Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Amway Makes People Nicer?

This post is a re-post of one from some years ago.  I am re-posting it because I recently had someone leave a comment under the title of "anonymous" criticizing Joecool for operating under a pen name in order to protect my real identity.   As you can see, Amway doesn't appear to make zealous IBOs "nicer".

 Over the last year or so, there's someone, possibly an IBO (but I'm not sure) who has been occasionally leaving idle threats on Joecool's blog. He claims to know my true identity outside of my Joecool Persona and also mistakenly thinks I am also the person who goes by the handle of "Tex" and he is again sorely mistaken. Tex is a known liar whose real life identity is Scott J------- and has made numerous racist statements on other blogs. Also, Joecool is from Hawaii and not from Plano Texas.

This anonymous claims to have additional information about me that he is sending to Amway and some other authorities. Here's what the anonymous coward from Canada posted a few months back. I have been documenting these "idle threats" in case the anonymous coward tries to make good on any of these idle threats. Here's the post:

Anonymous said...
"Just go and hang yourself or shoot a bullet through your empty skull. You speak like someone who quit and is bitter in life. Your posts are misleading and you want to do nothing less than kill people's dreams and hopes for a better life. You're an irresponsible man in all of your life dealings and quick at throwing the dead cat from your garden to your neighboor's. Oh, it's not me, it's you, it's him, it's them whatever. Lack of discipline and not accepting responsibility. That's why you didn't make it in Amway and for that matter in any other past or future businesses."

Anonymous said...
"How about I punch you in the face to make you stop"

There are more statements like this one but I will not publish all of them. I have reason to believe that this may be the same anonymous person who left me a threat just about two years ago. IBOFightback aka David Steadson (Former Amway shill and sycophant) lied when he claimed that I said Amway IBOs threatened me. I clearly said a "zealot". I never once said an IBO or anyone affiliated with Amway sent me anything threatening. IBOFightback also thinks I lied about the threats previously because he wasn't forwarded copies of what was said. IBOFightback also lied about completing an investigation that revealed all of the truth because he never contacted me about all of this. His investigation apparently consisted of reading comments on his own forum/blog. I wasn't previously able to verify the person's ID as I had just installed a site tracker and was not adept at identifying an IP address to the post. Well, this is it:

Rogers Cable ( IP address
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Amway shitheads don't come here anymore to say anything, much less make threats. Amway has been chastened by the negative publicity the internet gives it, and their sales have been in a downward spiral for several years now, although the bigshots in Ada, Michigan try to spin that collapse in all kinds of stupid and silly ways.

Also, this blog and several others all over the internet have made mincemeat of pro-Amway arguments, and have given publicity to countless horror stories of how Amway cheats, lies, and rips off its IBOs. Amway defenders can't come here and everywhere else and try to answer every single story (the way that asshole IBOFB tried to do). It's just too big a job. The stories provide a huge load of evidence about what a rotten business Amway is, and how nasty the persons in it really are. How likely is it that EVERYONE posting an anti-Amway story is lying?

In addition, most of the Amway defenders simply were not that literate. Many couldn't compose a correct English sentence, much less a coherent argument. It was deeply embarrassing for them, so the Amway Corporation insisted that no IBO could come on-line to get involved in arguments. In fact, the most self-censored organization in America is Amway, where IBOs are told not to read newspapers, not to watch TV, not to listen to radio, not to surf the internet, and not to read any books except the ones recommended by their up-line. Amway is jackrabbit-terrified of the free flow of information.

Those jerks who made threats against Joe Cool were just stupid, immature freaks who couldn't think, and had to emote instead. I very much doubt that any of them had the balls to carry out a violent threat.