Saturday, September 14, 2024

Is Amway An Addiction?

  The Amway diamonds have been laughing all the way to the bank for decades now.  Sone diamonds use this to justify their actions as legitimate because surely a scam would have been uncovered and shut down.  To that I say organized crime is older than Amway and alive and well.  So is the Nigerian scam and other similar variations.  The LOS such as WWDB or Network 21 continue to roll on using Amway as their vehicle.  All the while their downline is getting raked over the coals in the form of never-ending financial losses.

The scheme is quite subtle and clever.  They often target younger folks who see their careers just starting thus they have a long journey towards retirement. The diamonds say you will work hard but Amway is a great shortcut to early retirement and possibly untold wealth.  At meetings and functions, they show things to entice recruits into joining and for IBOs to drool over as a reason to press forward.  They'll show slide shows of fancy cars, homes and vacations, although no actual evidence that they own all of these visually attractive trappings.

The diamonds say they basically hold the secrets to unlocking this secret to succeeding in Amway.  But to unlock that secret you will need to dedicate yourself to the tools and functions with undying loyalty.  They say if you never quit you will eventually cross that finish line sort of like running a marathon.  Sounds like something that most people can do if they just set their minds to it.  In a way, as a recent comment said, Amway almost becomes an addition of sorts.  The IBOs are losing their shirts but they continue to press on, as if they have to.  Part of it is the fear that they could be missing the boat to riches if they quit.

What goes unnoticed is that the ultimate goal is like finding the end of a rainbow.  It will always be seemingly out of reach.  But upline says do not despair, just continue to immerse yourself in the tools and functions and you will make it.  As if consumption of tools and functions alone will make you a success.  Amway for sone, becomes an addiction, like a drug user or someone hooked on smoking.  It’s hard to quit plus you start to think you invested too much to just quit. 

And that’s how the diamonds continue to perpetuate a scam.  They instill a fear in you that quitting makes you a broke loser and that quitting means you have no hope for a good financial future.  That quitting can’t be an option.  But in business, sometimes quitting is the best decision.  Cut your losses.  It doesn’t mean you’ve quit trying to better yourself and your family.  But it might mean you just need a better way to achieve your goals and dreams. There are many better options besides Amway.  You just need to go get it.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An addiction is something that you keep on doing because you can't stop, even though you might realize that it is leading to your destruction.

You can be addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, overeating, or any number of things. In Amway, you are addicted to a STUPID DREAM.

You won't give up the dream because it has become a part of your self-image and self-respect. You'll sacrifice anything for it, including your marriage, your family, your friends, your job, and above all your money.

That's why there is a small cadre of fanatics (called "core" ambots) who stay in the racket for years and years, even when they make no money at all from it.