Monday, November 20, 2023

Are IBOs "Suckers"?

 Quick disclaimer, I was once an IBO. Therefore, I was once a a sucker myself. Of course, back when I was an IBO, it wasn't so simple to google Amway and find so much information. Basically, I was fed many lies about the business and the training system. I was fed the 2-5 year plan. On the surface, it sounds very reasonable and achievable. However, the reality is that the Amway reputation is so tarnished that it's nearly impossible to get people to see the plan, let alone actually sponsoring people into your downline.

I was also told that the training system was vital and that nobody had ever succeeded without it. Of course, that is a lie because some of the current diamonds and crowns pre-date the emergence of tools. Also, the reality that maybe only 1 out of tens of thousands of IBOs achieve diamond in the US should be an indicator of your likely results. Many dream of going diamond, but very few ever get anywhere near that level. Even those who do achieve diamond, likely find it nearly impossible to maintain it. This is evidenced by the number of diamonds who fail to qualify and end up quitting. Seems that only the ones who profit from the tools stick around. It looks like the tools is where the "residual" income comes from. But that income is from constant traveling and working and not from walking the beaches sipping exotic drinks.

Amway also charges exorbitant prices for some of their products. Take double x, basically Amway's flagship vitamin product. It retails for about $80 or more while IBO pricing is around $60+.  A site visitor once left me a message that Amway employees (not IBOs) can purchase double x from Amway for around $12. I tried to confirm with Amway but they did not or would not confirm it. I believe that Amway could probably make a healthy profit selling double x for about $17. Let's not even get into Amway's perfect water (bottled water) which used to retail for nearly $50 a case.

The somewhat entertaining part, is that with all the reputation issues and high prices, is that many IBOs are convinced that they need an endless supply of training in order to succeed. Some upline even have the gall to tell their audience to look at the fruit on the tree. Well, the trees are barren with the leaves falling off, like many trees in the winter. Basically, Amway and the AMOs survive by continuously recruiting new and unsuspecting suckers to join. If you truly believe your upline cares about you, try missing a few functions and see if they still edify you. Many people have been suckered in the past. Hopefully, with readily available information, the tool scam will finally be exposed for the fraud that it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Amway plan is touted by its promoters as "simple" and "uncomplicated." So why in hell does an IBO need an "endless supply of training" from all the monthly tools and meetings? You only need a limited number of lessons to learn to drive a car, and maybe a few months of driving experience. After that, you're a good driver.

In an Amway AMO, the tools and the training are an end in themselves. They function solely to bring a steady source of money to your up-line. It's amazing that IBOs haven't figured this out.