One of the secrets that most IBOs don't figure out about Amway is how the money is made. This is because your upline probably hasn't been forthcoming about their secrets. Tens or maybe close to a hundred million people over the years have seen the Amway plan either at a coffee shop, someone's living room, or maybe in a convention center or hotel ballroom. In my day, Amway was promoted as a way to make money and save money. I doubt that this has changed very much over the years.
But let's get real. Do you really think you can get rich selling basically vitamins and household products person to person and to your family and friends? I would venture a guess that many people struggle to meet the 100 PV minimum defacto quota. And that 100 PV bracket is likely to get you a whopping $10 bonus. Apologists will claim that it's $10 more than you get from Walmart or Costco. Let's examine that. If I spend $300 at Walmart or Costco, my cashback credit card gives me about $3.00. Not a lot, but still I am "paid" to shop. Next, I can get 36 rolls of kirkland toilet paper for $11.99. If you buy meadowbrook toilet paper, I am already ahead of you in overall savings and that doesn't include the savings from other common or similar products. Never mind the time you spend fnding customers and downline, plus the expenses associated with running a business. Obviously you won't likely mae a lot of money selling products person to person.
So how do these diamonds earn what appears to be a sizable income? The answer is simple. They sell voicemail, premiere club membership, standing orders, book, seminar and opne meeting tickets and other materials. While a rare individual may actually move up the ranks to become an emerald or diamond once in a while, the rest of the rank and file IBOs end up with a net loss directly attributable to the purchase of these tools. Selling tools to a group of thousands can be a huge source of income and might be able to sustain the sports cars and other luxuries that are shown off.
The very sad, and often unseen reality though, is that the system doesn't work. It never did apparently work and there is no documented unbiased evidence that the system does anything to help Amway business owners to succeed and thrive. If it did, there should be new diamonds emerging every month. In North America, there were maybe a handful of new diamonds in the last ten years or so, give or take a few. But no steady progression of success. Instead, the same old tired diamonds are still on stage selling their wares (tools), with little notable success growing beneath them.
Can someone make money in Amway? The answer is yes. But the truth is that you can earn much much more selling tools. Amway defenders like to say "anyone" can succeed in Amway. To that I say "anyone" can win the powerball lottery. While Amway is not a game of chance, there have been more powerball lottery winners in the US than new diamonds in Amway. And powerball lottery winners did far less work.
another thing anon and the other elitists of this joke of a business should think about before pulling the trigger--and missing--AGAIN!
Dude.... I have been saying for years... There is a possibilities to make real profits from the business without the "Systems" but no one was willing to listen.
DUDE! That is what I have been saying for years. It is very possible that, one will succeed in this business, only if they do not participate in the system. Also, I have figured out a different "Commission Structure" to allow the Newbie to make more money, and able to stay in business. The Structure is more bonus from the bottom up, and not from the Top down. In order for the upline to make more bonus, he will need to build the legs wide, instead of depth.
amway is a cult.
kevin. about 8 yrs ago after high school me and some friends decided to try this and nothing seemed to work for us. we just figured later on after starting it was a scheme or we just were too young to understand and what not about getting people interested. recently one of my friends decided to try it again and says some things have changed and whatnot, and right now he seems to have some success so far. Far more now than he did back in day. One way I can think of is just selling the products you can find on the website. they give you a website when you signup and my way of thinking is to promote your website to the best of your ability as any business and in time profits are to be seen. That is just one idea that I had and been thinking about, but I read your comment above about people arent wanting to listen to you and if you like you can give me an email and we can IM each other and talk about it or whatever. if you are to get this comment you can contact me at
Usakor is obviously a seller in this scam scheme.Indeed online business may be more efficient but not with scamway.
I think the haters are thinking this is a get rich quick scheme...and it isnt. you have to stay with it. I have been doing it for 8 months now and am making "42,000" a year(on top of my real job). It doesnt take a lot of time from your week. and you just spread the word to people. if you arent having success, its because you arent doing it right!
BS alert. How can you make 42,000 a year when you've been at it for 8 months?
idioot cause thats how its figured. people average their monthly income to come upwith the amout they would make in a year, that does not make it a scam. pretty sure you are a little kid if you didnt know that
i just started amway like 3 weeks ago. i ve told all my friends but no one seems to care. i really believe i can do it, but its hard to get pple. if anyone can help me. please.
im in amway and if anyone can help me, i just started. i ve told all my friends but no one seems to care...
looks like a little kid just wrote that...
that should be a red flag!
I joined Amway in the early 90's when I was in my early 20's, and my Diamonds, Gerd and Patricia Spier of California, we're in this Thing called Network 21. I spent a lot on books, tapes, and meetings. I mean, A LOT. When I was still failing, I just figured it was just me and that I just had to think more positively and take more consistent and converted action. I remember being in such awe of the leaders at the front of the room because of all the glitz and glamour of the events and the wealth I aassumef these folks acquired as the result of building profitable businesses from the sale of Amway products and catalog items as the result of hard work. But, it was not until I met Crown Ambassadors Dallas and Betty Beaird that I learned the truth -- namely, those at high pin levels made the majority of their money from books, tapes, and meetings and NOT from the actual Amway business itself. Those leaders like the Beairds, who opposed formation of the "systems" as a way of what they called "fleecing the sheep" continued to flourish by selling products and NOT hiding the Amway name. Meanwhile, Directs at all levels who joined Network 21 saw their PV drop dramatically, making them even more dependent than ever on money made from the Systems they joined, forcing them in effect to pawn BTM's even further as their group PV went down and as rank-and-file distributors continued to invest their money and hope into the systems ... Hoping to do well if only they held on long enough. Dallas, who is still my friend, continues to tell me that old System diamonds are returning to working with him again, going back to the original principles on which Amway was built. Once I learn the ways of Internet marketing in a usable way, I plan on returning to the Amway/Quixtar business. Only THIS time, I will build it right, focussing on product sales and just building a group as customers later express an interest in becoming distributors. If anyone out there has a thriving online Quixtar business, especially on the retail side, please post your email here so that I can contact you. Thanks so much, and warmest wishes to all readers for continued success!
I just met some people from Amway and went to a meeting. The main focus was making a list of people you know and filtering them by who might be interested in learning more about this "amazing opportunity" by making money off of stuff you already buy. Right now I'm just exploring to see if there is a way for me to make extra money on top of my day job. I would like to focus on marketing the products and synergy, not trying to convince my friends to join.
agree i know people in amway that are getting good cash off of it like this guy gets 800,000 a year plus bonuses so he doesnt work anymore and i've met him b4. Also it all depends on you amway gives you the authority to sell and if you take this business serious enough then you'll be a success. Hint: is not about selling the products really is about moving volume for points and achieve ranks.
is that true much can i earn within a year of beginning? seldom sell goods.
I just joined amway 2 months ago. In the beginning I was a skeptic, but now I am optimistic of the opportunity. So far I've broken even with an original investment of a little over 160 bucks. So I made 160 bucks in two months which isn't a lot of money, but from this point forward everything I generate is profit assuming I don't buy any CD's or books. I have been reading the books and CD's but they are borrowed from my upline.
Aside from the amway business itself, just the information I gained by listening to the diamonds and emeralds etc., was very motivating. Some of the tips and advice they give you to try to help you succeed in amway can also be used toward any other business you do in life. The experience I gained from running a e-commerce business will stick with me forever. Everyone I've met so far in the amway business is extremely positive and just being around positive people all the time opposed to negative people telling you things won't work or you won't make it taking that approach, just puts you in a different mind set.
Amway isn't for everyone, but if you're a entrepreneurial minded person like me, I think joining amway and staying active and communicating often with your piers can potentially give you confidence, moral boost and help you deal with rejection because presenting amway to people... You will be rejected 90% of the time. Some of the things I learned through amway was never taught through the school system. The risk of joining amway is so low compared to the potential reward you can gain. I say give it a try, it may or may not work but you make the decision. Don't let these negative people influence your judgement.
you're a piss-poor excuse for a human being.
amway sucks\
Help, my friend has taken me to two plans now and it's very convincing! Is it POSSIBLE to make money or not?
well you can make money from amway but you just have to keep selling the products and duplicating your business. just do it every day for 2years and youwill see. i rather doing that than busting my ass off at a job for 10 years without getting a pay raise and still might get laid off... #amway pin breaker!!!
have your mentor help you get people
People fail and succeed in all aspects of life... Some people stay married their entire life and others get divorced within their first year. I have seen people start the same franchise, in the same shopping centre and one guy failed while another made it work. In life you have winners and then you have losers...
I will put money on it that people who failed at Amway, most likely failed in other aspects of their life as well. These are the useless people we all know who think by getting a number you automatically should make money. This is not a pyramid scheme yet all losers in life want to join, sit back, and then when they do not make money, tell you that this doesn't work... YOU DIDN'T WORK!!! This is a business loser. NO WORK = NO PROFIT!
If you are not capable of doing a proper due diligence and simply listen to other losers in life and follow and spread their opinions you are spreading lies.
When reading these blogs you clearly see why some people are successful and others fail. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do, and yes, it is that 4 letter word: WORK...
I am in no way associated with Amway and my various businesses allowed me to retire many years ago at the age of 31 but that doesn't mean that I do not look, evaluate or judge other businesses. Robert Kiyosaki is also not involved with Amway or Network 21 yet he rates it as one of the best business vehicles around today if you would like to set up significant assets without risk and much capital investment.
Be awake enough to see the business potential and don't miss this or other opportunities because a loser who fails at everything in life, failed at this as well and wrote on a blog. My brother in law has had a gym membership for 10 year and is 60 pounds over weight. Do gyms work or not??? I think there are better questions to ask. Rather ask people who have succeeded in life for advice than people who are very wise but no better off than you. Surround yourself by winners and you will become a winner. Keep reading blogs, where you have no idea who wrote the story and you will become a loser, just like the loser who could not even make a success of Amway...
For not being associated with Amway, you sure do use a lot of tapespeak. So which other MLM do you work for?
They let you borrow the material to get you hooked. The line I was exposed to did the exact same thing. "Here listen to these amazing CDs! You'll learn so much!" Then, once you are hooked to hearing about Amdrew and Amyway Amwayfield's glorious story of having college loans (just like you), having insurmountable debt (at some point we all hit a low), working in a restaurant, retail or as a teacher (the line I was exposed to seemed to be entirely filled with these people) and then they became diamonds and drive flying Delorians and ride unicorns on snipe hunts; you will inevitably want more CDs.
"I want to hear more about how Am(way)anda the waitress made bazillions! Also, can you give me a book on how to be exactly like these people (instead of being myself)!!!!"
The CDs I listened to were:
90% "Hi, I'm so and so, and this is all the cool stuff I bought with money." and "I mentioned this on my other CD."
9% "You can do it too! Just trust your upline! Follow them! They know how to make you a diamond!"
1% "Here's a little tip, when you run into so and so situation..."
Seriously? Proper due diligence?
PROPER due diligence leads people away from this "opportunity".
Don't feed us that line about asking a surgeon about surgery either. Would you believe the car salesman or thousands of internet opinions about a new car you might buy? That is a better analogy.
Sure, everything on the internet would just be "bathroom wall graffiti", as they put it, if it were just a few bathroom stalls. In this regard, it is posted behind glass above every urinal, in nearly every bathroom across the internet. I've read somewhere, when reading opinions on the internet, breaking even is usually 6 bad reviews to 1 good review. People are more likely to expend energy to expose negative aspects of something than commend good. If you do REAL due diligence, you will see that the ratio is much higher than 6:1.
You can't trust the 'surgeon' in this regard because you are, likely, not talking to a 'surgeon'. It is likely you are talking to someone who also thought they were talking to a 'surgeon'. They are no more successful than you are at the moment you signed up. Think about when you first told your first downline how amazing an opportunity they were joining, when you had NO CLUE, as you had done nothing as well. DECEPTION PERHAPS?
Kiyosaki's books are sold through the AMOs. You're right, he has nothing to do with Amway, but everything to do with making money off of the poor unsuspecting IBO locked into a 'system'. Hasn't he also been a speaker at a seasonal conference? I would imagine he was paid handsomely for that.
so true...congrats!!!
hi fi!!! so true i totally agree everyone has there opinion but if you dont work hard for the best you wont get the best.... :)
The fault is with Network21, i see amway tries to discreetly address that. Eg amway policies contradict those of Network 21 (tools). Amway is releasing its own presentation and FREE training which focuses on selling and recruiting sellers as well as comming out upfront about being an amway distributor. For other ABO's lets look into this open mindedly and not be so defensive. We can learn from this criticizm. to all the chritics thx for helping me refine my strategy. If I can sell sand I can sell good amway products
How do you do it the right way! I didnt make a dime and I was in the Britt organization. I would be willing to look at it again
Thanks to the positive thinkers in here!! Negative thinkers, I've already forgotten about you.
Well said Angie!
i agree with that. the problem is that it doesn't work in SCAMWAY!
lets face it...amway is normal for some people to dislike amway as a buisiness or the products...not all people like cars, or bikes, or smoking....every person is for the legal part, it is stupid to believe that a 54 years old company with such gowth over the years and giants fighting against, like P&G, Unilever, Henkel, etc is ilegal...
Yeah Amway rocks if you want to make pennies or lose money.
I tried Amway but found the products to be far too expensive for myself family or friends perhaps online you might have a better chance these days but id rather start a home business that is free where i don't have to dress up like a fake -
hmu Neil,
Too expensive, everybody's looking to save money on everything, not spend more just bc someone in the family is selling this stuff, just saying!
Get the idea of "getting people" out of your head. You don't need to "get" people, just show as many people the opportunity as you can and let them decide. It's the attitude that matters. You have the opportunity they may want but not know it yet, or may not ever want.
The business is basically this...change the way you shop. Redirect money already being spent in your own home. This does NOT make you rich by the way :). The hard work is then telling people about it.
You're not in sales, you're in marketing and advertising. Huge corporations pay millions to advertise, Amway doesn't, it pays people to refer. The more people you refer who then redirect their shopping, the more you're paid.
That's a simplistic explanation, but people seem to make it harder for themselves.
bullshit amway fraud peoples
I am an IBO and have made over $3,000. I only started four months ago. The Federal Trade Commission recognizes Amway as a legitimate business. So does the NCAA. The national football championship is the Amway trophy. When you look to see where your team is you look at the Amway coaches poll. But you are probably right lol. It is a scam hahaha.
I am an IBO and have made over $3,000. I only started four months ago. The Federal Trade Commission recognizes Amway as a legitimate business. So does the NCAA. The national football championship is the Amway trophy. When you look to see where your team is you look at the Amway coaches poll. But you are probably right lol. It is a scam hahaha. If you want to learn the truth about the business shoot me an email and I'll educate you. Michaelsumner17@yahoo. Com
Show me where the FTC recognizes Amway as a legitimate business. BS.
The national championship is not the Amway trophy. More BS.
When Amway apologists say that you can make money if you are ready to "work hard", they mean, can you sell the same nonsense that hooked you to a whole mess of down - line suckers while keeping your state of mind in a constant quasi - religious fever pitch that can only be articulated by spending money you won't be getting back on Amway motivational garbage that might have sounded vibrant and original in, oh, 1971. Telling people to quit their jobs so they can give you money and somehow end up rich is not work. It is a swindle, the act of a crook. I have more respect for junkie pickpockets than I do for the liars running this big global scam.
It was the trophy sponsor in 2014 but like any argument from an Ambot the only reason it was a sponsor is $$$...this doesn't give Amway any bad no one makes any in this scam!
Funny I just posted on an above comment about Amway sponsoring the 2014 NCAA football trophy...I though they don't advertise? more failed ambot logic lol
I am a member of N21 and would like to expand my business can u help me with that?
What do you need help with?
Everyone here is right. It is you yourself you have to look at. If you think this is a scam, it will be a scam and it will not work for you because you already think negative about it. That is it, you are done, good bye and you will always see things negative your entire life. If you think positive, this is an opportunity to change your life, make extra money, chase after your dreams, etc. then it will definitely work for you. This is the only opportunity they are willing to help you achieve anything in life. Will someone achieve your dreams for you? NO, if your son/daughter is willing to do it for you or you are doing for your son/daughter. Will your job give you want you want? NO! IF THEY ARE THEN WHY COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR JOB/MONEY/BLAMING GAME. Will listening to people get you what you what? NO! NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR YOU, YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOURSELF. YOU TAKE THE ADVICE OF PEOPLE WHO IS GOING TO HELP YOU SUCCEED OR THOSE WHO WILL PULL YOU BACK AT THEIR LEVEL. THERE ARE ONLY TWO TYPE OF PEOPLE, PEOPLE WHO ARE CHASING AFTER THEIR DREAMS(BIG DREAMS ARE ACHIEVABLE) AND PEOPLE WHO STOP CHASING(EMPLOYEES WHO CHASE AFTER SMALL THINGS). WHO WOULD YOU RATHER GO WITH, SOMEONE WHO IS STRUGGLING FOR SOMETHING IN LIFE OR SOMEONE WHO GIVE UP AND STOP(I AM TALKING TO PEOPLE THAT HAVE BEEN CHEATED TO WORK THEIR ENTIRE LIFE AND ACHIEVE ONLY ACHIEVE A LITTLE BIT OF THEIR DREAMS)? IS THIS TRUE? IS THIS FALSE? YOU DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO LEARN THE TRUTH OR NOT. WHEN THERE IS MONEY, YOU CAN THINK OF ALL THESE KIND OF THINGS YOU CAN DO, BUT WHEN PEOPLE DON'T MAKE ENOUGH MONEY THEY STRIVE TO MAKE MORE BECAUSE IF THEY DON'T THEY CEASE TO EXIST, THEY STOP DREAMING, THEY STOP LIVING.
Amway is a scam and a really poor business opportunity. Amway's own numbers and stats just confirm it whether you like it or not.
You guys are idiots. Amway is legimate and a worthy business. They own an NBA team and I personally have made money in this buainess
Anyone with enough money can own a professional sports team. It doesn't mean that Amway is a good business.
You made money in Amway? Great. I make millions running this blog. I guess blogging is a good way to make a living.
To "Amway rep" --
Amway is a legitimate and a worthy business? Really? Then why do 99% of IBOs never make a dime in it?
You claim to have made money in this business. How much was that, exactly? A ten-buck refund check after you bought $300 of crummy products to make your monthly PV?
Don't give us your Amway bullshit here, pal. We're old hands at eviscerating MLM propaganda.
Amway just sells vitamins, Xs drinks that I barely have a good time finishing it's content as it taste very weird while I drink it without trying to cough it back up, and selling shampoo.
Do you really think this will make a millionaire within the next 4-5 years?
My cousin can't even make dent close to 100k per year with Amway. If Amway was the best in the house for doing what it does then it should be more much known making more income than the average companies daily while being honest to their work.
If you can't make yourself a millionaire within the next 4-5 years in it and 5 years is the average magic number to check how good you're looking back on your business. Then Amway failed you and more so if the average company make more than you do, this also include part time jobs. Your job is to sell products...not dreams... people don't care about your dreams as they're only interested in the item they're purchasing from you. That's the whole point in selling products. If you're selling dreams then it's a personal goal, it's not a business one.
If you're in Amway that promises you to get rich quick and that it's the only business that will help you get there WHILE you're doing part time job in spite of that, then you're just contradicting yourself that you won't need another job, but you just did. You're just going to work anyways with a part time job. I bet you can even make even more money without being part of Amway all together while doing your job alone. If any friends in Amway tried to attempt to be ridiculing you when you're getting out of it, then they're not really your friends or mentor. They just showed their true colors to you. Your best move is to move away from them and find real friends outside of it.
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