Monday, July 24, 2023

Submission To Upline?

  Another cultish teaching that comes from upline diamonds is to submit to upline.  Sometimes it’s called being teachable but as you get more immersed in the system, you are expected to consult with upline did everything, including important life decisions such as getting married or buying a new car.  In retrospect, I believe it’s done because upline doesn’t want you making decisions that could hinder your ability to purchase tools.  

But they make it sound harmless, that checking upline can help you because upline has experience in the business and can tell you how some decisions can impact your business.  Sounds harmless but the upline teaches this more likely for their own benefit than for your benefit.  If you can recognize the game, you can see thru the idiocy of upline teaching.  

Sone upline even “counsel” their downline.  Can you imagine submitting to someone for such important decisions that can affect your life and your uplines qualification to do this is they joined Amway before you.  You could actually be a counselor, but you would be counseled by someone upline with less qualifications simply on the basis that they joined Amway before you.  Does that even remotely make any sense?

When I was an IBO back in the 1990s, I was engaged to be married and my upline advised to to dump my fiancée because I could build the business faster and if I achieved diamond, women would line up to court a single diamond.  By then I had already smelled a rat with regards to Amway teaching so that was the last straw for me. 

I was a 4000 PV IBO at the time, so I told my group what happened and that because of what happened, I had decided to walk away from Amway.  All of my group except 1 or 2 IBOs downline from me walked away when I did.  So my upline and sponsor went from direct distributor to less than 4000 PV and I do not believe he ever requalified at that level again.  

I do know that my sponsor was still active as recently as recently as a few years ago but I’m not sure if he’s still chasing Amway.  Being that he was a physician, I see it as a life wasted on Amway.   Submit to your upline is total BS.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your up-line didn't want you to get married because marriage involves a great many new expenses, both of time and money. There are all sorts of outlays of cash that are required for starting a new home with someone, and your greedy up-line was terrified that you would not have enough left over to pay for your monthly PV and all of those useless "tools" and "functions."

In addition, your wife might have a mind of her own, and ask all sorts of embarrassing questions about the Amway expenses. And she might also perceive (as Anna Banana did in her husband's case) that your up-line was composed of a pack of bullshitting phonies.

The entire structure of Amway is very fragile and unstable, like a house of cards. The slightest thing can shake it and make it collapse. Marriage is one of those things.