Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Amway IBOs Keep On Paying?

One thing that appears to be common amongst IBOs is how IBOs are in denial. They truly believe that their uplines are working in their best interest and that upline wants their success. I don't believe that to be true. If uplines were truly making a fortune from Amway, why would an downline IBO have to pay for practically every bit of help they get from upline leaders? Why aren't any functions pro bono? What difference would it make to someone making millions heaped upon millions?

To show the plan, you would need to pay to attend an open meeting, and pay for your guests, even if they do not register as a result of the presentation. You pay for voicemail to communikate with your upline and downlines. You pay for standing orders and you may end up paying twice if you were in attendance at the function when the standing order was recorded. You pay for books and other materials as well.

What's more, many IBOs turn their heads when ugly facts rear their heads. For example, some IBOs deny that a prominent triple diamond was involved in bankruptcy proceedings. They continue to edify and pay for financial advice from someone who could not even manage his own finances. They believe that Amway saves marriages even when the leaders who speak this may be getting divorced. It's like upline simply revises history and downlines buy it without question. Many IBOs do not even see it as a problem that some upline boldy lied and said there were no profits from tools in the past. I find this odd because tool profits are still shrouded in secrecy and downline simply believe that they will eventually get a cut, even without a written compensation plan and agreement.

I believe too many IBOs are simply in denial. They give upline their trust and upline abuses it. IBOs are told they are successful for attending a function even when they might be losing money month after month. They may be told that the Amway business is not about money but about making friends. They may be told that they are nicer people because of their participation in Amway. What too many IBOs do not see is that they are in denial about their business. Most IBOs are losing money, a little at a time, perhaps $100 or $150 a month. For the hardcore, maybe more. But they are taught to ignore these simple facts and deny that there is a problem.

It is my hope that exposure of some of these tactics will be beneficial to information seekers and perhaps new IBOs who have not yet been fully indoctrinated. I encourage people to ask tough questions, demand answers and use due diligence when checking out this oppportunity. The fact is that very few people every make a profit and people should know this before getting involved. In the end, IBOs pay up and they keep on paying upline for their sage advice, even when their bank accounts keep getting lighter. Where will it end?


Dsylve said...

You don't have to go to an open meeting. However if you want training and be good at showing the plan we show the plan. You should go see how it's done.
But Amway is a horrible scheme because of attendance than college is a bad scheme also

Anonymous said...

wow people really find a way to bring your business down not only that but invest time to make it get knowed that's one of the reason Amway so big because you bring more views and people who see it fall in love with its products and people. not only that but there is no mentorship when they write all of this but from experience as an IBO Amway don't brain was you or promise you anything they simply provide you with an opportunity and its a choice you make and see it and it makes a lot of sense. I am proud be an Amway IBO!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I had been in the Amway business going on two years now. We've been through the ups and downs of the business, but it's business. I would lose far more money if I started a business my self and it didn't work out. All entrepreneurs fail at some point of their career. All the million/billion entrepreneurs have failed more than once, but they keep pushing foward. After all the negatively, no, I don't think, too much this and that, you can't, I've tried it... in the end the dreamers won! As an Amway IBO we do pay for open meetings but our guest don't. We pay because the room is not free, it's a rental. We don't pay our uplines at all, their hard work and time away from their families is 100% free. And if my family comes apart from money problems, thanks my uplines consider themselves failures. Keeping a happy marriage together is their ultimate goal for married couples working the business. It sounds to me that that you got in with a Amway group that didn't work out well for you. There are a lot of other groups in the world that absolutely work for the greater good. Try LTD, Leadership Team Development, they are separate from Amway and with any diamonds looking to help us toward financial freedom. Bottom line it's a business, you win some and you will lose some. The out of pocket expenses are dramatically lower than starting up a franchise or borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars to start my own business. Your Amway experience sounds like a scheme, and I'm sorry that it happened to you, but other Amway experiences are a DREAM. I look foward to financial freedom in the next 2 1/2 years!

Anonymous said...

Why are you so mad?

John Doe said...

Donta Sylve said, "You don't have to go to an open meeting. However if you want training and be good at showing the plan we show the plan. You should go see how it's done.
But Amway is a horrible scheme because of attendance than college is a bad scheme also"

I believe you are trying to say the meetings are "optional"?

When I was recently propositioned to join Amway, the meetings were not optional. They said my success required me to attend all meetings, and if I didn't then they wouldn't waste their time with me. That doesn't sound very optional Donta, but even still, when I went to the one of their biggest meetings, the FED, they spent no time actually explaining how to show "The Plan". Instead, they wasted everyone's time talking about dreams and showed videos similar to MTV Cribs. You aren't fooling anyone by trying to suggest that meetings are optional.

There are no facts to suggest that college is a scheme. Every statistic shows people that attend college earn more and have better success than the alternative. If you don't like college, then trade schools are a very popular alternative. The worst thing you can do is not pursue education after high school. There is zero demand, at this point, for anyone that does not have higher education.

For the record, it would appear you did not complete high school based on your terrible writing. I would suggest going back and picking up where you left off. It will greatly help you improve other parts of your life other than finances.

Anonymous said, "wow people really find a way to bring your business down not only that but invest time to make it get knowed that's one of the reason Amway so big because you bring more views and people who see it fall in love with its products and people."

I'm really hoping you are from a country other than the US, because this has to be some of the worst English yet. This blog does not help Amway get bigger. There are no stats to reflect that, and the people who search this blog out are Amway defenders, people who have quit, or people that were recently propositioned for Amway. Out of those three types of people, none of them are increasing Amway's membership. Amway defenders are already in, people who have quit are not coming back, and the people recently propositioned quickly figure out it is bad news. It is safe to say, you are talking out of your ass.

Anonymous said, "not only that but there is no mentorship when they write all of this but from experience as an IBO Amway don't brain was you or promise you anything they simply provide you with an opportunity and its a choice you make and see it and it makes a lot of sense. I am proud be an Amway IBO!"

First of all, not everything requires mentors. While it does help to develop skills, writing based on personal experience and critical thinking isn't one of them. I'm also confident that IBOs don't actually need mentors and that they are a hindrance to their success. Their "Mentors" are financially biased and continue to suck money out of their business while profiting from instead of enriching their downlines. Those are some bad mentors.

Second of all, this blog has just as much opportunity to choose to bash Amway as you do to be involved in the organization. This blog, as Joe has mentioned in the past, makes no money, but also doesn't make him lose money. That still puts him ahead of 95% of people involved in Amway. Out of that last 5%, 90% of those people don't make more than slave wages. I'd say that Joe has chosen the smarter path.

Joecool said...

Anonymous @March 1, 2017 1:28pm,

There is nothing entrepreneurial about Amway. You are a commission only sales person who thinks they are "independent business owners".

You pay for meetings because the room is not free. Yes that's true but if the diamond is making millions and the diamond also benefits the most from the meetings, why do they make profits off these meetings? If you think they don't, then you have been mislead.

You say you don't pay your uplines. You actually pay them every time you purchase products or a cd, or attend a meeting (with a cost) or attend a function.

I'm familiar with LTD and they're the same and the rest of the groups. They are a for profit group that makes money selling you Amway training regardless of whether you make a profit or lose your shirt.

An Amway business cost is dramatically lower than a conventional business but your chance of making a net profit is dramatically lower than a conventional business also.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe --

Notice this flurry of attacks on you today? Isn't it curious that as soon as you posted the March 1 piece, people showed up to argue?

It simply confirms what I said at another thread here last week -- your blog, along with the other anti-Amway or anti-MLM blogs, are having a major effect. Amway North America is experiencing a collapse in IBO recruitment.

Naturally this is sending Ambots into a blood-rage. So they have broken the Amway rule of not reading or commenting at internet sites, and have come here to lash out at you.

And how pathetic that they can't even compose coherent English sentences.

Joecool said...

Back when I started this blog, I installed an IP address tracker. For a couple of years, someone from Amway corporation was spending time on my blog every single day. That person stopped a while back but since my blog has longevity, it's high on the search engines so Amway IBOs and information seekers can easily find my blog.

I don't mind the "negative" comments. It usually makes my point better than I can. LOL

Anonymous said...

You spend money just to hear a bad advice from your upline!!