Sunday, November 22, 2020

Be Accountable?

 One of the important aspects of being an Amway business owner, according to upline teaching, was to be accountable.  Be good for your word and don’t write bad checks.  When I was at 1000 PV, my upline wrote me a bonus check which bounced.  Imagine that?  My upline was so embarrassed and asked me to be discreet about it.   That credibility flew out the window and that’s when I started to upline and some of their teaching. 

I also recall my upline stating that time is money and that you should never be late or keep people waiting which is why I thought it was odd that the diamonds routinely showed up for meetings and functions late.  It’s a matter of rules for thee but not for me.  Sort of like how IBOs are supposed to wear catalog suits but diamonds can wear what they want because they can afford better.   So much for product loyalty? 

The diamonds employ this double standard because they want IBOs to keep their word to be CORE and to especially keep their commitment to tools and functions.  In my opinion, this the the main reason why this accountability teaching is so important to upline.   You’d think more IBOs would see through this but too many are indoctrinated and are loyal to the upline leaders.  

The really sad thing is if you are open minded or at least neutral, it’s not that hard to see through the self serving advice and teaching of the upline.  There are many instances of upline teaching utter nonsense.  One great example is to charge yourself full retail price and count that as profit so you can fund your tools and functions. It actually makes me sad when some new IBO comments and parrots the insane teaching of their upline.  I could go on about insane teaching but I’ll save that for another article. 

If you’re and IBO or a prospect, ask yourself this.  Are your upline leaders accountable?  If you think so, why?   Do they hold themselves responsible if you do as they say and you don’t make a net profit?  Are they responsible when you do as they advise and still wind up losing money?   If you can answer that honestly there’s still hope for you.  


Anonymous said...

The only thing that makes Amway work (at least for the up-line big pins) is OBEDIENCE. You have to keep scores of people doing stupid things that make them lose money, and the only thing that will make them continue is a blind loyalty and enslavement to up-line authority.

That's why "love-bombing" is only temporary in Amway. It has to yield to directions and commands and dictatorial methods. And the tried and true way to instill obedience into people is to force them to do silly and unimportant things, just as a way to enforce your authority over them.

Anonymous said...

In Amway, your up-line is never accountable, because you are specifically told "NEVER QUESTION UP-LINE!" If you can't question a guy, he doesn't have to give you any answers.