Monday, August 19, 2024

Lying IBOs?

 Just about everyone has heard or experienced some Amway horror stories. Stories about being tricked into a meeting or being deceived about the opportunity. The Amway name omitted when presented with the opportunity. Outright lies at times. Usually, these things happen when IBOs are on the recruiting trail. They are so desperate to find downline that they will do anything to get a prospect, not thinking that deception will almost ensure that nobody wants to do business with you. There are countless stories of someone being tricked into an Amway meeting. My first brush with Amway was just that. I was invited to a "beer bust" in college, only to find out that I was at an Amway meeting.  I walked into a room and there are people in suits.  Now that's a bit odd.

But why do they do it? I believe because uplines still teach it.  They teach fake it until you make it. Claims of untold wealth, residual income, easy life. Think of this. Has a single diamond ever disclosed their actual income so people can see if their claims support the lifestyles they portray? In the past, some diamonds due to court proceedings, had to disclose their earnings. While nice incomes, it was nowhere near enough to support the "cash" diamond lifestyle that the big pins show off. The cash lifestyle that the diamonds often brag about is a myth. If you do the math, you can easily discern this.

Many use $100 or $200K as the pinnacle of success, but many do not realize that after taxes and business expenses, that doesn't leave enough for more than a middle-class lifestyle. I suspect many diamonds are in debt trying to show off a lifestyle to recruit hopeful downlines, I certainly don't believe that diamonds pay cash for everything as many of them claim. I also believe that many diamonds actually live in debt trying to portray a lifestyle that they can't afford. Many in the US live in debt. Why would diamonds be the exception?

So why do Amway IBOs lie? I believe it's because they have to. The truth would not be enough to attract recruits into Amway. The average IBO makes pennies and those on the tool system lose money. The products are not competitively priced and so even the products must be boosted up at times with false claims (i.e. concentration, etc.). I believe IBO's lie about Amway - because they have to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People in Amway have to lie to you, because the simple truth is that 99% of all Amway IBOs never make a dime in the racket. They just pay money every month to their up-lines.

Also, there is very strong "us-against-them" mentality in Amway. If you are not in the business, the prejudice against you is intense and vicious. You are considered stupid, a loser, a failure, and a menace to your friends and family who are in Amway. This means that in the eyes of Amway it is vital that you be ostracized and mocked. So as a result, Amway freaks feel free to lie to anyone about their racket, pumping up the deception that anybody can get rich in it, and pretending that their individual businesses are "doing great."

Lying is second-nature to persons in Amway. They lie all he time to outsiders, but more important, they lie to themselves. After a while, they don't know the difference between a lie and the truth.