Thursday, June 17, 2021

Buy Your Way To Riches?

  One thing I can credit Amway diamonds with is coming up with the most bat sh@t crazy ideas that sound sensible to Amway IBOs but utter madness to anyone else.  One that I heard about was how you can buy your way to prosperity.  Buy your own Amway products and get others to follow and you’ll soon be on the road to early retirement and residual income.  In a pure business sense, that's insanity.  In what business to you buy your way to financial success.  That's just the selling point used to attract recruits, that you can buy your way to riches.  

Have you ever seen a store or business prosper when the major of sales are simply to the business owner and employees?   The answer is no because such a business does not exist.  It’s amazing that people actually believe that you can get rich buying from yourself.  But it works on the downline so the diamonds perpetuate the storyline.   And IBOs soak it in because it sounds so simple and easy to do right?

One thing I saw at a live function was the diamond telling IBOs to ask prospects if they like selling stuff and whether the answer was yes or no, your response would be “great, then this business is perfect for you”.  Of course, actual stories of significant retail sales were rare and my own experience suggested that sympathetic family and friends comprised most of whatever sales took place and I found myself at times selling items at my cost just so the expenses of moving 100 PV wasn’t all on me.  

The strategy of buying your own stuff seems to work because most people do not like selling stuff and especially not to friends.  But many will give it a run because they are hopeful that Amway will deliver the wealth that upline seemingly promises.  The sad thing about the whole this is that dreams of wealth is all you get and there’s very little success to speak of.  From function to function it’s the same old diamonds time and again.  

The diamonds might say they want downline success but they don’t.  They just want to keep replacing quitters with new members as long as they can churn in new tools and functions subscribers.  That’s the real game of diamonds and that’s why the emphasis of the tools and functions is recruiting new people into the game. It’s an elaborate scheme that prospects and new IBOs don’t see because they have Amway dreams clouding their thoughts.   Think about it, new diamonds means another person getting a cut of the tools and functions profits.  It's more profitable to just keep brining in new recruits who are the customers of the tools and functions scam.

You'll be told you can buy your way to wealth but it's just a big lie.


Anonymous said...

Amway freaks LOVE to come up with stupid and insane ideas or phrases. "Buy your way to riches" is only one of them.

What about "prosuming"? It was supposed to be the wave of the future, although nobody has ever been able to figure out what the fuck it means.

What about "Never question up-line!" (even if your up-line is a semi-educated asshole).

What about "Don't think negative!" (even if you are going into bankruptcy and your mortgage has been foreclosed because of your Amway losses).

Anonymous said...

The BWW education system is very corrupt. When it first started out I do think it had good intentions but greed has overtaken the system and it is very rotten filled with leadership that makes most of its money from tools rather than building the Amway business. To say the least, lot of these education systems such as BWW have manipulative and deceptive practices. On the surface, when you are new it looks good but eventually you start to notice the red flags as you become "CORE". You stop critical thinking and hand it over to your so called splines and mentors who have selfish interest. Don't get me wrong as not all IBO's and uplines are bad. There are some really good genuine people there but the leadership is very corrupt. How can you charge $200/month for a messaging and video app when there are plenty of amazing free tools such as WhatsApp, and Zoom available? How can you hold a virtual conference and charge people $160 for each individual even if that means husband and wife live in the same home. If its virtual, why not allow your team to come over and watch the function together? Its because that is how the leadership makes their money.

I left the business after traveling the world for a few weeks to help me understand better perspectives about my life. Don't let insecurity of the BWW leadership get to you. It is a facade and dog and pony show!

Anonymous said...

People will see thru when they make $160 per person virtual!!! It is clear money they are after. Also, remarking over the original comment, sometimes the upline makes the ibo quit so he can make that ibo's multiple legs his personal. Seen it happening multiple times even with all these Gala diamonds. It is the system which is filled with these scam artists.Amway is a good company with some very good products, which we still buy. However, i choose to run miles away from these big pin wolves in sheep clothing.