Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get Rich Quick In Amway?

One thing many IBOs will talk about is how they were told that they would have to work hard and that they would not get rich quick in the Amway business. That Amway was not a get rich quick scheme. I do believe this, but what many Amway IBOs and Amway enthusiasts will not mention is that somewhere in the plan or when they were recruited, they were either directly told or implied that they would eventually "get rich" by joining Amway, whether it was "quick" or not.

If people were told that they would not get rich/wealthy and that they would have to work hard and that they would have to overcome the name reputation, how many people would join? As evidence to prove my point, many IBOs and former IBOs know about a major function occuring around this time of the year called "Winter Conference" or "Dream Night". A handful of diamonds would host a dinner and they would show slideshows of extravagant wealth. Since in my days, IBOs were told there was NO PROFIT IN TOOLS, it was implied that all the luxurious trappings were a result of Amway income.

The slide show was shown while the song "I wanna be rich" was playing in the background. There were pictures of jet skis, yachts, boats, jets, fancy cars, golf courses and designer suits and mansions. The audience was told that diamonds paid for everything in cash. The diamonds would stand on stage and tell the audience that they will work 24/7 but it was so worth it to go diamond. That you could catch up on sleep when you are a diamond. That the IBOs in the audience needed to hurry up and join them so they would have more playmates.

Looking back, it was a nice function. It got people to dream of having all of this material wealth. Sadly, I don't think a single one of the audience I was in ever got close to achieving that kind of success. In fact, the LOS I was in, WWDB, didn't have many new diamonds since I left Amway and in fact I think some diamonds have disappeared! Maybe they became negative losers?

Yes, when you are prospected in Amway, the speaker may tell you that Amway is not
get rich quick.

What they don't tell you is that you probably won't become rich at all.


Anonymous said...

i know i'm not, and i know anon from canada isn't, either!!! =P

Unknown said...

Funny you should bring up the it's not a "Get rich quick scheme"...I was just researching this the other night:

...I personally know the guy in the white t-shirt, (unfortunate sigh)... ...these guys totally took advantage our our US Military and our tax-payer dollars...

Anonymous said...

Hey there, thanks for all your analysis, but I am under an impression you wrote this blog for finding reasons why you didn't succeed and quit.Otherwise, why would you waste time for something is only a scheme...Just get up and make success happen,given that the system existed for 60 years for reasons and made people more successful and happier.Reading your blog convinces us you know too little about Amway but what you were told...

Joecool said...

Anon at 9:20, I wite ths blog to provide insight to people looking for information on Amway. What I am finding in my years of blogging is that many abuses that took place when I was an IBO still exists and is done by the same leaders as when I was an IBO. It is what it is. People seek information and I provide it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully by reading this blog which contains information on our real experiences as a so called "Independent Business Owner" people that are thinking of joining this cult will be better informed and people that are in it might realize that they have a better chance of winning the lottery than becoming a Diamond. It is my hope that they realize this before they poor money into the pockets of the scumbags that run this scam. From personal experience, I got caught up in this for 4 years, sponsored 6 wide and 2 or 3 deep on each leg and nearly went bankrupt spending money on expensive product and useless motivational materials and functions. I saw the light before the internet exposed this cult for what it really is.

***Former WWDB Lemming***

Anonymous said...

anon #3 can shove it.

Anonymous said...

anon #2 can shove it.

Anonymous said...

i MEANT #2, not 3. :)

Anonymous said...

It is funny, how all these Amway IBO's get defensive when they are presented with truths. I guess you missed the pep rally, where they push how rich you will be, how you should and could "enjoy life", taking vacations on a whim. The IBO contract tells you the average income for an IBO is $150ish a month......The "platinum" member makes $51000 gross. How many years does that take???? You can spend your time and effort in any venture.

He may have quit because it is a loose, loose proposition for everyone except for the company itself, that makes a fortune selling the IBO's their "training materials" and products.