Friday, December 28, 2012

My Upline Has Credentials?

I recently read a comment from an Amway zealot. She mentions that someone's credentials must be considered when looking at information that is presented. I will comment that showing me a sports car or a fancy suit is not proof of financial success. Strange how they question credentials of everyone except their beloved leaders, some of whom told bold faced lies in the past.

I find this subject ironic because not one single upline leader, as far as I know, has ever supplied bonafide credentials about themselves. The audience assumes that the person on stage has high credentials, but do they really? Certainly, if someone is wearing a diamond pin for example, that this person has at least achieved the diamond level as recognized by Amway, but the level may not be current, and the level doesn't indicate the kind of income this person earns from Amway. Also, the diamond pin is one that is like a lifetime achievement, meaning you could have been diamond for 6 months in 1982 and never qualified again, but you can still wear the pin as you are still recognized as having achieved diamond status. I guess Joecool should be refered to as 4000 PV if that is the case.

What many people wrongly assume is that the diamonds buy homes and cars in cash, that they wake up at noon every day and participate in leisure activities all day while the cash rolls in. I have heard from some new IBOs, that their upline makes more money taking a crap in the morning than a critic makes in a whole year at a job. That IBO became quiet when some critics offered to take that bet. I doubt that any diamonds would take that bet.

But the truth of the matter is that as far as I know, only former diamonds have come clean about their Amway income. They are the only ones who spoke of credentials and accomplishments. Even critics of Amway will often openly speak about their experiences and achieved levels in the business. In the REAL business world, showing business tax returns and credentials are a normal part of doing business. It appears that only in the world of Amway is the supply of credentials and financial statements a big secret. Now I am not suggesting that IBOs or upline leaders should disclose their financials to the entire world, but certainly prospects and some downline should be able to see what their upline is doing financially, especially if that is the basis for purchasing their standing orders and function tickets. And I refer to business (Amway and Tools) income and expenses only, not from other personal sources.

I believe that IBOs and upline leaders do not disclose that information because it would not be beneficial to them. If it were, they would likely publish it freely, just as they flash around copies of checks. IBOs and prospects should take this to heart and ask upline the tough questions


Anonymous said...

Here are some facts. On average in the USA we see each year. 40 new diamonds , 700 new emeralds. Nobody below that earns much money. I estimate 50 000 join each year. On average it takes 7 years to reach diamond. So if you are thinking of finding freedom you odds are as above. I dont have the numbers for how many diamonds requalify in the _USA. Here in europe we find after 10 years all diamonds qualified 10 years before have quit. So it seems to me this is a business structured to almost guarantee failure. Does that make sense joecool.

Joecool said...

I highly doubt there are 40 new diamonds and 700 emeralds yearly in the US alone. But yeah, nearly everyone below emerald loses money and yeah, this business + tools nearly assures that all downline loses money.

rocket said...

40 new diamonds? No way. I don't believe that for a second. Over 3 a month? Whatever.

I find that more believable, sadly, then over 58 new Emeralds a month.

In the US alone. I could believe there are 40 diamonds and 700 Emeralds in total in the US that are still in the business.

I'm not going to insult anonymous, but i will cheerfully insult your numbers. Where on earth are you getting this information?

Complete and Utter BS.

Anonymous said...

The global 2011 figures were 339 new diamonds and 1532 new emeralds

Anonymous said...

I just read that a guy in australia went crown this year after 23 years in the business as he said working with tenacity. How can it be worth to give up 23 years of your life for that.

Anonymous said...

What i dont like about this business is even if you make diamond what would you do for retirement. There is no pension or health cover from the business. As soon as you retire at say 60 , your business would start crumbling. With todays life expectancy you would probaly havE 20 to 25 years of retirement with no income. So what then.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why amway people beat up on having a job. With a job you are guaranteed an income every month , with amway you are not guaranteed any thing. In a job you are free to come home to your kids every night, with amway you have to be on the road showing the plan. With a job you have your weekends free for leisure , shopping , family activities etc. With amway you are away at functions , cold contacting etc. In a job you have your vacation guaranteed and you are paid whil enjoying time with your family. With amway you need to be working the business. More important than all this with a job you can pay your mortgage over 20 years or so and be debt free. And with a job you can have a pension when you retire and enjoy a long period of your life with income. With amway there is no pension and even if you were diamond your business would crumble when you quit working it. I would say 85 % of people in jobs are guaranteed a good life. In amway 99% of peeple are guaranteed to make nothing. And even among those making diamond their earnings are relatively low, a high % will fall out of qualification and none of them can ever retire. So what does amway have to offer. I quit amway at platinum level because it was obvious i would be better off in a job. Didnt i do right joecool.

Anonymous said...

Here in France i see 31 diamonds listed of which none are still in business. In the uk i see over 20 diamonds listed and 1 is active today. Does this happen everywhere. If so why would anyone spend 5 or more years working this business.

Anonymous said...

I think people need to look at the efforts needed to make diamond. I read a double diamond saying he put 6 to 7 days a week into it for 17 years. So he missed his whole prime years say from 25 onwards. Even if you had a written contract that you got the dd income , would you give uP your life for it. So the validity of income and its sustainability is one thing. The effort needed is another. Neither makes it worthwhile. And this ignores completely the question of will you ever get beyond 15%. So i just cant understand why anyone signs up.

Anonymous said...

Hi rocket. The figures came from an add up of amagram magazine month by month over a 6 year period. I can give them to you by state if you wish with the no of months each took to get to diamond. Some further is global diamonds were 339 and emeralds 1532 ( in 2011)

Anonymous said...

Ps rocket. I did this exercise after seeing the plan and to test the likelyhood of success. As a result i decided a career as a CPA would be more fruiful. Infact even working in a fast food part time would be better.

rocket said...

I will need to see it to believe it. I still call bullshit.

ExAmbot said...

Greed? I found out recruiters sanitize that greed and interepret it nicely as that wannabes own dreams.

ExAmbot said...

Same reasons why some people join and stay in a cult, and don't see it as such for sometime.

ExAmbot said...

"I dont understand why amway people beat up on having a job."

It's an artificial enemy that serves to gravitate everyone toward a common foe. It binds an individual to a group. That increases the likelihood of that person staying in. As long as they continue to stay in that person represents $$$ to some upline up the chain. There's more to this when you delve into cults but those are the simple MLM economics at play here.

ExAmbot said...

First you can't retire from ScAmway, and certainly not with a residual income. Second, foresight would be to live well below the means at diamond level, accumulate fluid cash and invest it elsewhere to provide an income upon retirement. It's a diabolical plan but it works anytime (skip Madoff & such). To me it's diabolical because the problem is between now and then what one is doing is fleecing the masses, proclaiming to them "this is the best business bar none" while knowing fully well that their unseen/untold plan actually rests elsewhere. It's tantamount to one milking the cow while they still can. Bill Britt used to teach he does not touch the stock market. He of course has, not surprisingly, accumulated millions personally, a greater majority from owning BWW's CDs manufacturing plant. Not even the other downline diamonds have such a facility or such a source of wealth accumulation nor the luxury to retire like he does.