Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Spring Leadership Conference?

 Around this time of the year, the diamonds and various groups typically conduct their spring conference or spring leadership conference.   It’s allegedly where new platinums speak and tell their stories of being struggling IBOs who did whatever was needed to succeed.  I suppose it gives hope to newer or up and coming IBOs.  I guess you can say that these stories are relatable and inspiring.  

What goes unnoticed is that despite the limited success of these new “leaders”, there are still hoards of down lines who are operating at a loss.  My sponsor spoke at one of these conferences when I was an IBO and it seemed inspiring because it was someone I knew personally who was on the stage and it also felt like if he could succeed then why couldn’t I go the same?   

In fact I was on track to reach the platinum level at that time bud I had already begun to suspect that the tools and functions were a scam.  Looking back the tools are a massive scam.  It is IMO, the reason why tools and functions are a priority to the diamonds.   This is the reason why diamonds say never quit.  Because if you quit, they lose a loyal customer of their tools and functions business.  

This is also the reason why you are to never miss a function.  If you miss a meeting or function, the diamond gets less money.   For new IBOs and prospects, it may be hard to accept but the primary reason for tools and functions is the supplement the income of the diamonds, because perhaps Amway doesn’t pay as well as they lead you to believe.  Products are expensive and difficult to sell, which leads to a high attrition rate.   Thus diamonds need to peddle tools and functions.   Don’t believe me?  Do the math and follow the money. 


David said...

Hi Joe Cool:
Thought you might like to know Amway is downsizing their workforce at the Ada Headquarters. There are 900 employees slated to be trimmed. From reading the article, I got the impression that number could be higher. The complete story is at

Anonymous said...

Amway's compensation plan is so bad that other MLMs make fun of it. They call it "the Amway trickle," since all anybody receives in Amway is a tiny percentage ( a "trickle") of whatever profits are made. And the prices on Amway products are simply unreasonable and out of line.