Monday, February 5, 2024

The Results Speak For Themselves?

 When I was an Amway prospect many years ago, I was told about early retirement, dreams, fancy living and other lifestyles beyond my imagination. Sure, nothing wrong with having dreams and goals to work towards. Everyone needs hope and it keeps you motivated and moving forward even when things get tough. People need hope and people need to be motivated. What is sad is that many Amway AMO leaders are selling false hope and dreams. You are chasing the end of the rainbow. no matter how hard you run, you are not going to find the end of that rainbow. While one in tens of thousands or more people might reach diamond, can you really bank on those kinds of chances with your future?

I think it's somewhat cruel for uplines to be selling hopes and dreams and then turning around and selling useless tools to the hopefuls. The tools do not work and only lines the pockets of those selling the tools. It's basically a bait and switch scam. Sell hopes and dreams, and then say that your tools are the only way to accomplish those dreams. New prospects and IBOs don't know better so they often trust upline to guide them. Meantime, upline has their hands in their pockets taking their money. It's a pretty insidious game. What sad is that despite all the information around, people are still falling for it. A niece of mine got invited to an Amway meeting some years back.  She happened to ask me what I thought. I told her the decision is ultimately hers, but I allowed her to read my blog. She decided not to join.

What many prospects ignore or miss is Amway's published stats. Less than one in 200 reaches platinum, or a small fraction of 1% reach diamond. The average income is only $202 a month after disregarding the inactive IBOs. The likely results for most participants is to lose money if they are on the system. If you do nothing, you may not lose money but you could lose the expense of the sign up fee and/or starter kit. Those who do nothing ironically end up the best off in the long run. Those who dedicate to the tools system usually get soaked if they stay in long enough. People who stay for a few years may suffer losses exceeding 10K or more. If you search Amway and taxes you'll probably find some interesting stories.

Bottom line, look at the bottom line and see what you are likely to achieve. Amwaye IBOs like to show only the pie in the sky best case scenario. A real business owner would want to know all the details including what is likely and what is typical. Afterall, what would make you different than any other businsess owners? Food for thought.

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