Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Truth About Amway?

  There’s a website called “The Truth About Amway”, which I find ironic as it’s run by an Amway apologist who uses a lot of misinformation and obfuscation to prop up Amway as a business opportunity.  The theme of that website is that there’s a good Amway out there where IBOs actually sell products and make a net profit, but where is this good Amway?   Nobody seems to have seen it other than the author of that website.  It might be noted that this person said he was an internet specialist and had training in psychology and was supposed to be well versed in these areas.  I find it ironic that this person now claims to be an epidemiologist.  I suppose his area of expertise depends on what he's debating at the time. 

Amway’s own disclosures show that about half of IBOs do nothing and approximately 90+ % of IBOs do not last for more than a year. Thus, diamonds make their money by selling tools and functions to IBOs before they snap out of their Amway trance and quit. Thus, is called the churn and I write about it in yesterday’s article.  

The churn is the reason why diamonds basically don’t give a crap about your success, nor do they care if you make a red cent in Amway.  All they want is for you to adore them and blindly continue to buy tools and functions while you're in Amway because that’s what funds the diamond lifestyle.  

So what is the truth about Amway?  The truth is that Amway revenues have been down or flat for many years and now with covid, I can’t imagine there was a sudden surge in demand for overpriced generic products.  The truth is that diamonds make significant income from tools and functions and push these on down line with no consideration as to whether an IBOs business justifies the expense.  The truth is that diamonds at times have broken away from their beloved uplines to start their own tool groups.  

Basically, the Amway business is two businesses.  One is Amway which is the front for the tools and function businesses.  Sort of like how the crime mob would use a restaurant as a front for their criminal activities.  But it’s a symbiotic relationship because Amway benefits from diamonds teaching 100 PV minimum and product loyalty in addition to the massive recruiting done by the rank and file and in return, the diamonds soak their downline selling useless tools and functions right under Amway’s nose and Amway allows it. 

That’s basically the truth about Amway.  Believe it or proceed at your own risk.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Truth About Amway" is just a propaganda site run by the Amway Corporation, as a way to do some damage control. There's so much really effective negative publicity about the Amway racket on the internet now that the bigshots in Ada, Michigan were desperate to counteract it in some way.

The asshole you are referring to was "IBOFightback", a paid shill whose job was to hunt down anything negative said about Amway and to attack it and its author. He eventually moved to Scandinavia to set up his own MLM racket.