Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Problem?

 Amway diamonds like to paint rosy pictures of what your life can be like for you will join Amway and do as they advise.  Basically if you just follow their advice and do as they say, they claim you will have what they have.   Nothing could be further from the truth. While there are occasional diamond who overcomes odds to qualify but in the meantime, the masses are failing and quitting while losing money in the process.  

The problem is too many people develop a trust in the upline diamond to a point where it’s dangerous.  Sort of like getting sucked into a cult and suffering the outcomes of dangerous advice and behaviors.  The upline diamond only cares about you as long as you are a consumer of tools and functions.  Walk away and you become a bitter gutless broke loser and quitter.  How’s that for the magic friendship that upline pitches? 

The problem for many rank and file IBOs is they believe that upline truly cares about them when they only care about the money you spend on tools and functions to augment their over the top lifestyle.  But if they don’t push the tools hard. I believe that the diamonds would not be able to find the magical diamond lifestyle that they portray. 

A Q 12 diamond, which is very rare, supposedly earns about $600k according to Amway disclosures.  That that a great income and similar to an NFL football player who’s earning the league minimum wage. But do you think that’s enough to pay off mansions and Ferraris in cash?  That what diamonds claim, that they live a cash lifestyle.  Oh and by the way, an average non Q12 diamond earns less than $200k.  Is this the kind of income that results in a first class lifestyle?  

After taxes and business expenses, I believe most diamonds live a mundane middle class lifestyle although you could argue that they get to do so without a job.  But they also do so without the security of income from a regular job.  But that lack of job security by diamonds is why they put the squeeze on the rank and file downline to make as much income as possible.  If the diamonds didn’t do this, I believe many of them would be either in debt or living check to check like the rest of the US, save for sone very fiscally responsible diamonds.  But how do you accomplish that and live a diamond lifestyle and therein lies the problem.  

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