Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Upline Conmen?

 When you really look at the Amway opportunity and the systems such as WWDB, or BWW or Network 21, they are more alike than not.  They sell business support materials such as books, audios and function tickets to seminars.  They systems are highly profitable even when the vast majority of IBOs are not.  And the upline like to call themselves mentors or friends who only want your success.  They say they would never purposely lead you astray and have your best interest at heart.  In my opinion, it's a load of hogwash.

Why do I say that?  Because IBOs sign up to make money.  Some have big dreams and desires while some join because they want to make an extra $300 a month.  But the reality of the entire game is the vast majority of IBOs lose money regardless of their dreams, aspirations or desire to make a little extra money.  How is the upline helping these IBOs if they are losing money?  They certainly didn't join to lose money.  Ironically, uplines make money, sometimes lots of money off the support materials they sell to downline, regardless of the results.   Then they use silly analogies such as people signing up for the gym and not going.  I can make this argument; People who sign up for the gym to get stronger, or more fit, get stronger and/or more fit if they attend and work out regularly.   The same cannot be said of IBOs who listen to upline, show the plan, buy all the support materials and follow upline advice.  These folks still lose money even if they do everything upline advises.

This is why I compare upline diamonds to conmen.  They convince downline to trust them and assure them that success will be there, or success is right around the corner if you will never quit and keep doing as they advise.  Then when there are no tangible rewards for your efforts, they claim you didn't do things exactly right or that you didn't actually follow their advice correctly.  The ironic part is that upline like to teach accountability.  They hold everyone accountable, except themselves.  Upline's solution to a failing business is not to cut expenses or come up with a new business strategy, but to invest more money into the same tools and techniques that aren't working.  Doesn't upline also teach that insanity is doing the same old, but expecting different and better results? 

The fact that upline will continue to push more tools AKA business expenses/expenditures on a business that generates little to no revenue just makes them conmen, in my opinion.  They knowingly issue self -serving advice such as buying more tools which they profit from, and at the same time, is adding to an IBO's business losses, regardless of that IBO's ability to afford it.  How is that serving the IBO's best interest?   At the same. the upline enjoys the trappings from their ill-gotten gains.   Then if and when an IBO quits, they are often shunned as a loser, or lost their dream, or some other negative afterthought, even if they gave an earnest effort for months or maybe even years,   

What amazes me is how these diamonds are put on a pedestal as if they are rock stars when in reality, the vast majority just appear to be common thieves.  Just like the original movie version of "Die Hard" when Bruce Willis realizes that the terrorists are really just common thieves, which is what he calls them in the movie.  I would recommend that information seekers look for a book called "Amway  Motivational Organizations; Behind the Smoke and Mirrors", written by Ruth Carter.  It's a chilling look at how a diamond couple looked and appeared wealthy, while actually living a debt and portraying the Diamond Lifestyle.   It's a look at reality of a diamond couple and I suspect its more common than not.  


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