Friday, June 28, 2024

Pigs Don't Know Pigs Stink?

  I recently came across some (older) comments on a blog indicating that they had recently heard comments about "Pigs don't know pigs stink". This stems from a tape recorded by a WWDB diamond named Dave Severn. The slogan was quite popular when I was an IBO and I'm sure that some Amway IBOs still toss around the phrase. It was basically used to describe people who weren't in Amway. They worked hard at their jobs, but they were "broke" and weren't getting anywhere.  At least, that's what Amway IBOs thought.  

At least the Amway IBOs (who were also broke) were doing something about their financial situation (Amway!). So, the ignorant rest of the population didn't know any better, thus the term pigs don't know pigs stink. Having been out of the business and having done a great deal of research about Amway and the Amway groups such as WWDB and BWW, I can say the exact same thing about IBOs. IBOs don't know IBOs stink. 

Of course, I don't mean that literally, but business building IBOs order their products each month. They pay for their standing orders and attend all the functions. They try to recruit new prospects and they use all the catchy phrases taught by their upline or off a cd. They are very likely losing money each and every month, all the while thinking they are becoming successful and better or nicer people. 

At the end of the year, they sometimes suffer massive losses in the thousands or tens of thousands because purchasing all of the tools and training materials add up to a tidy sum of cash after a while. At the functions, they smile and act positive, even when they are losing their shirts. Upline will edify their dedication and teach them two very important, but self-serving advice. They will teach IBOs to never quit, and that if IBOs quit or fail, it is always their own fault, even if they did everything upline taught them. In this manner, upline removes any responsibility for the IBO's failure. Ironically, upline is quick to accept responsibility for any success (even if there is little). 

All the while, IBOs are attending all the meetings, doing all the steps they have been taught. They act alike and in many cases, look alike. Most of them also share a common result. They are losing money, and many are losing lots of it. They are simply taught to ignore the losses and to remain positive. Most people eventually figure it out and walk away from Amway. Most will never mention their involvement again and because many are sponsored by friends and family, will never file any formal complaint or discuss their displeasure. The IBOs continue to associate with their positive and active fellow IBOs, all the while their bank accounts are shrinking and transferring funds to upline. Pigs don't know pigs stink indeed.

P.S.  I also recall one of Dave Severn's stories where he seemed to frown on investing,  He said he recalled a stock broker calling him with a "hot tip" on a stock.  He laughed and told the story of how he said (not verbatim), "Look here Ace, I'll invest as much as you are".  As if to imply that the broker was unwilling to invest in his own recommendation.  It seems as if Amway diamonds didn't want people to invest because it would tie up disposable income that could otherwise be spent on tools and functions.  After I left Amway, I started to invest in the big tech companies and I'm doing quite well these days.  :)

It's sad that diamonds are so self serving and greedy that they give advice that not only scams their faithful downline, but to discourage investing and/or college for Amway is disgusting and insidious.

Diamonds don't know diamonds stink?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Amway AMO subsystem (URA, BWW, WWG, Network 21, and all the others) doesn't want you to spend money on anything except what is connected with the Amway racket. They are deeply angered if you do, because in their view your money is supposed to be available for THEM.

They really think that way. They have a morally righteous idea that you (as a down-line IBO) should function as a cash-machine for them at all times.

Here's some advice for Amway IBOs -- every dollar you spend in the Amway racket is a dollar that you will never see again. Get out of the pyramid scheme now, while you can.