Joecool has been out of the Amway business for nearly 30 years now. Looking back, I have no regrets as Amway products along with the WWDB systems were becoming a drain on my finances as I had attempted to be CORE and tried to build a big business. Of course, it never materialized for obvious reasons. Quitting turned out to be a blessing to me as I managed to recover financially from my experience and got om with my life.
But now when I reflect on the experience, I realized how uplines basically insults everyone's intelligence with their teaching. When you're involved in the system, you likely won't see it because you want to or maybe have to believe that you're going to find six and go diamond. Uplines teach you this. That you basically have no chance other than Amway to gain wealth and live a good life with a secure retirement. Upline will tell you stories about people being old and broke or having to keep working because of a lack of financial security.
I recall bat shit crazy stuff that we were taught that seems insulting to my intelligence. I'm guessing that some of my readers can relate. How many of you heard the following teachings? For example, fake it till you make it. The premise being that you pretend to be successful because you'll eventually be there so you may as well act the part in advance. It's nuts, but this was actually taught at meetings and functions and we paid money to be taught this BS. Another one was buy from yourself. As if you could buy your way to prosperity. The thought behind this was that people don't like selling so you teach this. IBOs following their upline don't question the leaders so this kind of craziness goes on.
There are other things that insult your intelligence that might go unnoticed like submission to upline. Or to seek upline guidance on the business and even in your personal life and finances. And what qualifications does your upline have to provide this guidance? They signed up for Amway before you. Thus, if I'm an older person and financially stable or even wealthy, I would need to submit and seek guidance from someone who might know nothing about life or finances but because they signed up for Amway before me, that qualifies them? Is this insane or what? But this is true and partly why Amway appears cult like to some people.
I could go on forever, but a last example. That you should have a business checking account, which is not crazy, but if you're taught that you make money by purchasing from yourself and you transfer cash from your savings to your business account is insulting. How do you profit by moving money from one pocket to your other pocket? But this is actually taught and it's amazing that uplines have been teaching this garbage for years. I'm not sure if it's their actual strategy or if they purposely insult your intelligence, but it sounds like insanity when you are no longer under the spell of upljne teaching. There are many more examples of this kind of teaching.
I think upline just insults your intelligence and adds insult to injury by having you pay for this kind of ridiculous teaching. Feel free to comment or share your own stories of upline insanity. It's amusing now that I can see these things clearly now.
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