Sunday, August 25, 2024

Attack The Messenger?

 Recent comments on this blog have been quite interesting lately. Some heated, some inflammatory and some just silly. But what many Amway defenders fail to understand is that I am simply sharing my experiences and observations. I feel that is serves as an information highway for prospects who are looking into the Amway business. When I was in the business, the internet was not quite as accessible as it is now. Thus, this blog is an easy way for people to gain information about my experiences in Amway.  This allows people to make informed decisions and to possibly avoid problems that I experienced firsthand as an IBO myself.

Information seekers are free to ask questions, or even dispute what I have written. I do not disallow comments that are pro or con with regards to Amway. I allow both sides of the story to be expressed here. I moderate comments to prevent spam and sabotage, which I experienced in the past.  Joecool's blog has had millions of visitors since its inception. It's clear that my message is getting out there. But I say that commentators should question the message and not the messenger.

Quite often I see people leaving comments that I am lying or wrong, but the comments never seem to specify what is wrong or inaccurate about what I am writing. Plus, how can my experience be wrong? It's my experience and that has been confirmed by the many other bloggers and by current evidence that is available on other websites on the internet. For example, I still see (in particular, WWDB) IBOs talking about buying homes in cash, and how the world has a 60% divorce rate while WWDB members have a 2% divorce rate. Where do IBOs get this garbage? They are taught this crap by WWDB leaders. And guess what? IBOs pay good money to learn this crap.

The truth is that Amway people and the world probably have the same divorce rate, but it surfaces as an issue because IBOs make these silly claims. It's also ironic that some WWDB leaders who spoke of buying homes in cash had homes foreclosed and one of them was in bankruptcy proceedings recently. A WWDB leader who said that Amway saved marriages is now either separated or divorced. These same leaders at one time SWORE that not a penny of profit was made from tools and function sales. We now know the truth and these leaders were never held accountable.

That is the truth. Attack the message, not the messenger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of the lies come from the AMO subsystems (WWDB, URA, Network 21, BWW, etc.) The Amway Corporation of Ada, Michigan distances itself from the bullshit that these various subsystems spread, but the damage is done and Amway's overall reputation suffers.

I notice that not many defenders of the Amway racket show up here anymore. Deep down, they know that the things we complain about are in fact quite real, and they have no coherent arguments against us. Besides, their up-lines in the AMO subsystems have forbidden them to come to anti-Amway or anti-MLM websites.