Sunday, August 18, 2024

Million Dollar Business?

 So many Amway IBOs mistakenly believe they will work for 2-5 years, own a million-dollar Amway business and retire from their jobs then walking the beaches of the world while cash rolls into their bank accounts. Sadly, most IBOs won't get anywhere near to the dreams they were sold as prospects in the Amway business. This in my opinion, is the crime in all of this. To fill someone's head with false dreams and hopes and then profit off them by selling them tools that will not help to fulfill those dreams. In fact, the cost of tools is what sometimes leads to financial ruin for some IBOs.  All the while, upline is showing off trappings and luxuries that they likely obtained with tool money rather than Amway money.

The fact is that most IBOs will never sponsor a single downline and many IBOs will not even have a single customer. What kind of business can become wildly successful and profitable without a lot of customers? It seems that only in Amway and some other MLM offshoots do we see this warped teaching of buying from yourself as a means to become successful in a business. Many people, desperately wanting it to be true, will buy in and give the business a try. Then after a while when progress stalls or it becomes painfully obvious that things aren't working out as promoted, they get discouraged and quit. Most IBOs quit and never complain, partly out of shame, or perhaps these former IBOs don't want to complain about the friends and family who sponsored them.

I would challenge prospects to go and look at a million-dollar business. Go to the mall and see what some bigger businesses look like. Does your Amway business resemble it in any way? Do you have customers in proportion to a million-dollar business? Heck for that matter, does your upline diamond really have what looks like a million-dollar business or is their real business selling you standing orders and function tickets? It would appear that standing orders and functions are a million-dollar business. Many unsuspecting IBOs are the customers of the tool and functions. Unfortunately, there is no unbiased documented evidence that the tools do anything other making your upline wealthy.  Therein lies the scam in all of this.  

When prospects finally realize that there are 2 businesses operating side by side, the Amway business and the tools business, then you can finally understand the scam behind the whole operation. 

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