Sunday, June 27, 2021

No PV For TV?

 Often times, upline would give you advice, such as "there's no PV for watching TV". It makes sense when you hear it but when you critically analyze the advice carefully, you can easily see that it's BS. The idea was that "broke people" with no direction in life waste their lives away watching TV and doing other activities that do not affect their financial futures while Amway IBOs are out trying to better themselves. On the surface, this sounds like completely sound advice and it makes perfect sense if you're an IBO. Why spend time on your couch when you could be out trying to build your Amway business? Right? Broke people watch TV after all.

But wait a second, let's turn this around. There's no PV in attending a function. There's no PV in reading some self help book or a Kiyosaki book. There's no PV in subscribing to standing orders or to communiKATE. There's no PV for attending any meetings and there's no PV for most of the CORE steps. Technically, IBOs would be better served by concentrating on personal use and by actually selling products to customers. Only by increasing your PV does your volume get larger. Now sponsoring also has the possibility of increasing volume but most IBOs never sponsor a single downline, ever. So if you follow upline advice not to do things that don't get you PV, remind them that those activities include most if not all Amway related activities.

To compound the problem, the Amway activities such as standing orders and functions cost money and takes away resources from the IBO, who channels resources into products and activities that the upline profits from. Therefore, the upline is dishing out advice that is self serving: "attend all functions and listen to audios every day". When you really think about it, what direct benefit was there for your business by doing the Amway related activities? Unless you move more volume, your activities are for nothing. It doesn't increase your business and your PV/volume. All you are doing is making your upline wealthy with loyal purchases of tools and functions. That is the Amway business. IBOs think they will be getting rich from Amway while the upline diamonds get rich by selling tools to their downline. To coin a phrase, "you live with the classes when you sell to the masses". That's what the diamonds are doing. Capitalizing on a captive audience whose loyal purchases makes nice profits.

There may be no PV in watching TV, but at the same time, your upline wants you doing all kinds of things that get you no PV.  Seems like IBOs spend too much time (on upline advice) doing non income producing activities.  It's no wonder that the vast majority of IBOs make nothing or lose money.  Participating in the tools and functions virtually assures that you will wind up with a net loss of income.
You can take that to the bank!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since almost no one in the Amway racket actually sponsors anybody to be in their down-line, the only source of PV would be from self-consumption of Amway products, or from the sale of such products to non-Amway retail customers. Let's consider both possibilities.

1) There's a limit to how much Amway stuff you personally can use or consume. Household products are normally purchased only a few times per year, and hard items like cookware and mechanical devices are a one-time shot. As for comestibles, how many energy bars or jugs of "Perfect Water" or dietetic meals or flavored drinks or vitamin pills can you consume? And it is simply irrational to imagine that you or your family would be satisfied with this kind of half-assed fake nutrition.

2) Selling Amway stuff to relatives, friends, and the occasional stranger is nothing but a pipe-dream. I don't give a damn what the alleged "quality" is of any Amway product -- if it is overpriced, dependent on a delivery system, and not easily available at a moment's notice like stuff at the corner store, IT'S NOT COMPETITIVE! You are NOT going to make a huge sum of PV from hawking it! Stop dreaming!

So IBOs -- face the facts. You aren't going to make money in Amway unless you develop a huge down-line of IBOs underneath you, and lie to them about how rich they will get by selling or consuming stuff. That's it. That's the Amway secret. But the plain fact is that almost nobody in Amway manages to recruit down-line, especially in North America. The word is out that Amway (like all MLMs) is just a scam and a rip-off. You may find some stupid people who might join, but do you really want to depend on stupid people for your PV income? Do you think that they will hang around forever?

Even stupid people eventually realize when they are not making money. This is why the big rip-off artists in Amway (the Platinums, the Diamonds, the Emeralds and other big pins) are all in a constant and desperate rush to GET NEW PEOPLE! Their down-lines are in a perpetual state of disintegration, and have to be patched up with reinforcements every day!

And this also explains why the Amway tool-scam came into existence. The big pins realized that after a while, when IBOs didn't make significant money from sales or self-consumption, they'd drop out. In order to bleed these people dry of as much money as possible before they left, the higher-ups in Amway invented the fraudulent "teaching and motivation" system of tapes, CDs, books, weekly meetings, CommuniKate, and "functions." All of this meaningless shit brought in a flood of money while new IBOs were still enthusiastic and unconscious.

Quite honestly, you will make more money standing on a busy corner, in ragged clothes, begging for loose change, than you will ever hope to make in Amway.