Thursday, October 17, 2024

Building Wealth Part Time?

 One of the myths that our upline used to, and likely still perpetuate is the silly claim that you can build an Amway mega empire on 8-12 hours per week. I'm venturing an educated guess that this number is used because while it still represents time, it is probably less hours than working a part time job. But let's take a closer look at this 8-12 hours per week.

If you listen to one (1) cd/audio per day as recommended by upline and read one of their "success" books 15 minutes each day, you already close to nine hours of time used and neither of these activities produces any income for your Amway business. In fact, both activities cost you money and produce no tangible result and no income. If you spend another 15 minutes a day contacting people, you are close to 12 hours per week. Where will you find additional time to show the plan and to expand your name and contact list? What about servicing customers, at least for IBOs who actually may have some customers. If you spend 8-12 hours of non income producing activities, how will that turn into financial freedom? The answer is simple. It doesn't. That activity primarily benefits your upline diamond who profits from selling you cds/audios or function tickets, or voicemail.

What about attending meetings and functions? These are also non income producing activities. It's no wonder the vast majority of IBOs don't make money. Their upline has them running around participating in activities that produce no income for their businesses. Ironically, there non income producing activities such as listening to a cd, produces a lot of income for certain uplines who produce and sell them. To me, it is just an elaborate game of bait and switch played by upline. Attending functions and meetings are promoted as learning activities but again, how does it benefit an IBO to spend money instead of making money?

You sell the prospect the dream of financial freedom. You tell them that Amway is their best chance. You tell them that you can help them and that the tools of the business (standing order, voicemail, books, functions) are the key to their success. Those who are serious enough to commit to the system likely won't quit without making some effort and will allow uplines to earn some nice profits before these downline eventually realize they aren't profitable and quit. Because many IBOs are sponsored by family and friends, you don't see many formal complaints about the business. Most people chalk it up as a life lesson and do not complain or file complaints.

But IBOs and information seekers, do not be fooled into thinking that you will create a financial empire by working 8-12 hours a week. Look at your return on investment and/or your profits and losses at the end of the month. What you will see is a consistent net loss because of the system and no profit, also because of the system.

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