Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Diamond Retirees?

 One of the things many Amway IBOs hope for is the dream of receiving income from having built a big Amway business, and then "walking away" from the business and retiring young while enjoying a life of luxury. To "prove" that this is possible, some diamonds may show off pictures of cars, mansions, and other luxuries, all allegedly attained by having built a big Amway business. And sadly, many young people get trapped into believing that they can all achieve this a with 2+5 years of work. It's basically a myth and a get rich quick scheme.

But where are these mysterious people who built sizable Amway businesses and simply "walked away" while the money kept rolling in? There are several issues to think about for people who believe that people "walked away" from an Amway business and continue to collect a significant income.

First of all, if someone truly could walk away and live in luxury, why are there countless stories of diamonds, double diamonds and some higher, who quit or resigned from Amway? Why did they not exercise the option of walking away? For certain Amway bonuses, there is a "side volume" requirement. How do "retired" IBOs continue to meet this requirement? None of their downline ever quits despite the fact that an overwhelming number of IBOs quit each year? Who helps these downline while their upline is walking the beaches of the world and how can anyone maintain a certain volume after walking away? Most IBOs find their business fall apart immediately after they stop adding downline. Also, how do you meet the minimum sales/customer PV if you are sitting on the beaches drinking Mai Tais?

I believe the answer is simple. There aren't people walking the beaches of the world while Amway cash rolls in by the truckload. Sure, some people might still be earning some income by having repeat customers or having some downline who remain active when you leave the business, but I seriously doubt that there are people jet setting and traveling to the beaches of the world with no financial worries simply by working 2-5 years as often suggested in recruitment or open meetings. If these people exist, why can't anyone name even a single one of them? Why do crown ambassadors keep working busy schedules? Why are diamonds always scrambling from function to function if they could truly walk away and enjoy life with income pouring in from Amway? Why are there stories of diamonds having homes foreclosed and a prominent triple diamond involved in bankruptcy proceedings a number of years back?

I think the answer is quite obvious. It's because someone walking away from an Amway business while income pours in is like chasing the end of a rainbow. You can see it but you can never grab it. If not, where are all of these mysterious retired Amway people?


Anonymous said...

All Amway down-lines are intrinsically fragile. They break down easily and quickly, as IBOs become discouraged and leave the business. And when an IBO gives up, frequently his entire down-line will quit too, since they tend to follow his example.

So if you are a Platinum or some other big pin, you are in constant fear that the money coming upwards to you will suddenly cease. The only way to guarantee some sort of stability is to CONSTANTLY RECRUIT, and help your down-line to recruit as well. This endless growth (which is actually endless replacement of losses) requires a ferocious level of propagandizing and browbeating. You have to threaten and frighten your existing down-line to make them stay for as long as possible, and you have to use a hard-sell technique to lure new suckers into the business.

Constant lying and fantasizing and bullshitting -- that's the fuel that keep the Amway engine running.

Anonymous said...

If you are a sane member of the world of retail business to the general public, here is an inescapable condition of your operations: A BUSINESS MUST CREATE SOMETHING THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT. It doesn't matter if it is frankfurters, or hairpins, or cornflakes, or flashlights, or diamond rings. You must offer the public a product that it desires, at a reasonable price.

The weird, crazy, half-assed, idiotic thing about Amway is that it disregards that basic rule. It does not make products that are going to appeal to the general retail market. That is NOT THE PRIMARY CONCERN of the Amway Corporation. It only makes products as a way to disguise its pyramidal structure as an MLM recruitment racket!

Every experienced Amway IBO knows that pushing Amway products on the general public is utterly foolish and useless. Make a few sales to friends and relatives? Sure, why not. But your sales receipts will NEVER come near to covering the expanses (in time, money, and energy) that you have in running the business.

The only conceivable way to make money in Amway is to recruit a down-line of IBOs below you, and to get rich off them. They will make no more money off the sale of products to the general public than you will. But if they too develop down-lines, you just might manage to profit off their fees and PV. That's why anyone successful in Amway (about 1% of all IBOs) is so passionately concerned with recruitment, and all the various tools and training fees for down-line. THAT'S WHERE THE MONEY IS. The products are just a disguise to cover up what is really happening.