Thursday, August 22, 2019

UplIne Wants My Success?

One of the biggest loads of guano that upline diamonds often tell their groups is that they really want success for their downline IBOs. The obvious to me is that your upline diamond doesn't give a rat's furry ass about your success as long as you are buying tools and attending functions. Your dedication is money in the bank for the upline diamonds. They will tell you that you are a warrior or a fighter to make you feel good, but behind the scenes, they could care less.

Now I believe your sponsor probably does care a little about you succeeding, but technically, your sponsor is supposed to train and motivate you free of cost, which is why your sponsor can benefit if you purchase or move enough volume. The problem with this is that your sponsor is also very likely to be immersed in the tools system which takes away income from his/her business to feed the upline diamond.    They probably want you to "succeed" just enough so that you don't quit.  That's why you might be told that you're a success if you alone, attended a function.

If you take a good look, you will see that the advice given from stage at functions or big meetings are so generic that it usually does not apply to you as a person and if so generic, then you can get that same advice on an MP3 or a cd. Yet, the diamonds expect IBOs to attend major functions every three months. I suppose to supplement their Amway income. These diamonds are not mentors. They don't analyze individual businesses and your personal skills. How can they guide you in this type of business without knowing these details? They can't.

Think about it. Your upline wants your success or do they want your money? Practically anytime you receive "help", it costs you. Open meetings, attitude sessions, functions. Every one of these has a cost of time and money with no direct cause and effect of people succeeding and receiving the mythical residual income. If your upline says this, ask how they can assure that it happens, aside from a dedication to functions and cds?  

Food for thought. If you actually went diamond, your leaders would get less tool money. Do they really want your success or are they just saying it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since Diamonds divide up the cash that is taken in at the various functions, it is in their interest that there be fewer Diamonds than more.

What your up-line wants is for you to have very modest success -- enough to keep you hoping, but not too much that you might becomes a big pin.