Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Statues Of Critics?

 I often heard the saying in Amway: "there are no statues of critics". To that I would respond, there are no statues of Amway diamonds either.

I often wondered what the Amway opportunity would be without any critics. Most likely Amway IBOs would be blissfully building their business while blindly following upline advice to over consume PV and Amway related tools and functions. If you are in WWDB, have you noticed that your upline is often tracking how many audios you are sending downline and how many people you have attending functions? This is done because upline is trying to plan and makes plans for their projected income. Do the math on a major function and you will easily see what I mean.

Many Amway supporters think that critics exist only to tear down others or to bash the Amway opportunity. I see it completely opposite. I believe that Amway critics are important for IBOs. Without any opposing voice, IBOs would mistakenly believe that they are in Amway utopia except that eventually, they would notice that they are losing their shirts. An opposing voice is a good thing to bring up issues that you may not have thought of. Imagine what you might be like without the ability to feel pain? You might have injuries or illnesses that would go undetected which could eventually kill you. But you upline probably teaches people to "avoid negative". Avoiding excessive negative might be good but avoiding all negative is like an inability to feel pain.

When I was an IBO, our upline (and many others apparently) claimed that nobody made any profits from the system (voicemail, books, tapes/cds. functions). Without any opposing voices, this might still be happening. IBOs had no way of knowing. Upline just told bold lies and got away with it. To this day, none of these "awesome" leaders have even been held accountable for the lies. The diamonds simply ignored it. Sure, they now speak about making some income from tools, but there is little transparency about how you actually qualify for a share and how much you get when you qualify. Why is that?

Critics have also pointed out that many IBOs are taught to ignore important facts such as their profits versus losses. Some IBOs are taught "fake it till you make it" or they are taught to "buy from yourself", both of which are ridiculous from a business standpoint. But without an opposing view, IBOs would never question upline. In fact, many IBOs are taught to avoid all negative such as don't watch the news or read the newspaper. In other words, upline wants you to be apathetic and only read and intake their Amway propaganda. This is why some people accuse Amway leaders of running a cult.

Think about this. I believe that having opposing views are vitally important for IBOs to consider. Valid criticism is good for IBOs who are serious about building their businesses. Constructive criticism is a good thing. If you consider good criticism as negative, just remember: As far as I know, there are no statues of Amway diamonds.

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