Saturday, October 12, 2024

Less Time And Money?

 One of the things that uplines do when recruiting new IBOs is to talk about how jobs are dead end, that someday you may be fired, that you have no control of a job, or that you are never paid what you are worth. They convince you that working a job is a crime and tha your boss probably works the longest hours. They may even say that those who make good money working a job often works so much that they don't have time to enjoy it. My former upline used to say that true freedom is the control of time and money. 

What I was also told that that in the real world, generally the guys who have enough money are usually so busy working that they don't have time. Or that a broke guy who's got time on his hands is broke so he can't do much of anything. That's when they would convince prospects that only through Amway can you have both. You can have both time and money. You build it right and build it once, and the (Amway) business will pay you for the rest of your life. That's how it was presented to me and looking back, it was a total lie. I have a challenge for any IBO or Amway defender. Amway's been around for more than 50 years. Can anyone name a dozen people who have actually built an Amway business and then stopped workig it but continued to collect a significant income that was actually passed onto their heirs? Can anyone name even one or two? Keep in mind that tens of millions of people have come and gone through the business. Also keep in mind that Amway doesn't make these claims. Maybe someone should ask Amway?

It makes me wonder why crown ambassadors don't even walk away and collect money forever. These crown ambassadors are all old and have been around forever yet they continue to work their groups and attend all the functions. Sure, maybe their day to day lives aren't as busy as a 9-5 employee with young kids, but still it makes me wonder why not even double diamonds and above (as far as I know) have exercised the option to walk away and enjoy mountains of residual cash rolling in. I also wonder why there are stories of diamonds quitting and resigning if there was an option to walk away and enjoy lifelong residual income. We also know that diamonds fall out of qualification and we know that many platinums fall out of quallification, providing ample evidence that an Amway business is unstable and that without constant attention, your business is likely to fall apart.

Let me close with this. We know that a typical platinum business has about 100 or more downline IBOs. That doesn't include those who quit. Thus a platinum is already in the top 1% of all Amway businesses and that platinums might not even make that much net income when considering that platinums have many expenses which may include eating losses on tools refunds for the upline diamonds.

Yes, true financial freedom is having complete control of time and money. The problem is that very few people ever achieve financial freedom but it would appear that even fewer Amway business owners achieve that same financial freedom because of the Amway opportunity. Also, showing pictures of mansions and sports cars is not proof of financial freedom.


Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Have read so many of your posts over the years and finally decided to comment. It’s been like therapy for me. I am so grateful for your dedication to this site.

For the searcher looking for the truth, you’ll find lots of great nuggets and gems here. This is coming from a former IBO/distributor who thought this business was the answer and paid the price over a period of 14 years.

When I started I was sponsored by a guy who was plugged into a Direct who worked with Ron Puryear. This guy was someone I respected but the Direct(Platinum) was somewhat sketchy and eventually bounced one of our bonus checks. Long story short, we ended up personally sponsored by his sponsor, an out of qualification Diamond with an inflated ego who at the time was a Sapphire. The obvious signs were always there from the start with the Direct and Sapphire but I refused to quit. Even though we spent over $700 a month on personal use plus tools, we still persisted and continued to “work the business” by flying, driving and doing what we thought was right. It’s been alot of years since we finally pulled the plug (2007). And I have to say that it’s blogs like this one that not only make me laugh but also bring some closure to all the years of wasted time, money and relationships.

Yes, we moved on years ago and have had the ups and downs in life like every human being on planet Earth. The thing is, I had no idea that the cult of Amway and WWDB had left so much subconscious baggage and junk.

Again - this blog and one other site have been a real breath of fresh air and reconfirm that we made the right decision to depart the WWDB system and Amway business.

Joecool said...

Thanks for your comments and sharing your story. I'm glad you've enjoyed this blog. I started it to help others by sharing experiences and information so at least prospects and/or information seekers can at least make informed decisions if they decide to continue on with Amway.