Monday, January 23, 2023

How To Make Your Upline Squirm And Be A Weasel?

 Here's something that Amway IBOs can use when they see upline leaders making big claims and guarantees of sorts about the vaunted system of cds/audios, books, voicemail and functions.  Ask them to put it in writing and to ask what they are guaranteeing? It's easy to stand on stage and say the business is simple or a piece of cake. That buying tools and attending functions nearly assures success. Ask your sponsor or upline what exactly you will receive if you do what they advise, and the results are not there?

Uplines will always use an out - that you did not do everything exactly and precisely as they advised, therefore any failure is your own fault. I find it humorous because these leaders are quick to take credit if they see any downline success. It's like playing a game of heads I win, tails you lose. The upline always has a built-in excuse. This wouldn't be so evil if they uplines weren't making their fortunes out of the sale of tools and functions.  The faithful downline are just cattle heading to slaughter, at least financially, because of the (IMO), unnecessary business expenses associated with the tools and functions. 

In fact, speaking of writing, have you ever seen a formal tools contract indicating how you qualify for and the compensation that will be received when you qualify? Why do platinums, as far as I know, get only a cut of the standing orders and not anything else? Why are some of these issues such dark secrets? It's like the legend of Sasquatch. Many have heard about it, some have claimed to have seen it, but there's no bonafide evidence of its existence.   And that's how diamonds operate, with a lot of cloak and dagger methods shrouded in secrecy.  Ask an upline about their Amway income and you'll likely be told it's none of your business.  But if you're "investing" your hard-earned money following upline advise, you should demand answers and accountability.

Amway supporters and defenders often decry my blog because it may deter people from joining Amway when prospects know the truth about Amway. But at the same time, who's held accountable to people who were deceived or lied to about Amway and joined only to lose money, regardless of the amount of effort they expended? As an example, my former sponsor spent over 20 years in the business hard core. I wonder what kinds of losses he suffered as a result of his hard work and sacrifices? He was involved before I was an IBO and back then, WWDB leaders completely lied and denied that there were any tool profits at all.

Upline making incredible claims? Ask for their guarantees and assurances in writing, but you won't get any.


kwaaikat said...

The irony is that the reason for choosing Amway, supposedly, is that it is claimed to be tried and tested, whereas, they will tell you, most "conventional" business fall, and the statistics, they say, are damning.

But in reality, for most established franchises, or "conventional businesses" as an Amway defender would call it, success is a done deal if you pass the vetting process and follow the advice. The question is whether you have the skills and attributes that they will let you.

Amway groups have no problem if someone with the same circle of friends as another member also signs up, in fact they will encourage it. McDonalds won't let you open a store across the street from another one, or for that matter at any location where they deem success is uncertain. McDonald's would not sell franchises if 99% fail. Heck, they wouldn't even stand for a 20% failure rate.

For someone starting a business where products are sold, the question is often, do I go with the guarantees of a franchise, but with upfront and affiliation fees and many rules, or do I go completely on my own with more freedom to advertise and stock what I want and higher earning potential, but with higher risk? Amway and other MLMs don't sit within that array of choices, they have to put up with all the control and rules of a franchise, yet with all of the risk, and then some, of an independent business.

Anonymous said...

Amway supporters decry blogs like this because they don't believe in free speech when it comes to their little racket. For persons who claim to be such patriotic Americans who value our liberties, they are total hypocrites when it includes the liberty to tell the truth about the Amway scam.