Sunday, November 26, 2023

Business Owner Or Customer?

 One of the silly things IBOs say is how they need to be their own best customer. That a McDonald's owner would never eat at Burger King, etc. That is complete hogwash. While there is nothing wrong with supporting your own business, IBOs are blinded by the fact that their business produces nothing. They are simply middlemen distributors. Do you really think diamonds consume thousands of dollars of standing orders because they own or profit from tool companies, which are for profit companies that produces training materials? Of course not. When you purchase something from your Amway business, you make no profit. Any "false" profit you see is simply money out of your own pocket moving to the other pocket. The Amway corporation makes the profit. Yes, you may receive a volume bonus, but that is still a lot of your own money being given back to you. Spend $300 and get back $10. If you can get enough people to follow you and move volume, your bonus will increase, but the increase then comes out of your follower's pockets instead of your own. The only real profit would be selling product to actual non IBO customers.

I know some business owners and they are never the best or sole customer of their own stores. Many Amway business owners are their only customers or their best customer. That simply is not how a business is run. Any REAL business cannot support itself by having the owners and perhaps the owner's employees as the primary customer base. For any business to thrive, you need customers and a demand for products. Without customers and a demand for products, you have no business. But some upline leaders still teach "buy from yourself" as the primary means of doing business. Other leaders may ask you to sell, but to focus on sponsoring others because they are hopeful that this will result in increased volume. Sadly, most IBOs will never sponsor a downline and many will never acquire a customer other than themselves.

It seems as though many IBOs think they are business owners but the reality is that they are simply glorified customers of their own business. Their only hope of making a profit is to sponsor others. In my opinion, this method of doing business is a pyramid because the only way to eventually make a profit is to sponsor enough downline until you can leverage enough volume to finally break even or profit. An IBO with a real customer (and not buying tools) can make a profit by selling a single product. But many IBOs are not taught this because their upline makes a much bigger profit by selling to their downline IBOs standing orders, voicemail, books and seminar tickets. Many IBOs do not realize that they are simply customers of Amway and customers of the tools system.

For people already involved or considering involvement in the Amway opportunity, you are highly encouraged to seek more information and to fully understand how a profit is made in this business. Simply seeing circles drawn oversimplifies the process as most IBOs never get close to finding six (6) like minded people. Even those who find six are unlikely to be able to retain them. Over time, the cost of the products and the cost of the training will start to add up and the losses will escalate. For real business owners, an assessment of profit/loss and return on investment should be done and if the return is not good, a real business owner would consider other options.

So are you a business owner or a glorified customer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's impossible to run a retail business without having customers. This is so goddamned obvious that it is hard to believe thousands of Amway idiots fail to perceive it.

The real truth is that Amway IBOs are the actual customers -- they buy Amway products for self-consumption, and they buy all the various tools and training materials that their AMO creates and requires them to have.

The only way out of this profitless situation is to build a huge down-line and maintain it forever, and hope that this down-line will keep expanding so that you can make a profit off the volume they produce for you.

This is the textbook definition of a pyramid scheme.