will sell.