Friday, December 15, 2023

If Amway Products Are So Good......?

 It appears to me that Amway sales globally have been tanking. Amway peaked at 11.8 billion in 2013 and has decreased each year, coming in at 8.6 billion in 2017. That's about a 25% decrease over 5 years. This is something that Amway IBOs used to enjoy bragging about but with a slowdown in foreign expansion, we are seeing sales drop significantly. I believe Amway is reaching market saturation with their products and reputation and the big declines back up what I believe to be true.  Even in 2022, Amway sales were at 8.1 billion which means they are nowhere near their best year from 10 years ago.  

Many IBOs and Amway defenders claim that Amway products are simply the "best".  Some even go so far as to call Amway product superior to big box retailer's products. In the past, some unbiased reviews (including consumer reports) of Amway products compared to name brand had some Amway goods rated as average, some were very expensive, and some were satisfactory. Of course, quality is subjective, and it certainly seems that whether or not one is an Amway IBO determines that quality.

But here's the definitive question. If Amway products are so good, why do former IBOs rarely continue to buy them? I mean Amway sales would continue to climb steadily each year if former IBOs kept buying products. And here's another angle on all of this. If some former IBOs do purchase Amway goods, I would bet that they do not purchase 100 PV or more each month as they do when they are IBOs. It would appear that uplines are able to manipulate or create an artificial demand for Amway products among the active IBOs. This is a point of contention between Amway defenders and Amway critics because an artificial demand toes the line on legality issues.  If there was good value to be had, IBOs could remain as IBOs to get access to Amway products along with the IBO discount (if you can call it that).  But somehow, it appears that when the dream of going diamond with untold wealth dissipates, so goes the desire for Amway products, despite what value IBOs claim it has.

There are tens of millions of former IBOs. There are probably less than 200 qualified diamonds in the US. I believe there are more lottery winners than qualified diamonds. But if there are tens of millions of former IBOs and hundreds of thousands of current IBOs why aren't the Amway sales consistently growing? I believe it's because Amway IBOs are the primary consumers of Amway products and former IBOs are not. And because information is easily available on the internet, prospects who are approached can easily google up Joecool's blog or other sites full of information and make an informed decision. I believe that is partly why sales are down, because recruitment and sponsoring of new IBOs is down.

So if Amway products have such great value, why don't most former IBOs continue to purchase them?


Anonymous said...

The products in Amway are nothing but a "blind" or a "cover story." as intelligence agencies put it. The products exist solely to satisfy a legal requirement, so that the racket in question can claim that it is not a pyramid scheme.

It's very true -- former IBOs do NOT keep on buying Amway products. Why should they? They only bought them when they needed to make enough PV to qualify for a small refund check. Once the IBOs were out of the business, their need to purchase excess amounts of Amway products vanished.

Amway's sales are collapsing, primarily because even in foreign countries people are starting to get wise to the scam. There is far too much negative information out there to ignore or dismiss. You can tell people "Don't watch TV!" or "Don't go on the internet!" all you want, but that is a sign of desperation. Amway can't stop us from publishing criticism, just as they can't stop Anna Banana or David Brear or any of the dozens of websites that have revealed the lies of MLM scams.

Anonymous said...

It's the old Amway lie about "prosuming." No one has ever been able to give it a specific definition, except as a dogwhistle word that gets Amway IBOs wet in the crotch.

You either buy things for yourself, or you make them for yourself. The independent farmer in past centuries mostly grew or made everything he needed. Today most people in the developed world depend on cash to purchase what they require.

In Amway no one makes anything for themselves. The Amway IBO buys like the rest of the world, except that he buys some of his stuff from Amway at a discount. BIG DEAL! He's still a simple consumer like everyone else.

Everything said and done in Amway is designed for one main purpose: to disguise the real truth about what's going on. You are in a pyramid scheme where you buy stuff, and you try desperately to sign up other people to buy stuff too, so that you can get a small cut of their proceeds.

The whole thing is actually a mockery of a genuine retail business. This is why serious persons consider Amway to be a joke.